All Chapters of The One He Never Put First.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
Spoken truths.
"All he's done has just been laying around...""Do you think he's depressed?""Well his wife's left him...""No she didn't!" His tone let out a lot of emotion he'd clearly been keeping inside."You know absolutely nothing!" He hadn't meant to take out his anger on them, he knew they were only trying to help, but he'd been sick of them talking about him and his situation like he wasn't in the same room as them."We're only trying to help Aaron, We're...""You're what? Sorry... please! I'm surprised you haven't yet thrown a party." The pent-up anger accompanied by liquor courage carried on on his behalf."Wasn't this what you wanted all along? Huh? For her to not be in the picture anymore... well go on and celebrate!"If he had to be honest, he wouldn't have said any of the things he was saying if it wasn't for his current state, partly because he was afraid of them, but also because he'd always respected them.It had been a week and his wife was still barely conscious in the hospital.
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*Flashback*"You're late."I hear him say as I make my way into his office. I stop in my tracks because his tone is that threatening. He doesn't even bother to look up from his laptop and that hardly surprises me. I'm late because I didn't want to come, I'd decided against it. But also because I wasn't necessarily given any instructions other than the fact that I would be starting on Monday.'I've got things to do Ms. Sinclair, I will see you on Monday. Goodbye.' Were the exact words he'd used to dismiss me.That wasn't the reason I'd decided against it though, Something about this man just screams 'run away!'. Something about being in his presence tells me I'm going to regret it. That I might be sending myself into a wormhole and will never make it out.But I don't have much of a choice now do I? I guess I'm screwed either way, but at least this way I'll have a job."Sorry, Sir,"I finally say then roll my eyes but of course he chooses to raise his head right at that moment. I bow
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Stranger to vulnerability.
*Flashback*"What's wrong?"I ask as I watch him and his team frantically walk around his office in hassle.Two of the men are scrunched up on his desk seemingly plotting something. His secretary is historically typing on a laptop as if her life depended on it. And he's on his phone, he's standing facing the window with his hand in his pocket. He's holding on to his phone so tightly you can see the sharp knuckles on his fingers. The arms of his T-shirt are folded up to his elbows and I frown slightly because I've never seen him so... un-neat. But that's not the weird thing.The weird thing is that he's still got yesterday's clothes on, indicating he hasn't yet gone home. Because if he had, he would've no doubt freshened up. He would've put on a lighter T-shirt shade because it's Wednesday today, I already know he's feeling unorganized just by that alone. And judging by the mess in his office and the fact that none of them seem to have had a clothing change, they've all been here the
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*Flashback*"Hey... I know you don't do sympathy. At all. But I couldn't leave without telling you this."He playfully cringes and I roll my eyes at him. Then I continue,"This summer has been great with you... I mean shadowing you in your workspace. I know I was reluctant at first but I'm beyond grateful for this opportunity and I'm happy to have been the one you chose."He could've simply gone with literally anyone else but he chose the girl who was rude to him."And also, you weren't entirely as horrible as I thought you were going to be" I finish with a dramatic eye roll.Today is my last day because schools are reopening on Monday. We're at his house because he had a couple of zoom meetings that he usually prefers to do there.He surprised me with a McDonald's meal because he knows it's my favorite. I was especially thankful because I know he doesn't like it very much but he still got himself a meal too regardless.He doesn't 'do fast foods' he says."Eww are you done?"I roll m
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"Hey"..."Hey"..."Thanks for doing this."She wasn't doing it for him, but she'd thought against telling him that. She wasn't a rude person. So she'd simply smiled and nodded her head before,"Mr. and Mrs. Miller, I'm ready for you."Kayla internally cringed at her legal last name she'd now hated being referred to as, but she'd tried to not let it show because again, she wasn't a rude person. So she'd instead sweetly thanked the tall man who stood opposite them with his hand on the doorknob and a smile painted on his face.'Of course they know each other. Great.' she'd thought."Thank you so much Earl for seeing us on such short notice. I know you must be very busy."Dr. Scott was one of the top in his field, getting an appointment with him was so hard that his waiting list ran down to a year."Anything for an old friend," he'd said with a smile as he escorted Kayla to have a seat and Aaron followed shortly behind."How are the kids?"'Is this even allowed? Isn't there some kind of a
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Unlikely beings.
