All Chapters of Bull Creek Chronicles: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
72 Chapters
Chapter 51: Bear Necessities
Ezra sighed. "You're an irritating shit." He moved over to the trash bin, scraping the plates in his hands.Josh shrugged, not looking at all apologetic or offended. "I prefer to think of it as being tenacious. Now, why won't you help them? They're your friends, and they're in trouble. They came to you out of every other place in the world they could go. That means they trust you. So, why turn your back on them, not to mention that little girl?""I suppose you wouldn't leave me alone if I just told you it wasn't any of your damn business." Ezra dumped the dishes into a washtub to clean up later as he turned to face Josh, hands on his hips. "Why the hell do you even care? This doesn't concern you."Josh nodded. "You're right; it doesn't, but then again, I've never let that stop me before. These people need you. That little girl needs you. You can't just walk away from that.""I can bloody well do whatever I want," Ezra snapped, his bear roaring within him. Closing his eyes, he took a be
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Chapter 52: Bear Necessities
Lainie sat on the corner of Sheriff Einstein's desk, arms over her chest as she stared at the circle of men in the small office. Little Erin Fletcher sat outside the office, eating a bag of chips and sipping a soda, her little doll perched over her shoulder as if the thing stared into the sheriff's office. Johnson sat beside the girl looking very uncomfortable having been put on babysitting duty. It took all Lainie had not to giggle at the giant man."A cabin I can spare, no problem," Dimitri said as he leaned back against the wall, arms over his chest. Josh stood beside him almost in the exact same pose except his hands were in his pockets. Lainie tried not to smirk at the similarities, but Josh apparently caught her expression and gave her a puzzled look in return. She just shrugged and turned her gaze back to her brother."People tend to wander in and out of Bull Creek, some staying forever, others taking more of a transient interest in the community," Dimitri continued. "We also ha
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Chapter 53: Bear Necessities
"I'm not a fan of them being where we can't get to them in case something goes wrong," Kacey Carmichael said, the growl of her wolf quite clear in her tone, as she sat around the giant conference table, her fourth cup of coffee in her hands. "Hoyt's been a slippery ass so far. What happens if he finds out where they are before we find the bastard?"Para-Force's main office resided in the middle of downtown Brighton Cove. Of course, the sign on the front door didn't announce that. Instead, it read Wincott Investigations, and the residents of Brighton Cove thought the business operated merely as a private investigations agency. While they took on more mundane investigative cases with a small team working them, and a receptionist to make things look normal, the main group remained hidden in the back for the more dangerous missions, the ones the rest of the world never knew about, the ones with a paranormal bent to them. For the past five years, Kacey had been a member of Para-Force, a mix
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Chapter 54: Bear Necessities
Ezra shoved his clothes into his duffel bag with enough force that he almost shoved them through the bottom. He thought living on the outskirts of a community that boasted its "live and let live" motto would be the perfect place to hide out away from the harshness of a world where the villains got away free and innocent people died. He had thought staying in the shadows, away from anything resembling human connection, would spare him the chore of dealing with people. However, even the fringes of Bull Creek hadn't been enough for him to avoid the past coming back to smack him around. First, it was that nosy ass panther, followed by the deputy almost getting herself killed by whoever was after her. Now, his old teammates from Para-Force knocked on his door, asking him for help they knew damn well he couldn't give. What the hell was Liam thinking? And, Ezra knew it was Liam's idea to bring the girl out here. Colton was smart enough to leave well enough alone, but not Liam. Oh, no. Liam ju
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Chapter 55: Bear Necessities
Dimitri entered the cabin, a bag of groceries in each arm, Lainie right behind him carrying more supplies, as Liam stood there holding the door open. "Thanks for this," he said as they slid past him. "I hate getting acquainted to a new area. I'm directionally challenged. I'll go for a gas station I saw on the way into a town and wind up making circles on the complete opposite end of town.""Hopefully, they don't let you do much of the driving," Lainie smirked over her shoulder as she moved to the kitchen island separating the kitchen and the living room. Setting the bags down on the island, she turned toward the living room, noticing Erin nestled on the couch playing with her doll's hair. "How are things here?" Lainie asked, indicating the little girl with an upward tilt of her chin."I can see you doing that," Erin said, never taking her eyes off her doll. "You can say my name if you want. I know everyone's talking about me."Lainie cocked her eyebrow as she glanced over at Dimitri, b
