All Chapters of My Contracted Wife Don't Run Away: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
83 Chapters
The truth
Author's POV:Detective John sat at his desk, staring at the blank notepad in front of him. He had been assigned to lead the investigation into the abduction of Reiner's wife and he knew he had to get to the bottom of it quickly.He leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. This case was proving to be more difficult than he had initially thought. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. There was something about this case that just didn't sit right with him.He recalled when he and his men had first arrived at the Caesar's mansion, he was greeted by a stern-looking hulk of a man whom happened to be Reiner's head bodyguard."I'm sorry, the Caesar's are in a meeting right now. Can I take a message?" He asked curtly.John pulled out his badge and introduced himself. "I'm Detective John, and I'm here to speak with Mr. Reiner about his wife's abduction. I understand this is a sensitive matter, but it's important that I speak with him as soon as possible."Hank hesitated for a momen
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Author's POV:Sylvester sat quietly in the corner of the room, his eyes fixed on his grandmother as she slept fitfully in the large, four-poster bed. The sound of her labored breathing filled the air, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt wash over him. He knew he should have insisted on taking her to the hospital years ago, but she had been so insistent on staying at home and he had caved in to her wishes.This was why he hired Cole, a medical specialist whom was referred to him by a friend. And now with the truth being revealed, Sylvester has come to realize that he had been fooled all along. His grandmother was being poisoned, slowly and secretly without anyone knowing. He hired her a personal maid without taking into account, her background and other necessary information he could have. He blamed himself for being so careless. Now his grandmother was faced with a dilemma. She had signed off the island to Molly in other to save Laura. This was a sacrifice Sylvester
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Laura's POV: The thugs had moved me from the cave to a waiting truck. Initially, I thought maybe I was finally going to be let free but I was wrong. We didn't head back to the mansion as I was expecting. Instead we drove into an abandoned farm house at the outskirts of sun island. "What are we doing here?" I asked suspiciously. My mind couldn't work. It was as if I was being stored in a deep freezer. The head thug turned to me with a sneer in his voice. "If you don't shut up now, I'm going to put a bullet to your head."I didn't say anything because I knew if I wasn't careful with this guy, I might end up with a bullet in my head. "Where the hell is Fred?" he demanded from the driver as the truck pulled up. "He must be inside the house," the driver answered, jerking his thumb at the car parked behind them. From inside the house, I saw a young man running towards where the truck stood. I regarded him with interest. He was to me, one of the most good-looking guys I've ever seen.
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Laura's POV:Two weeks after I got rescued, Wendy threw a big party on the island. We were celebrating because none of us believed we would make it out alive from the cruel hands of fate. Everyone involved with Molly was arrested and locked up in jail, awaiting trial. I had recovered from my shock and regained my strength back again. At the party, Sylvester and Reiner made up and so did Mariah and I. We became quite close. On the face of things, all looked well. Suddenly Reiner did something I never imagined he would do in public. He knelt down on one knee in front of his me, his eyes filled with emotions as he took my hand in his. Our whole family was gathered around us, watching in silence as the Reiner begged for my forgiveness."I am so sorry, my love," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "I never should have ignored your feelings and neglected you the way I did. You are the most important person in my life and I promise to always be there for you, to listen to you and
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Reiner's POV:I stood at the altar of the grand church, my heart racing with anticipation. I couldn't believe that I was about to marry my once divorced wife, Laura, again. It had been a long and difficult journey to get to this point, but we had both realized that we still loved each other deeply and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.As Laura made her way down the aisle, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. She looked absolutely stunning in her white wedding dress, her long brown hair flowing behind her as she walked. When she reached my side, I took her hand and we turned to face the pastor.The ceremony was beautiful, filled with love and joy. As we exchanged vows, I couldn't help but get teary-eyed. I knew that I was making the best decision of my life by marrying Laura again, and I was grateful to have her by my side.After the ceremony, we the newlyweds walked out of the church to a shower of confetti and the cheers of our friends and families.
