All Chapters of The Harper Twins: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
181 Chapters
Chapter 41 - Sibling Rivalry
The sun caressed her flesh as she laid on the sand, the sound of the waves below her mixed with Clint's daughter's squeals. Karla loved the beach. She just didn't love the people who came to the beach. Unless it was men gawking at her body, she much preferred a lonely beach. She could go topless then without worrying about being turned in for indecency.She could feel Aimee's eyes glaring at her, but she didn't care. She was over her sister and her pious attitude. Who was she to judge Karla when she was playing around with two men? Miss Morality finally had men paying her attention and suddenly everything she had preached before was out the window. It was fun to watch."Hey, Karla. How are you doing today?" Clint reached down and grabbed a towel, dripping cold water all over Aimee who screamed as she tried to jerk out of the way."Living life to the fullest. How is Mr. Mom doing?"He just laughed as he stood and finished toweling himself off. "Covered in sand and salt water on a Sunday
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Chapter 42 - Sibling Rivalry
"Could you have been any more annoying today?" Aimee tossed her towels toward the washroom, missing the open door and hitting the wall, instead. She couldn't believe her sister behaved the way she did in front of Clint, but even more so in front of Abigail. It was beyond inappropriate. "Oh please. Pull your bathing suit out of your ass and relax. I didn't say anything a three-year-old was going to catch. And besides, your Mr. Mom seemed to like the teasing." Karla opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. She stood by the counter as she took a deep swallow, her body covered in sweat and sun tan oil. Aimee would be envious of her sister's size six if she wasn't so pissed off at the moment.Aimee turned and faced her sister, her hands on her hips. "Why are you being such a bitch? You ignored the way I wanted to handle the car repair. You're being rude to Clint. You're doing everything you can to dictate my life to be the way you want it to be and not what I want. Why?""I'm
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Chapter 43 - Sibling Rivalry
Aimee picked out a simple red pullover and a beige pair of shorts. She had enough sun today and didn't need to get burnt any more. Granted, the sun would be down in just over an hour, but why chance it? As she slipped into her deck shoes, her cell phone trilled. Mitch.She took a deep breath before sliding the lock to accept the call. "This is Aimee.""Oh, so serious. You working on a Sunday?""Sorry. No, it's just the habit I got into back in college and have never changed it. How's it going?""Nervous?" He laughed as he said it. She must have sounded off. It wouldn't surprise her. She felt off. She wasn't expecting him to call her. Luckily, he didn't wait for her to answer him. "I just wanted to call and see how you were doing, and to tell you again that I was glad you made it out last night. I was hoping we could see each other again this week."Another date? "That sounds nice. I'll have to see what my week looks like.""Dance card all filled up, huh?""Well you know, a girl has to
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Chapter 44 - Sibling Rivalry
Aimee watched as Karla left them and walked over to where Abigail played with her dolls. "And who are these lovely ladies?" Karla sat down as she pointed to the dolls on the table.Clint glanced at Aimee, a smile decorating his face. "You okay?" He whispered it in order not to draw Karla's attention. Aimee was glad for that.She nodded. "Yeah. Thanks." She forced a smile upon her face as she stepped closer to him. She couldn't explain what was going on, so she pushed it aside. "How are we doing here?"He stared at her a moment, and she knew she hadn't fooled him. Yet, he wasn't going to push. "We're ready to light it up. Ribeyes for the adults and a hot dog for the little one who hasn't developed taste buds yet.""What can I do to help?"There wasn't much for her to do. Clint prepared everything ahead of time—corn on the cob wrapped in foil and seasoned, potato salad and even beans in a pot ready to be heated on the grill when the steaks were ready. A bottle of wine sat on the table al
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Chapter 45 - Sibling Rivalry
Karla hated to admit it, but she actually had a good time last night. She went with the intention of stealing her sister's love interest but wound up enjoying just being there in everyone's company, instead. She even enjoyed little Abigail, and Karla wasn't overly fond of children. It wasn't that she really hated children. She just didn't like having to watch everything she said or how she behaved. She never knew what would come out of her mouth and quite often it spewed forth before she could think better of saying it. Most often, it was some off-color comment or a slutty remark she thought was funny as it bounced around in her head. It was funny when it came out, too, but it wasn't always appropriate for those under a certain age. She preferred being uncensored.Of course, the fact that she had a good time last night meant that she woke up that morning feeling somewhat guilty for her motives and behavior. She felt the need to make it up to her sister and she knew just the way to do i
