All Chapters of Flameheart; Rise Of An Alpha Magnate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
57 Chapters
Flameheart After establishing AlaSaph pharmaceuticals, everything was smooth sailing. Athena soon let her presence be felt in the business world. She was known as the most beautiful and cold female president ever. What baffled me was even though she appeared in public, none of her family members recognized her. It seemed as if they had utterly erased her existence from their memories. I could understand if her siblings and stepmom could not recognize her, but I expected her father to at least have an inkling of who she was. No doubt, she had grown into a much more beautiful woman, and her features had slightly changed. Albeit not so much that her kin would fail to recognize her. Nonetheless, that worked perfectly well for all of us. No one knew her and therefore, it took them time to investigate her. Since Athena launched AlaSaph, there have been no mishaps at all. If anything, everything seems to be going smoothly, thanks to the unique medicine that Arthur has been producing.
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Terrifying Influence
Flameheart"Well, well, well! If it isn't the almighty business magnate. Unfortunately, once you are behind these walls, you are nothing but a brat to me! Lock him up, fellas. We will take his statement right there in the interrogation room "A buff man with a buzz cut and two eyes with different colors sneered as he addressed me. The left eye was grey whilst the right eye was green. All I did was stare him down and smirk. I did not have time to deal with a small fry like him. He may be the boss at his precinct but that is where his authority ends. However, as I passed through him, I caught a whiff of his word scent. "He is no ordinary human!" I heard my wolf's warning but I had also figured that out. Nonetheless, I remained stoic and acted as if I did not notice anything wrong with him. Seeing their superior, the policemen who came to arrest me had a renewed zeal. Especially the potbellied one. He even mustered up the courage to shove me in the direction of the interrogation room.
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The Interrogation
FlameheartLike a predator eyeing its prey, I watch as the four buff men walk into the interrogation room. In their hearts, I am sure that they are thinking that I walked right into their trap. What they do not realize is that I have them right where they should be. I feigned ignorance when I heard them instructing that human cop called Dawson to turn off the interrogation room surveillance cameras. They have just done precisely as I anticipated. They want what happens in this room to go unnoticed. Very well then. I also want everything to remain unrecorded. Let us see who will get the upper hand after this. "Shut the door and take out the tools, Fiend. Let us see just how long his arrogance will last." The guy they called chief asks the buff guy with a clean-shaven head. The name alone gets me riled up. Who bears such a wicked name? That name is enough to send shivers down the spine of any normal being. However, if they thought they could spook me, then they have made a wrong
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Game On
Flameheart "Not so fast, punk! This is just the tip of the iceberg. How can you give up so easily? Aren't you the almighty Flameheart? Tell me then why you are so faint-hearted?" The three other idiots let out hearty guffaws when their chief says this. I clench my teeth in rage but that is all I can do for now. I will let them have their fun for now. Once I break out of this, they will wish they never crossed my path. Not able to bear their vile sneers, I shut my eyes tightly and remain quiet. However, my desired peace is short-lived because my head starts hurting as if there are millions of ants crawling around in my brain. To add on, my fingernails hurt like crazy. The pain extends to my palms as well as my wrists. Honestly, I do not know how much longer I can endure this without losing my mind. The moment my head starts hurting, my ears start leading. However as the pain intensifies, I feel tears begin to stream down my face. Frustrated, I snap my eyes open, hoping to stop the
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Flameheart As soon as I say this, they all jump up in fright. Unfortunately, it is too late for them. I have figured out their tricks and they will not work on me again. If they want to put me in trouble, then they have to change their approach or even raise their torture methods a notch higher. After a momentary hesitation, the four of them start laughing again. "Mutt, do you think that just because you can move you can scare us? Take a good look at your surroundings before you spew such irrational nonsense! Ha! Do you honestly think you are still at the precinct?" Phantom is the first to regain his composure and arrogance. His questions startle me for a moment, but a part of me thinks that he is just trying to make me feel dejected. However, the next thing he does leaves me shell-shocked. With a wave of his hand, the whole place changes. I am certainly no longer in the local police precinct. Instead, this place is far more terrifying than that dingy interrogation room. There ar
