All Chapters of Taken by the Heartless {Book One}: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
74 Chapters
The car pulled up and Leo, Eros' assistant quickly went out of the driver's seat, went over to the back door and opened it for Eros, he stepped out and stood tall while Leo went over to the other side and opened the door for Dimitra. Eros waited for her to come to him, then he arched his elbow and she put her hand in. They walked hand in hand to the entrance of the tall building that had about eight-four floors. Two security men opened the door for them and bowed slightly as they walked into the reception.They were going to meet up with his business partners for a new project that requires a couple to handle. Eros didn't bring women to his business, so he had never thought of settling down, but the project at hand needed a married man or at least a committed man, he would have rejected the offer if it wasn't for the amount involved and the relationship he has with the clients. He didn't have anyone to go with, so he called up Dimitra since she was the only woman, he had close c
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Eros was restless and paced up and down his balcony, Cassandra was driving him crazy. Thoughts of her were imprinted deep in his memory, never had he seen anyone so adamant and strong-willed as she was. He was tired of tormenting her to bend her to his will. The torments don't seem to bend her, rather they seem to strengthen her the more and he was furious about it. He didn't know why he was so fascinated by her anyway. She was just like every other woman he had slept with, there were no differences in their cunts, but he still wanted her.Maybe Javier was right, he should loosen up a little, she might come begging, but how would he loosen up to a mere woman? He bore a grudge against women, a grudge birthed by his mother, and these women keeps proving him right, maybe except Cassandra, she was a whole different species of her own and she sure hit him like a meteorite. He ran his fingers through his messy hair and walked into his bedroom. He shouldn't be wasting his time thinking
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Cassandra was caught between two men whom she didn't want to provoke. She was sure that Apollo would retaliate if Eros did something to her and that would be the end of everything. Apollo was no match for Eros when it comes to violence. If he ever finds out that Apollo was there in disguise, he will kill both of them and rip their flesh from their bones, so she was going to keep it cool with Eros, at least now, she has something to live for. At least she was sure of one thing now, Eros won't force himself on her if she didn't want anything, Lucia was right about that.They followed Bully to the dining where the table was set for two, Eros was already there seated, stalking her with his grey eyes that reminded her of the sky. She didn't hide the surprise on her face, and she looked at Apollo, his face was expressionless, she hopes he doesn't make a fuss about this later."Sit," Eros said with authority, waving her to the chair opposite him.Cassandra obeyed without hesitation. Sh
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Later that evening, a knock came at the door and Apollo answered it. Lucia stood there with a folded dress on her arm. Apollo glared at her, and she stared back at him. "What do you want? he asked. "Master has requested her presence."Cassandra who was trying to catch some sleep jumped up from the bed when she heard Lucia's voice. "Lucia!" she called. Lucia ran past Apollo who was still standing there confused and ran into Cassandra's open arms. "Oh, my God, I have been looking out for you," Lucia said. They hugged each other for a while before they pulled away. Apollo ignored them and went to the window, looking at the people that were playing games. Cassandra dragged Lucia to the bed. "We have a lot to talk about." "Yes, because I am curious about why master Eros is sending you this dress and requesting the chief to make you up. It looks like you both have a date tonight," Lucia said, shoving the dress to Cassandra. Cassandra looked at Apollo, he seemed uninteres
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Cassandra agreed to do what Apollo said but loving a man like Eros was going to be a difficult thing to do. She couldn't bring herself to love him or even pretend to love him, but whatever she has to do for their escape. What she didn't bargain for was his charms and the way he was easily claiming her, even though she refused to reconcile with the feeling that he was slowly crawling into her soul. When he grabbed her hand in his living room, she felt a grab on her heart, not what she had bargained for. He said he was not going to take what she was not prepared to give. What was she prepared to give? Not her body certainly nor her heart. But why does her heart spark whenever he touched her? She was surprised at his attitude towards her since morning. He was no longer that grumpy, arrogant, heartless man she knew, but seeing him opening doors for her and being all gentle seemed strangely creepy to her. Whatever he does will not make her forgive him. He killed her father. She kept
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Eros watched the drunk woman in front of him. It was so obvious that she was drunk, yet she stubbornly refused to admit it. He sighed. Women will always be women. The clients left after discussing plans for their arrival in Miami. He didn't understand the essence of convincing people about true love to make them use a service, but since it was fetching a lot of money, he was all in, even though he wasn't a man of love. He watched Cassandra grab the bottle of wine again. She was hellbent on proving that she was level-headed and for some strange reason, he found her so cute and didn't know about the smile plastered on his face until she asked him about it.She scowled and belched and pointed at his face. "Why in god's name do you have that smile on your face?" Her voice was a little high and drew attention to them.Eros looked around and found some heads turning quickly away from them. Instead of getting irritated with her like he always did with women, he found it amusing and chuckled.