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Reiner's POV:The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon as the sleek black limousine pulled up to the curb outside of the exclusive private school. The driver stepped out and opened the door, revealing inside, my young son sitting beside me.I glanced down at my boy. "We're here, Billy. Are you ready?"Billy nodded even though he looked nervous. I won't say I blamed him. It was his first day in school. He has every right to be nervous. I held his hand and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "Hey don't worry about it, I'm right here with you, alright?"He bobbed his head and gave me a faint smile. It's amazing just how fast Billy grew. After six years, it felt just like yesterday I held him in my arms. As we stepped out of the car, my eyes scanned the crowd of students and parents gathering in front of the school. I spotted a group of my Billionaire colleagues. They waved at me and I waved back, giving them a casual nod before turning to my boy."Come on, Billy," I said,
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The right thing
Reiner's POV: Back in Laura's office, it was raining fire and brimstones. Laura was acting up and it wasn't a pleasant sight. After she slapped me, she marched to her office but I followed her, calling after her like my life depended on it. Clair returned back to her seat and waited patiently in the reception hall. Now I'm trying to calm Laura's jumping nerves. She was pacing around her office, swearing, cursing and crying. Suddenly she began regaining her composure. She leaned her weight on the edge of her desk and stared directly at me. The look she gave me was cold and scary. I had to keep my cool because I have absolutely no idea what she was going to do next. "Is it true?" She asked. "That you had a one night stand with her behind my back?" As much as I hated to admit it, I had no other choice but to speak the truth. "Yes I did. But trust me. It was just this one time. I haven't done it ever since." "You slept with her?"she chuckled bitterly. "How? How could you d
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Divorce Reiner
Reiner's POV:The next day Laura and I didn't head to work. We took the day off. I did the regular, took Billy to school and returned home to spend some time with my wife but Laura wouldn't speak to me. Since the news about Clair's pregnancy broke, she started avoiding me. She was more distant than she'd ever been. I tried to touch her but she warned me not to. We had both accepted not to let anyone know about Clair's pregnancy. We would keep it between us while I keep the welfare of Clair and her unborn baby my top priority. The tension in the house grew so intensed that Laura had to step out for a bit, leaving me alone in the house. Alone on my own, I took my time to reflect on my actions. It had happened some months back but the memory remained vivid in my mind like it was yesterday. I had gone out to supervise one of the clubs on Sun island. A bunch of new show girls were hired all the way from Las Vegas. Then I met Clair. She was cheerful and bright with a sexiness that
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My terms and conditions
Laura's POV:"I want you to file a divorce. Leave his ass and I'll marry him in your place."That was what Clair said to me. The audacity. I couldn't even react. Just who does she thinks she is to make such demands?"Are you crazy?" I blurted out, visibly angry now. "Do you seriously mean I should leave the family Reiner and I built together just so you could waltz in and do whatever you like? Just because he got you pregnant?"Clair retorted. "Call it whatever you want, Laura. Fact remains that I love your husband, and I believe he loves me too."I glanced sharply at Reiner, daggers in my eyes. "Is this true? Do you love her?"Reiner shook his head, his body tensed. "You're the only one I love, Laura. I love no one else."Clair didn't wanna take the tip. Instead she went on. "I understand if you feel adamant at sticking to your marriage despite what's happened, but I hope you will consider divorcing him so that he and I can be together and raise this child together. I can't afford
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Forgive? Yes. Trust? Never
Laura's POV:I stood at the front door of the guest bedroom, my hand resting on the gold-plated handle as I prepared to reveal the luxurious interior to the woman standing in front of me. This woman, Clair, my husband's one night stand, was pregnant with his child."I believe you'll like it here," I said through gritted teeth, trying to mask the anger and hurt that boiled inside of me. "This is your room for the duration of your stay."I swung open the doors to reveal a spacious and opulent bedroom, complete with a four-poster bed, antique furnishings, and floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the sprawling gardens.Clair's eyes widened in amazement as she took in the lavish surroundings. "This is incredible," she breathed, unable to contain her awe.I managed to force a smile. "I'm glad you like it. If you need anything, just press the button on the bedside table and one of the servants will assist you."Clair turned to face me. "Why are you doing this?"I didn't know how long I
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