All Chapters of Helping Mr. Gang Leader : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
115 Chapters
less than loyal source
Helping Mr Gang Leader .Chapter 59: less than loyal source.Gianna said, “I must have reminded him of her.”Their mother.Giovanni’s fingers tightened from where they were gripping Gianna’s blanket. “That’s no excuse.”“Maybe. Maybe not.”The steady beats of Gianna’s heart weren’t nearly reassuring as Giovanni’s presence next to her.“I have to tell you something,” Gianna said finally, unable to hold back anymore. “But you’ll be upset with me.”“Unlikely,” Giovanni scoffed out.Gianna nodded seriously. “I used to see you, even up until a few days ago, as my innocent kid brother. I knew, realistically, you weren’t. How could you be at eighteen? But to me, you were this cheery, sometimes obnoxious, but good willed kid that I raised to be a pretty good example for others to look towards.”Giovanni laughed, “Not to be prideful or anything.”“I am proud,” Gianna insisted. “I’m proud of who you are, who you’ve become, and the things you’re going to do with your life. But in that store …
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is this equivalent to a crush?
.Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 60: is this equivalent to a crush? .Gianna waited until Sal was out the door to ask, “Did you think I would be okay with my brother going off to torture and do worse to someone in my name?”.“To someone,” Giovanni corrected angrily, “who tried to kill you. Who nearly did!”.Gianna shook her head and shuffled her way towards the room’s bathroom, dragging her IV pole with her. “You can do what you want, Giovanni. I’ve told you repeatedly that you’re an adult and you make your own choices. But don’t you dare try to justify what you’re about to do to this person, as something you’re doing for me. If you do this, don’t you attach me in any way. I don’t want you to do this. I don’t condone it.”Giovanni asked, “So you just want me to leave this person alone? You want me to let them off the hook, give them a free pass, and let them probably try to hurt you again?”. Gianna nudged the bathroom door open with her food and called back, “You do whatever you
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are you bitter ... or jealous?
Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 61: are you bitter ... or jealous? .“So,” Gianna tried, “you rile me up, poke fun at me, and are a jerk at times because you like that I snap back at you? How does that make any sense?”.Rio didn’t answer, instead he hid a smile of some sort behind a hand.Eventually, Rio confessed in a strangled way, “It wasn’t a big deal for me to be there with you at the flower shop. I didn’t have anything else to do that day, and the truth is, you are one of us. You’re one of Mariposa, even if it isn’t official or anything. You take care of us, you patch us up, you cook for us and hang out with us and you’re our friend. So, me watching after you wasn’t even something that Cypher needed to ask me to do. I just put up a fuss because you were paying more attention to the flowers than me.”Gianna gave him an incredulous look. “Please tell me you’re not saying you were jealous of the flowers I was buying for the graves of my mother and sister.”Rio looked horrified.
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weakness of affection
Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 62: weakness of affection.Gianna felt the frown on her face deepening. “He didn’t drag me into this kicking and screaming.”“No,” Rio agreed. “But the blame here really goes wholly to Cypher. Because Giovanni wouldn’t have ever brought you near Mariposa’s territory. He wouldn’t have introduced you to us, or let you learn our names. He wouldn’t have taken the risks that Cypher did with you. Cypher put a target on your back. He’s the reason someone tried to kill you. And that’s why you can’t feel guilty about whatever he’s going to do. He’s just cleaning up his mistake, almost at the expense of your life.”Carelessly, Gianna called over to him, “I don’t understand why you’re so callous all of the sudden. You sound … bitter.”Rio reached or the nearby remote and flicked the TV on, immediately hitting the mute button. “I’m not bitter.”“Then what?”With an exaggerated sigh, Rio said, “I just know that if I were Cypher, if it were you and me, I wouldn’t
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Ferrari Dante is in love
Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 63: Ferrari Dante is in love .*GIANNA* “But please, I’m begging you. Don’t let Giovanni be the one to end his life when the time comes. Don’t let it be my brother. Please.”Dante’s hands were big and warm at Gianna’s waist, the heat from his fingers cutting through the pajamas she wore.Dante told her, “Giovanni already asked to be the one to do it. He’s taking this more seriously than you think. He realizes now how close he came to losing you, and how it could happen again if we don’t do this now.”“Please,” Gianna begged. “Please, don’t let him. He thinks he wants it, maybe he does, but I don’t know if his soul is ready.”Dante hugged her tighter, probably as tightly as she dared. “Okay. I’ll have Sal take care of it, or I’ll do it myself. After we have all the information we need.”Uncertain, Gianna pulled back to ask, “A confession?”Dante guided her back to the bed and corrected, “I’d rather know why. Mariposa is a family. We don’t let people
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a united front
Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 64: a united front.Technically speaking, she was leaving the hospital a day sooner than Maria wanted. She’d been the one to set her discharge date, and had very vocally expressed her dislike of Gianna leaving sooner than that. But truthfully Gianna felt like she could recover just as well at home now, and some things were more important than squeezing in a last bit of rest before she went back to the clinic at least part time.“Well,” Giovanni asked from behind her. “How do I look?”In the last few moments that Gianna would spend in the hospital room that had been her home for a little over two weeks, she turned to look at her brother emerging from the bathroom.Giovanni looked utterly uncomfortable in the formal black suit he was wearing, and all the evidence was there in his awkward stance and how he tugged on his cuffs.A huge smile blossomed on Gianna’s face. “You look handsome.”Giovanni blushed. “I wasn’t sure it would fit from last year.”