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Chapter 56: Bear Necessities
The gorilla yanked Ezra into the air as if he were a rag doll, flipping Ezra over his shoulder and tossing him to the ground. Ezra hit the ground with an audible thud, the wind whooshing out of his lungs as his head hit the ground under him. With a shake of his head, he shot back to his feet, shocked that Colton had attacked him, but pissed as hell as well. Colton spun, pounding his chest as he roared out his frustration. You're being an ass! Get over yourself. You're not the only one who's lost someone in their care.Ezra glared at the dark gorilla in front of him, his chest heaving with breaths as his muscles and joints screamed out at him. "Go to Hell," he snarled, just before his bear shoved his way through Ezra, bones popping as arms and legs shifted into the thick powerful limbs of his black bear, his head swelling into the animal's thick skull, his mouth stretching into a deafening roar with saliva dripping from his fangs as his clothes shredded from his body, black fur replaci
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Chapter 57: Bear Necessities
Ezra sat out on the front porch in an old rocker, staring out at the woods around the cabin. Ezra's decision to help them pleased Liam, so much so that he offered to make Ezra's favorite meal—lasagna. Of course, Liam said he'd make it as soon as he got the ingredients for it, so Ezra had to settle for hot dogs. At least, Liam remembered to bring the chili. A hot dog just wasn't a real hot dog without chili.Colton introduced Erin to Ezra, telling the little girl the big man was there to help keep her safe, and she could trust him. Erin just nodded as she continued to brush the doll's hair.Ezra then made a cup of coffee and moved to the front porch. He couldn't sit in there just yet, watching the small child. It wasn't her fault; she didn't mean to remind him of a horrific time in his life. He just needed to ease into it, and sitting outside, listening to the wind through the pines, helped him make the adjustment, getting his thoughts settled, thoughts that had shrieked at him as soon
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Chapter 58: Bear Necessities
"You realize it'll be hard to know if someone is in Bull Creek because of that little girl, don't you?" Josh asked Dimitri as he picked up a fry off his plate and shoved it into his mouth. "Since you've taken over for Neal as alpha, word seems to have gotten around that Bull Creek is a safe spot again. We have people coming to us all the time now."The four of them—Dimitri, Josh, Alanna, and Lainie—-stuffed themselves into a cheap-upholstered booth near the window of Gracie's Diner looking out at a weed-choked parking lot. Colton and his friend bringing the possibility of more trouble to Bull Creek didn't thrill Dimitri. Between Bane and his prejudice against humans and Miles Hemingway trying to force Lainie to marry him, they had enough trouble to last awhile. Dimitri was more than ready for a little quietness."Stop talking with food in your mouth," Alanna snapped at Josh, thumping him in the shoulder. "Gross."Dimitri and Lainie just laughed. "You kiss that mouth, too," Dimitri teas
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Chapter 59: Bear Necessities
Ezra slipped out of bed, leaving Liam sleeping away, his mouth open and one foot dangling off the edge of the mattress. The three men took shifts, each one guarding the cabin for three hours during the night while the other two slept in the back bedroom. Erin took the middle bedroom because it was easier to protect and harder to get to from outside. Colton had even nailed the window shut in case someone tried to enter through there to reach the little girl. They didn't plan on taking anything to chance.When he entered the small living room, Colton sat at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in front of him as he sat there reading a book about as thick as Ezra's wrist. Ezra smiled as he made his way over to the coffeepot. Colton always was a heavy reader. "What is it this time? Life of George Washington? The history of automobiles? The philosophy of Bugs Bunny?" He reached up into a cabinet, pulling out the first mug he saw, and filled it with coffee.Colton finished the section he was r
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Chapter 60: Bear Necessities
"Julian! Julian, you back here?" Tyra called out as she made her way through the halls of Wincott Investigations to the Para-Force offices in the back. She clutched a manila folder in her hands as she swung them back and forth in front of her as she pounded through the halls, her heels clicking on the beige tile floor. She kept her reddish hair cut short, the back barely touching the top of her pale neck. She was a slender woman, almost too thin in some people's opinion. Even her nose was thin, between her thin pale-red eyebrows. However, while some looked at her small, five-two frame and thought a good wind would blow her away, Tyra Pellington was scrappy in a fight and had helped the team take down several killers, locking them away forever behind bars at Shadow Keep Institute. Of course, she was also the team whiz on the computer and Internet, able to dig out the tiniest scrap of information no matter how well-hidden, and that was the reason she raced through the halls to find Julia
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