All Chapters of Single Daddy: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
104 Chapters
I felt as if I was on cloud fucking nine. I was singing to Joshua and doing all kinds of crazy shit. I even took him to the park. Sure, he couldn’t go on the swings, so I tortured him by holding him and scaring the shit out of him by being on the swings. I needed parenting lessons. I could go to Noah’s but I couldn’t deal with seeing him and Kylie. I was happy that my friend decided to grow some balls and go after the one girl he couldn’t get over since high school, but if I was going to save face, I didn’t want them to think that their infectious obsession with babies had rubbed off on me. If they gave me some lessons, they’d probably set up a fucking second date for future sessions. I wasn’t that keen to learn. Kylie doesn’t have long to go until they add another addition to the family. I’m sure that Richard loves the attention, but another addition would give him some breathing space. God knows he needed it with those two. Last week Kylie said, “He slept ten minutes more today th
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I felt like a little kid on Christmas day. I was sitting in the living room while Hazel was taking a nap and I was looking at my phone wondering what time Chad was going to call. I could have gone to work after the tour, but to say that working for Smith & Jones was the most exciting job in the world would be a lie. It was a far cry from it. When I left Chicago and came back to Granbury, it felt like the right decision at the time. I would be focused on my daughter and not working stressful hours and most of all, I wouldn’t have to deal with bad boys like Danny, Hazel’s dad. I wouldn’t be around guys that made me weak in the knees and do stupid things like having sex without protection because they preferred for us to be skin-to-skin.I love Hazel like crazy, but when did I become twenty eight and boring? I used to go out. Have fun and now I was lucky if I could get a babysitter. I sighed as I flicked through the different channels. Every few minutes, I would stop to see if Chad had
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I felt as if I was in a maze. I was just walking around not having a clue what end of the park I should wait at. Olivia wasn’t happy about me going to the park, but when I told her that I would only be an hour and that would give her some chill time, she didn’t hesitate in saying bye to us. I wondered what was up with her. My baby sister used to be fun, and then after being dumped by Brent the moment she told him that she was pregnant, she was hurt. So deeply hurt that I thought that the minute Joshua came out and was in her life, that hurt would go away. I could see by the way that she was behaving that it wasn’t that simple. Fucking bastard!Shit, I wasn’t a fucking angel when it came to women. But I was clear about my intentions. One night. And that was all I could give them. I knew that some of them agreed, hoping that they could change my mind. They never did, but now I knew I was crossing a line. One that I didn’t know if it was a good idea. I wasn't honest with Ivy. Shit, I
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I was sitting at my desk debating whether to go to lunch or not. I couldn’t be bothered; today had just been one of the most boring days in the history of working for Smith & Jones. It was as if I didn’t think that it could get any worse and for some reason it did today. It was as if it was waiting for me to make it better somehow. I’d been reading this stupid book, ‘Cleaning,' it talked about how to get rid of the things that were making you unhappy and focus on how to make your life better. The problem was that I had a house, a steady job, and a beautiful baby. I’d never been in a relationship, and I’d never craved for one. I wondered if that was the reason for my sadness. I just knew that I woke up in the morning and I acted like a robot. Everything was mundane, and there was no change to my boring routine. Maybe I just needed a vacation?All of these things were rushing through my mind when I stood up to go to the bathroom and I saw Chad standing in reception. It was as if he was
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I reached out and stroked her upper thigh, parting her lips slightly. Ivy looked so fucking sexy with her pussy squeezed together in this position. Her skin flushed a deep pink telling me that she was slick with moisture. “I didn't want to rush. I wanted us to take our time. But you’re so fucking wet for me.”Her dress was so tight and when I discovered that she had no panties on, it was as if she was ready for me to take her. “You wanted this, didn’t you?”She nodded her head as I slowly drew my finger along her hot opening. She as so fucking soft and I should have taken her then, but I used every ounce of control in my body to bide my time. “What is it about you that keeps me coming back for more?”She laughed, “We haven’t done anything yet. This is the first time,” she purred. Ivy tried to get up her sofa and I stopped her as I put another finger inside her. This time I made sure that I shifted the angle so that my thumb found her clit as my finger stroked her G-spot. I loved he