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a proper rhythm
Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 65: a proper rhythm.With Gianna’s hospital bag already sent ahead to her apartment, she was free to stroll from the hospital room without having to carry anything with her.The moment she was through the door, Giovanni pulling ahead to chat about wanting to go to the nearby amusement part that would only be open for another week or so, Gianna felt a serious weight lift from her. She was out of the hospital finally, almost fully recovered, and she’d dodged a bullet. She had beaten the odds and it felt great. Sure, her ribs would need some time to heal completely, but she was breathing almost normally, and everything else was manageable.”“You two look good,” Dante commented when he met them in front of the hospital in the loading zone. He had the car idling behind him and was leaning against it causally. More importantly Gianna could see that he was dressed nicely in a pair of dress black slacks that had been pressed recently, and a collared, de
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the wrong target all this while
Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 66: the wrong target all this while . Once more Dante tugged Gianna into a hug, though it was much firmer the second time around.“No kid in that situation is responsible for their family member’s deaths,” Dante said sternly, kissing Gianna’s temple. “And no parent should ever blame their child for something that is far beyond their control.”Gianna finished wiping at her own tears, sniffled a little, and then gave a brave face. “Thank you, Dante.” She put her hand on the door. “Thank you for listening.”“I will always be here for you,” Dante said seriously. “I’ll always be someone who listens to you, or someone you can just vent to. Never doubt that.”The ache in Gianna’s chest at Dante’s words wasn’t anything bad, and it took her a second to realize what it was instead. The fondness and attraction she felt to Dante was quickly evolving into something more.“Now,” Dante said, clearing his throat. “Do you want me to stay here, or go with you?’.Gia
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loving a gang leader
Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 67: loving a gang leader .Slowly, Gianna asked, “Someone shot at my brother because they were … jealous of him?”“Because,” Dante admitted slowly, “this person thought that Giovanni had been unfairly promoted. The shooting happened because he thought Giovanni was doing something to influence his promotion, and needed to be eliminated for the sake of Mariposa’s future.”Gianna closed her eyes. “So Giovanni knows?”“Yes,” Dante responded.“Did this person work alone?” Gianna, filled with fear. “I mean to ask, is it safe for Giovanni to be out there with you? Are there others who share this ridiculous sentiment?”“I think,” Dante said evenly and with a careful tone, “that it was just the one person and his accomplice. I’ve been very dedicated in rooting out anyone else, and I’ve come up with nothing. I’m keeping an extra eye on Giovanni for a while now, just to be safe, but I think this was a one-time incident. And I handled it.”Dante brought the bla
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a good enough start.
Helping Mr. Gang Leader .Chapter 68: a good enough start..Going back to work felt great. Gianna had always taken pleasure in a full workday, squeezing in as much as humanly possible. And though she wasn’t able to return to her full sixteen hours work days, pulling a solid ten was a good enough start.“You know,” Angelo said, leaning against the doorway to where Gianna was rifling around a drawer in her office desk for something. “I think I’ve heard our patients gush about how happy they are to have you back at least a couple dozen times today. Even the ones that aren’t even being treated by you, have to pop in and say hi.”Pleasure flushed through Gianna. “I’m happy to see them, too.”Most quietly, Angelo asked, “We’re very glad to have you back, we all know you’re the star attraction here.”“That’s not true,” Gianna said without missing a beat. “Everyone here pulls their weight fairly. And if anything, you and Enzo and Victoria have been pulling more than your own weight. I’m so
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