She was doing great. The best she'd ever been. Her whole life she'd always felt like she'd had to answer to someone, not fully living for herself. It was never about her, it was always about making someone else happy. That was not the case anymore.Although Kayla loved her mother dearly, she'd always felt the older woman could get a little overbearing and controlling at times. But for the most part, she was a loving mother who only wanted the best for her daughter, of course Kayla understood this. It had been hard for her to comprehend what she'd done to her for a while but she knew her mother meant well, she was only human."You're new here right?"Yes she was.Kayla had moved to a completely different town, a smaller town. Away from everyone and everything. Even though she'd finally gotten over her past, it didn't mean her past got over her.What does that mean? Well, Kayla's societal image never quite recovered since the trial. Everyone pretty much saw her as a gold-digging drama q
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"Where is she?"Mrs. Sinclair was done with the man who stood facing her. He'd brought her family nothing but misery and she'd hoped to never see him again.She didn't know where her daughter was but she knew the man standing in front of her had something to do with it."I swear to God Aaron. I will take you out of this world with my own bare hands."She'd meant every word. She was no murderer but she was ready to be one for her daughter. She would spend the rest of her life in prison but that didn't matter to her, her daughter did.She was livid. It had been two whole days since the younger girl had gone to see a psychologist with the man and she'd never made it back home.She'd been against the younger girl doing the sessions in fear that she might change her mind about divorcing him, but she'd known they were necessary for the divorce proceedings.But when she didn't make it back home that day, she'd figured he'd done it again, taken her from her.She'd been heartbroken at the thou
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Like a dagger.
*Flashback*'I'm pregnant.'The words had cut like a dagger.They were the exact words she'd wished more than anything she could say to him but she was never able to. Being a mother was a privilege she simply was not blessed with.She'd remembered the things she'd had to go through just to give him the one thing he'd wanted more than anything, a child. She'd even ended up sleeping with someone else in hopes she would be able to bear a child but of course that ended in a divorce that broke her heart to the core.Yes she'd cheated on the love of her life but it was for their marriage. It was so she could give him a child. She'd seen the sadness in his eyes every time the tests would come back negative and she'd wanted more than anything to make him happy.'Kayla, that is so exciting,'It was. For her.She'd always imagined how happy they'd be at the news, how he would look at her with so much passion knowing she'd given him his dream. He would love their beautiful offspring and life wo
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The broken ones.
Kayla couldn't help her attraction to older men, it was just innate. She'd also never thought she'd ever be able to look at another man again as her husband was the only man she'd ever craved. But she'd now been separated from the man for well over three months and she'd admittedly been craving a man's touch.She'd planned to wait when it came to relationships as she wasn't ready yet and she was technically still married but surely she could do other things right? She was sure Aaron had already started seeing other people at that point. It had been months. Plus the man was practically obsessed with making love, he wouldn't survive."Hi Kayla... are you there?"Her trance was disturbed by the older, sweet lady she'd come to love waving her hand on her face."Yeah sorry, I'm. uh - Kayla." She'd said to the man who stood next to her employer.She didn't know how much she needed to get laid until that moment. Lixon Falls had attractive men but she'd admittedly never found herself awestruc
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She'd never in a million years imagined it would get to that point. She'd never seen him so furious in all her many years of knowing him. The man was beyond angry, he trusted no one and the world had become his enemy. He'd used to be the opposite of that, he'd loved people and he cared about everyone, strangers too. Yes, he was sometimes rough around the edges but he'd never had ill intentions towards anyone. He was a known humble man, but that was sadly not the case anymore."Please. I really need to see him." Britney found herself pleading with the guards for the umpteenth time that afternoon. She wasn't allowed in and it hurt her to the core. But she desperately needed to speak to him, before it was too late.She'd thought the man was joking when he'd said 'Get out.' but she'd been largely mistaken. He wanted nothing to do with her or any of the other ladies and he hadn't been shy to let them know."It's about his wife."She was desperate and she knew that would trigger them. She w
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