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The Tables Have Turned
Flameheart I do not know how long I have been unconscious but from how my body feels exhausted, it must have been just for a short while. "You cannot escape so easily, mutt! There is no way we are going easy on you. Wake up, dammit! You have to endure this. We will not allow you to cause us to doubt our master!" The fiend has just confirmed my suspicion. It seems like I just blacked out just for a little while. These demons are not giving me any opportunity to breathe. Although I am fully conscious now, I refuse to open my eyes. Not because Phantom's true form scares me. The truth is, I have already passed the initial shock. I am more afraid of the repulsion it will cause me than fear. His form is disgusting and makes my stomach lurch. I am more afraid of puking from disgust and I doubt that these guys would clean up the vomit. Therefore, it is safer not to open my eyes no matter what happens. Besides, they have just given me an idea. They believe in their master too much and
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Chaos In The Precinct
FlameheartThe Elite Alliance are just pawns in a game of chess. I doubt if they even know how vile their leaders or backers are. If they had even an ounce of the information, they certainly would shit their pants. But why should I care? They made their decision and they would never heed my warning anyway. Even if I were to tell them what I just experienced, they would certainly classify me as eccentric and downright mad. No one, not even my mate would believe me. The only people I know would believe me are Gunther and Arthur. They know me well and they know I would never cook up such a story. This world is surely full of surprises! Grabbing my jacket, I turn towards Dawson and ask, "Are you sure that I am free to go?""Yes, yes, Mr. Flameheart. The ladies called and said that they made a mistake. They have finally found the guy and you two look quite alike. He has agreed to take responsibility. They also extended their regret and they asked for your forgiveness." Dawson clarifies.
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This Is Beyond Me
Flameheart The chief's two distinct eyes, grow a size bigger when I tell him of the impending chaos. He is bewildered because nothing makes sense to him. This also confirms that he truly had nothing to do with all this. I am happy that I did not misjudge him from the beginning. "Can I get you anything to drink, chief...?" "Fletcher. Donald Fletcher." "Well, nice to meet you, Donald. You already know my name. Can I get you a scotch, then?" "Sure, thanks!" Donald nods as he readily agrees. I cannot blame him. Even I am stupefied by everything that happened. I need a strong drink to calm my nerves as well as my rage. I cannot risk my alpha aura seeping out and affecting innocent people. I am mad at myself for falling prey to those idiots. Because of that, I missed spending time with my kids. Even if I were to rush home now, it is past bedtime already. I missed the first six years of their life and I vowed to make it up to them. Now, some idiots took away that precious opportunity
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Fortify The Precinct
Flameheart"Chief Fletcher, I guess you now know the kind of deranged criminals you are dealing with. Since you already believe in magic, I suggest you call someone to fortify the precinct. Else, every one of your subordinates will fall prey to these cunning idiots."I watch Donald closely as the wheels turn in his head. After a while, he blows a deep breath and shrugs. He is a wise man and it will not surprise me if he is somehow gifted. The mere fact that he managed to understand that whatever happened earlier on, could have been sorcery, makes him the wisest human I have ever met. "Chairman Flameheart, thank you so much for acting quickly, with my subordinates. However, will the medical intervention alone be enough to save them? From the way I saw it, Dawson collapsed when he wanted to speak. Which means a curse must have been placed on all of them. How are we to help them if that's the case?""That is why I suggested that the doctor gives some sort of medication that will erase t
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Wipe Off The Elite Alliance
GuntherI walk into the study and almost halt by the door when I feel the forbidding aura emanating from alpha Flameheart. He is brooding and his aura is too much for me to handle. I may be his beta, but when he unleashes his true alpha king aura, even I cannot withstand it. Seeing that he is so engrossed in his thoughts that he does not notice me, I slump to the floor and let out a pained groan. No one can withstand Flameheart's aura. I Would not dare try to resist it as well. Otherwise, I would be hospitalized for severe internal injuries. Of course, being the supreme beta, I would heal faster. But let's face it. Pain is pain after all. For that short while, it would still hurt.I guess my groan pulls him out of his reverie and he instantly curbs his aura. When he turns towards the door, he springs up and rushes to help me up. "Gunther! Goddess! What have I done? I am so sorry, buddy. Please hang in there." Alpha sounds frantic and I smile ruefully. Only when he wipes my mouth do
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