All Chapters of The Heaven Hill Generations Series: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
217 Chapters
Chapter 11
Tatum"Last winter, when I got my hair done before Christmas, I did it for Remy." I start my story from the beginning. Glancing down at my soup, I play with it before I drop my spoon and give myself over to the memories. "I wanted him to look at me like an adult. On my birthday, I cornered him and kissed him, the way I always wanted to."Charity chuckles. "Poor Remy, I bet he didn't know what hit him.""No," Mandy interjects. "Pretty sure he knew he got hit by Tornado Tatum, who's never heard no for an answer." She cuts her eyes over at me. "Am I about right?""It wasn't the fact I've never heard no before, Amanda." My voice is sharper than I mean for it to be. "He called me a brat too, but that's not even what this is about." I play with the spoon again, refusing to meet their eyes. "It was about my heart skipping a beat every time I saw him, how his voice warmed my stomach, how my day was better when I saw him."Charity makes a noise. "Tatum, do you love Remy? Because that
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Chapter 12
RemyMost guys, no matter what their age, would kill to be where I am right now. In the middle of a strip club. But I have to admit, working at Wet Wanda's is one of my least favorite jobs for the club. I hate the way men with wedding rings come in and throw money their families probably need at scantily clad women. I wonder, what do their wives think about them being here? Do they have little kids at home waiting for Daddy to walk through the front door?At the same time, I realize a lot of that is my damage; how I sat at the door waiting for my dad to show up, and how he rarely did. When he did, it was never good."How's it going?"I glance over my shoulder, seeing Tatum's brother walking over to stand beside me. Drew's got a couple inches on me, but I've bulked up in the past year. There was a time when I would have been intimidated by him standing next to me. I'm not that guy anymore."Ready to get the fuck outta here," I admit, blowing out a breath. "It's been a long day
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Chapter 13
RemyThis has been the longest day of my life, no fucking exaggeration. I don't think I've ever wanted it to be quitting time more than I do right now. Every time there's been a free moment today, I've let my gaze travel across the busy road, to where my brother's garage is located. Once or twice, I think I've gotten a glimpse of Tatum, but she's kept herself either hidden or busy for the most part today.A hand claps on my shoulder, and I manage not to jump. Behind me, Liam speaks, so I give him the respect of turning to face him. "Tate called and told me she's riding with you tonight. I don't have to tell you how important that little girl is to me. Being careful is paramount to me, but know this about her. She hates wearing a fucking helmet. That girl, she likes the wind flowing through her hair, the bite of the cold at her cheeks, and she'll fight you if you try to make her put it on. I've tried for years, but she keeps mouthing back that it's not a law."I chuckle softly, ti
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Chapter 14
TatumI don't think I've ever been as excited in my life as I am right now. Remy letting me into any part of his life is a huge step in the right direction."This is it." He hits the lights.I'm amazed at what I see; he was right, it's very small. From where I stand in the doorway, I can see the kitchen, the living room, which looks like it doubles as a bedroom, and a door off to the side, that I'm assuming is a bathroom. There's a window air unit and a fireplace that I can't wait for him to light."Let's shut the door and get some heat going in this place. There's the fireplace and a wall heater. The wall heater can be turned on remotely from the clubhouse if it gets too cold," he explains as he ushers me inside. "I had busted pipes once, and I don't want to mess with that shit again.""Can we light the fireplace?" I have visions of romantically lying in that bed with his arms wrapped around me, the fire crackling as we discuss the issues there are for us to deal with. Do I
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Chapter 15
TatumHis pleased smile is almost my undoing the way it lights up his face and transforms what can sometimes be such a serious expression. His eyes sparkle and those plump lips spread wide, making room for his straight, white teeth. "I seem to remember at every family dinner with the club, you always begged for spaghetti."My face burns, happy that he remembered something like that, really happy he was paying attention."Yeah." I agree. "And I'd get so mad when they'd fix something else. Drew and Mandy weren't huge fans and made me feel like an ass for wanting it all the time. So when I did get it, it was a special occasion."I'm standing so that my back is to the counter and he's in front of me, reaching around to grab the door of the small fridge. "This is a very special occasion, and I thought you should have your favorite," he says with a happy smile.Letting my hands travel up his chest, I shoot him a grin as I clasp them around his neck. "You're my favorite.""You're