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Chapter 46 - Sibling Rivalry
Aimee stretched her arm out and took the manila folder that Ginny passed to her. "I need these filed, and copies sent over to the courthouse.""You got it," Aimee said back to her. "And Bryan needs a consult on a case he's working on. He's in his office."Ginny nodded. "Any fun plans for lunch?""Not unless you think a cold turkey sandwich is fun. I think I'm just going to sit in the break room and catch up on some reading. My life has had too much drama in it lately."Ginny propped her elbows up on Aimee's counter. "You still fighting with your sister?""I didn't think I was, but then she pulled something last night that left me wondering what the hell was going on. She's pissed at me for going out with Mitch, and so in order to get even, she's trying to go out with Clint.""Maybe you two should double date and then halfway through the night switch partners. See who likes who better. Might be a fun way to end the evening. Give a whole new twist to the bonding twins' thing."Aimee laug
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Chapter 47 - Sibling Rivalry
The day was over, finally. Aimee felt like the last three hours just dragged. All she wanted to do was get home to a hot shower and perhaps hitting the Jacuzzi. Hopefully, no one else had the same idea and she could have the whole place to herself. She needed the retreat, although she wasn't sure why. She just felt anxious. It was weird. A knot in her stomach kept getting pulled tighter and tighter, and it felt as if it was about to snap, leaving her with a nasty mess to clean up. She had enough messes, lately.She was still confused by Karla's generosity with the tickets. Part of her wanted to take her sister at face value and think she really did want bygones to be bygones. Yet, then there was yesterday when Karla said she was ready to screw the rules and go with the flow, only to wear her sexy sundress down to the pool area, hoping to entice Clint. Aimee had been fooled then. She was worried she was being fooled again and the tickets were merely a diversion. That was the problem wit
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Chapter 48 - Sibling Rivalry
For a Monday night, Sand Dune was busier than Karla expected it to be, people doing their best to drown their Monday blues or looking for that pick up that would put a little spark into their weekday. There was no band or DJ tonight, Paul choosing to play music through the stereo system, instead. The lights were still dim as people huddled around tables, nursing their drinks as they shared their weekend exploits with their friends. Paul flirted with her all night long, playing grab ass as she maneuvered around him behind the bar. She would just smile and push her ass into his hand as she dared him to do more in front of the customers. Of course, they didn't care. They watched and cheered him on to greater displays of sexual harassment in the workplace with the new girl. Paul was happy to oblige. That is, he was until Mitch walked into Sand Dune and took a seat at the bar. Then Paul's mood took a drastic turn for the worse."Looks like you're enjoying your new job," Mitch said, as she s
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Chapter 49 - Sibling Rivalry
Aimee stood outside Clint's door, her hands shaking as a weight pushed down on her chest. It was time to find out what he wanted of her, to tell him about Mitch and see how bad she may have screwed up everything. If she was going to move forward with one, she had to drop the other. With Mitch standing in front of her, she decided that Clint was the safer choice. Mitch was too unpredictable. He played a game and Aimee wasn't interested in playing any longer. If she gave him up and focused on Clint, it would also have the added benefit of ending the drama between her and Karla. She took a deep breath. She only hoped she hadn't waited too long to make the decision.She rang the doorbell.Clint opened the door, a look of surprise on his face which turned to excitement at seeing her standing there. She only hoped that excitement remained after they had a chance to talk. "Hey there. What did I do to deserve this unexpected pleasure?""I was hoping we could talk." She gripped the purse strap
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Chapter 50 - Sibling Rivalry
Sandy had her ash-blond hair pulled back in a tight ponytail, her breasts hoisted up in a push-up bra so that the tops poured out of the cut of her beige blouse. She wore very light makeup, but her complexion was such that she really didn't need much. Karla walked over to where the other woman, about a year younger than Karla, stood and grinned up at her, doing her best to play it cool and making sure Mitch didn't have anything to fantasize about in his head. "Decided to take me up on that drink after all, huh?" She poured a shot glass of Sky Vodka and slid it in front of Sandy, whose dark green eyes had yet to leave Karla's."You saying it wasn't a genuine offer?" She pursed her lips into a pouty face as she batted her eyes at Karla.Karla leaned on the bar, very much aware that Mitch watched the exchange. "Oh, I always mean what I say. You know that. I just assumed you would be off with some random guy doing we all know what."Sandy laughed and winked. "Not when I have a chance to me
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