All Chapters of The Rutherford Series: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
268 Chapters
Chapter 41: Losing Faith
Selby glanced at the clock on the wall behind his counter. Closing time. By now the offices of Rutherford Construction were locked down, and Faith was about to give Edwin the experience of her mouth. Selby could picture it and felt the mixture of excitement and jealousy knot in his stomach at the same time his cock twitched in his pants.He snatched up his briefcase and locked the store. Pausing at the door to his Accord, he glanced at Joe's Bakery. Another girl stood behind the counter by now as Tracey always went home around three, which made sense since she was usually there at five doing the morning baking and prep. A sigh lifted and lowered his chest. He wasn't sure just how he felt about Tracey, yet. That wasn't true. He knew how he felt, but he worried that Faith felt the same toward Edwin.Selby opened the car door, sliding behind the wheel as he plopped his briefcase onto the passenger seat. Soon, he was backed out and heading east on New Haven toward the Melbourne Causeway a
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Chapter 42: Losing Faith
After dinner, Selby helped Faith do the dishes, grabbed a bottle of wine, two goblets, and headed for the fireplace room. He was ready for a quiet night in front of the fire with a good book. When their little adventures remained out of town, their weekdays remained more subdued, holding a semblance of normalcy. Now, with the game players in their everyday lives, they shoved all hints of routine out the door. Tonight, he wanted to regain some of that quietness again.Faith grabbed one of her smut books as he called them and sat with her back on the opposite sofa arm and her feet in his lap. She held her book with one hand and her Pinot Noir with the other. Selby stared at her for a moment, enjoying how lost she was in what she read. His wine sat on the glass table beside him, his book in one hand. With the other, he reached down and massaged her feet as he returned his attention to the novel he read. Faith moaned with the first squeeze of his fingers, and he just smiled. This was a nor
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Chapter 43: Losing Faith
"I'll just have water with lemon," Faith told the waitress. She slid her napkin over her lap as Tracey mimicked her order."I'll be right back while you take a peek at today's specials." The waitress bounced away as Daisy's Café began to fill with the lunch crowd."You know your husband will pout because I left him to eat by himself, right?" Tracey had dropped off a bagel club sandwich to Selby as she told him she was having lunch with Faith. He wasn't thrilled about it, but at least he wouldn't starve. The two of them had been having lunch together almost since Tracey bought Joe's Bakery & Café."How did he seem to you this morning?" Selby had been as quiet that morning to Faith as he had been when they had climbed into bed. There had been no playfulness, no smiles, no "How about a quickie before work." Something was obviously on his mind, but Faith had no idea what it was.The waitress bounded back with their waters, taking their orders while Tracey took a sip of her drink before ans
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Chapter 44: Losing Faith
Faith decided not to wait until she returned home to make things right with Selby. As she slipped past Ashlynn and into the halls of Rutherford Construction, she passed the Girls' Den and headed for Edwin's office. She wasn't even going to talk to Cherish about taking the rest of the day off, because Faith already knew what her sister would say."And leave me here alone? It's too late to call Nessa in to help, and Ashlynn is useless for anything except blowing bubbles—or the men. No way! Get back to your desk." Of course, it didn't matter that Cherish left her alone every time she could without a care as to what it did to Faith's day. But then, Faith didn't mind working and actually preferred it when her sister wasn't there. However, Faith wasn't giving her the chance to put the nix on her plans, so she bypassed her sister and went straight to her boss.Or, at least, she thought she had. As she neared Edwin's office, she heard Cherish arguing with him about something Faith couldn't qui
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Chapter 45: Losing Faith
The lunch crowd trickled out of Downtown Melbourne when Faith pulled up in front of Selby's store. The day was bright with a slight chill rustling the trees that lined the sidewalk. Faith found herself giggling as she locked her car and stepped up on the walkway to Selby's Downtown Books. This was even more fun than her games with Edwin.The bell over the door called out her entrance as she passed through the doorway. Selby stood close to the counter, shuffling through a stack of paperbacks. He turned at the sound of the door, and she loved the look of confusion on his face when he saw her. It was obvious he wasn't sure how to react, and that he expected someone else to come through the door, like a customer."Is everything okay?" He set the books on the counter and turned toward her, taking a step as he did in her direction. "What's wrong?"She smiled at him. "Everything is fine. How is business today?""It's a mad rush of customers as you can tell." He gestured at the empty bookstore