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Chapter 16
RemyI'd be lying if I said this didn't seem like a game changer. I never thought this woman would give me a shot again, would ever be able to look past how badly I hurt her, if I would be able to look past how badly she hurt me. But here we are, fixing to explore one another for the first time in over a year. I feel like a virgin again as I lead her to the bed and have a seat on the edge. I pull her between my legs, and for a few moments, we just are. She puts her arms around my neck, I put mine around her waist. Almost as if it's second nature to both of us, I lean so that my head rests on her chest, she leans so her cheek rests on top of my head. It's the most comfortable I've been, the most relaxed I've felt in a long time. I let the scent of her hair hanging around us take me to another place. I let the feel of her body blanket me, enclose me in a cloak where it's just the two of us.Our bodies have a mind of their own, though. Without a conscious thought of doing so, I lift m
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Chapter 17
TatumMy body is on fire. Everything I've ever imagined Remy doing to me is happening right here, and right now. Since that night in the garage, I've wanted repeat after repeat. I imagined the things I would do to him, but what I didn't count on are the things he's doing to me."Rem." I sigh as I pull my lips back from his, throwing my head back on my shoulders. His fingers dent the flesh on my thighs as I rock against him. My fingers dig into his shoulders then travel up to the hair on his head when he levers off the headboard, capturing my hard nubs one by one in between his lips. Doing what we've both learned I love. Sucking and tugging, then soothing. Something about the way he does it in succession gets me. I'm dying to get closer to him. Each time he makes a lap of my body, I spread my legs wider, move farther down."Shit," he breathes out when I finally dip down far enough so that my panties rub against his hard length. Pulling his lips back from my tits, he rests his head
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Chapter 18
RemyI jolt awake, not by an alarm like I usually do, but by the smell of food and the feel of soft kisses on my neck. Memories of how Tatum and I've spent the last few hours tangled up in each other are at the forefront of my mind. This is the best way I can remember ever waking up.Reaching behind me, I grab hold of the back of her head, pulling her mouth closer to mine. She leans over, her hair tickling my arm. "How long have I been out?" Judging by the fact I smell either food cooking or already done, it's been a while."I'm not sure," she admits. "All I know was I woke up starving, so I made us dinner. You slept the entire way through it, even when I made noises of frustration about not knowing where everything is. You must have been tired." She rests her head on my chest as I turn over onto my back.Lazily, I put my fingers through her hair, lightly scratching her scalp. I lick my dry lips and argue with what I want to say in my head. How do I tell her I haven't slept wel
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Chapter 19
Tatum"Bout time you brought your lazy ass home."I smile to myself as I hear Addie start in on me. We'd seen each other for a quick wave before we'd both left for our respective jobs."I knew this would happen as soon as you saw me today." The grin doesn't leave my face as I continue taking my laundry out of the dryer."Why are you doing laundry on a Wednesday? You're typically a weekend washer." The arch of her brow is suspicious."I'm not going to be here this weekend," I carefully speak the words, preparing for the onslaught of questions I know will come."And where in the hell will you be, Tatum Walker?"Continuing to fold the laundry, I turn to face her fully, almost cracking up at the pose she's struck. Her hand is on her hip, eyes drawn in question, and she's pointing her free hand at me. "Need I remind you, that you aren't my mother, Addie? Even when sometimes you're worse than my mother. For your information, I'm going to spend the weekend with Remy."She rela
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Chapter 20
Remy"Why are you looking like something the cat dragged in?" Harper asks me, eyeing me up and down when I meet her in the morning for our daily breakfast."Out late with Tate," I admit, a huge smile on my face. I didn't have time to shave, barely had time to shower, but it was totally worth it."What?" she squeals as she brings our normal sausage biscuits and OJ out to the table."Yeah, took her out to the house last night."Her eyes bug. "Rem, you've never taken anyone out there before, like we hardly go out there.""I took a chance." I shrug, hoping to force a nonchalance I don't really feel."How did that chance go?"On the way over here I wondered what I wanted to tell her. Most of my life I've shared everything with both Harper and Cash because I trust them in ways I've never trusted any other two people in my life. But in the same way, I want to keep what Tate and I have away from everyone else. It almost feels as if I let other people in, I'm opening us up for j
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