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Somewhere on the way, Cassandra had stirred in her unconsciousness, and it had pacified Eros. He has never been this out of his mind seeing someone hurt before. When they got to the mansion, he got out of the car, took Cassandra out of the car with Leo's help, and carried her bridal style toward the house. He kept looking at the perfection that was her face as he approached the front door. The cut on her forehead didn't mar the beauty and it drew him in more. The pronounced lines of her eyebrows, her lush eyelashes, her straight, small nose, the beautiful contour of her cheekbones, and her slightly parted lips, she was all shades of beauty and mystery to him. Bully and Apollo came running out to get Cassandra from him, but he restricted them, shoving Cassandra away from their outstretched arms. "What happened to her?" the guy Apollo asked concerned. Eros ignored him, but something shifted in him, something was not sitting right with the concern in the guy's voi
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When Cassandra opened her eyes, she had that two-to-three-second grace period before she remembered who she was, and her body announced its condition. She was having a blinding headache, followed by a wave of nausea and the quivering of her fingers. She didn't recognize the room she was in and tried to get up but the pain in her temples was so intense that she saw stars. She slowly eased out of the bed sideways, holding her head and almost fainted when she saw a man standing by the mirror, donning a suit jacket. She knew the man so well to recognize him even with his back towards her. Eros Castillo! What the hell was he doing here? No, the real question should be; where was she? She looked down at herself, her dress was still intact. As if on cue, he spun and met her eyes, making her heart spike by a hundred degrees, a cocky grin lit up his face. "Estas despierto, tesoro," (You are awake, treasure) he said. "Where am I and what am I d
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Lucia dragged Carlos up the stairs as quickly as possible. He followed her sheepishly like a sheep being led to the slaughter. It's been a while since they did their little rumble. Since Dimitra woke up, Carlos has not been steady. When they got to the restroom, Carlos started to pull at her blouse but she slapped his hand off and folded her arms across her chest. With his face creased into a frown, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Is everything alright?" "No, everything is not alright. You said you will buy my freedom, but you haven't done anything about it since." Carlos had promised to buy her freedom. He had said he would pay Eros to own her, he didn't like that he had to come over to Eros' to have sex with her. He was beginning to like her and he wanted her to be his, but he just haven't found the time to speak to Eros about it. He sighed and held her shoulders with both hands, turning her to face him. The pout on her lips made her look cute. "I w
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Cassandra was busy pondering over what Bully said about Eros investigating Apollo. She needed to meet Apollo and let him in on the latest. Was this not why he kept her here? To get as much information as she could. She was also trying her best to look unperturbed in Bully's presence. For all she knows, they might know something was going on between her and Apollo. She had long lost her appetite for the food in front of her, but she kept picking on it to erase every suspicion. Bully has been trying to pick up interesting topics, but the conversation dies down a few seconds after it has started because her mind was occupied with something else. Sudden footsteps ran down the stairs towards the kitchen. She was curious to know who wore heels in the mansion or was she not the only woman there? Her question was answered when Dimitra came rushing into the kitchen with her face red with anger, made for the cabinet, and grabbed a bottle of wine, totally ignoring them. They watche
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