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Chapter 46: Losing Faith
"And did you get to talk to your husband last night about taking a trip with me?" Morgan Brewer came in first thing that morning and propped himself on the corner of Faith's desk. She tried hard not to stare at the outline of his cock in his khaki pants, but it proved difficult.She nodded, forcing herself to look into his eyes. "I did, and he said it was all right with him. We're just curious about the specifics. You know, room, food, my job here."After Selby took her bent over his counter, they both decided it was best to just close up shop and spend the rest of the day home in bed. They turned their phones off and left their clothes piled on the floor. When they weren't having sex, they talked about everything going on in their lives and Morgan's request for her company on his trip west was one of them.Morgan shrugged. "Edwin will deal with it while you're gone, although you'll probably have a mess to clean up when you get back. The company will cover expenses, and I'll add some h
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Chapter 47: Losing Faith
But, Faith couldn't stop thinking about it. Nor could she deny the wetness that grew between her legs, the warmth that was building to distraction. Isn't this what she told him she wanted? To be his whenever or wherever he wanted. The only rule was that it wasn't to interfere with Selby's time. And Edwin wanted her, right there, right then. Surely, he knew the risks and would account for their protection. He'd be just as worried about getting caught as she was. He had more to lose.Wouldn't he?It was a bluff. Surely, it had to be a bluff. Yet, he hadn't bluffed so far. Perhaps, it was just a test to see if she meant what she said.She couldn't think. She glanced at her watch. Nine. Everyone would have already been there for whatever they needed and left.No. She shook her head. She couldn't allow those thoughts. It was way too risky. Work. That was it. Focus on work.She printed out the job list, picked it up off the printer, and headed for the door. "I'll be back." She tried to slow
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Chapter 48: Losing Faith
Selby reached into his briefcase and pulled out the picture of Chelsea he retrieved from his home office that morning. He wasn't sure why he went and pulled the picture from the album. He just felt compelled. It was probably due to everything that was going on with Faith. As he glanced down at the picture in his hand, he remembered with vivid clarity what overtook him eighteen years ago. Tracey said he hadn't lost himself, but rather had found who he was inside. He struggled ever since with whether or not she had been right. As he thought back to his college years, specifically his time with Chelsea, he knew the sex was extreme and addicting, even the humiliating aspects of it. Yet, it was during those brief months that he had the most intense orgasms.With a sigh, he slipped the picture back into his briefcase. He picked up his Grumpy mug and sipped the lukewarm coffee. Work was the last place he wanted to be. The mood he was in required the sandy beach and a cold beer. Sooner or lat
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Chapter 49: Losing Faith
Faith locked up her desk and shut down her computer. The day was over, and she was ready for her deck and a glass of wine. Cherish had been in another of her mad-at-the-world phases and refused to talk to Faith even if Faith spoke first. When the ice queen finally went home a few moments ago, it was as if a shroud lifted and life could begin again.Locking her office door, Faith went past Edwin's office, which was already locked and dark. She stopped in front of the door, knowing a smile pushed upward on her cheeks. He hadn't even said goodbye for the day. She shook her head, shocked that it mattered."It's just a game," she whispered to herself as she turned and made her way to the back door. One more weekday before the weekend and Faith wasn't sure if she was excited or depressed. While a weekend was a much-needed break from her work and her sister, it was also two agonizing days away from Edwin's hands. She didn't know what he planned next, but she was dying to find out.As she unlo
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Chapter 50: Losing Faith
He smiled at her as she slid from his truck, and then he drove off, leaving her alone behind an abandoned motel with the taste of him on her lips. Her heart did a drum line in her chest as the entire situation cascaded over her, and a grin decorated her face. And then she giggled. And giggled. Then, she busted out in triumphant laughter. She had dared to do something she would have fainted from a few short months ago.Still laughing, she slid back into her small truck and headed home. She contemplated what she would tell Selby about being late. It would excite him she did it, but also upset him at the dangerous location. The adrenaline of what had only been a fifteen-minute adventure still streamed through her when she pulled into her garage.The front of the house was quiet when she dropped her purse and keys on the bench by the front door. Selby's briefcase was already there. Passing into the kitchen, she heard music playing from the back deck. She could smell hot food—lasagna?—but t
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