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It was Richard’s first birthday, Kylie and Noah were holding a barbecue. I wanted to invite Ivy, but I just felt that it was too soon. Besides, I still hadn’t told her the truth. Every time I wanted to do it, something came up. We were supposed to pretend that we’re a couple just to look at pre-schools and so far we had only been to one. She’d been to my place, and I’d been spending a lot more time at hers with the story of Olivia loving to babysit. Shit, I couldn’t wait for my mom to return from the cruise. Maybe then she’d knock some sense into me. I said from the start that in two weeks I would tell Ivy the truth, it was nearly five and the words still hadn’t left my mouth. Part of me wondered if I liked lying to her. If there was this sick part of me that was enjoying this game. I shook my head at the idea of it. I wasn’t like Joshua's dad, Brent, or any of the other jerks that I’d heard about. I was better than that, that was what I’d prided myself on, but now I wondered if I wa
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I couldn't focus much on the movie. We’d just put Hazel to bed, and even though she was only eleven months old, she had managed to exhaust me. I couldn’t wait for Joshua to be that age, she was only a few months older, but it was easier to interact with her. Tonight they were both staying at my place. So, I had both kids in my apartment, and my sister didn’t even know that I’d gone as far as to decorate Joshua’s room in my house. This whole thing was getting completely out of hand. I’d decorated it for two reasons. One, so that Joshua could stay over more often and two because it was keeping me preoccupied. I had a chill running down my spine as I thought about Dan. He was in a bad fucking way. Our intervention had gone badly. We needed to go back to see him, but next time with his family. I wanted comfort right now. The way that I was feeling was so fucking low. I didn’t want to go out; I wanted Ivy so badly. I was a selfish prick; I invited her here to talk to her. That was my aim.
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I had to work from home today with my car being in the garage. I could have called a taxi, but I felt like walking. The last few days I’d hardly been out for a jog or done any exercise. It seemed to be the only exercising that my body had been experiencing was in the bedroom with Chad. I could call him and ask him what he was up to today. I had a feeling that maybe we were spending too much time together because he wanted to get out and work or even invest in something but so far that time seemed to be spent with me. Shit, I’d never had a relationship, and neither of us had said that we were officially dating. He had introduced me to a couple of his friends. They were nice, but never his sister and that always bugged me. I’d done the same with Willow and Chloe when she came to town to visit. She was my best friend back in the law firm in Chicago, and it was great catching up with her on all the gossip in the office. But for the first time in the year that I moved back home I didn’
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Ivy was going to be fucking impressed with my culinary skills today. Mom was back from her cruise, and when I told her that I had been taking culinary lessons, she was pretty impressed. I did want to cook her lunch, but she was in town with Olivia. Apparently, having a girlie day out. I offered to look after Joshua, but mom wanted to spend time with him. It didn’t sound like much of a girlie day out when they usually just spend too much time hanging out at Starbucks. I swear that place is an automatic magnet for moms and the retired. They always seem to want to hang out there. I sent Ivy a text telling her that when she finishes work she should come to mine with Hazel. Sometimes I wonder if she has her phone in her hand all day waiting for my text. She usually replies in about ten seconds. Today, nothing and it has been nearly four hours since I sent it. I shook my head about my paranoia, but I just couldn’t help it. I’d spent the last three months calling or texting, and she would
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I’d been in the car for the last twenty minutes. Luckily Hazel was sleeping, and I didn’t know if I should make a move and go to the pre-school. This was the mother of all pre-schools, and they only did tours based on special invitations. Chad and I had managed to get past the screening stage, and I’d been thinking about leaving my job and maybe caring for Hazel full-time. The reality of doing that was beyond me. I’d spent the last two weeks crying, not only did Chad lie, but he hasn’t even tried to call me. Not once. I haven’t heard from the man. I just got the letter about the pre-school and thought about us when we were filling in the application. We were laughing. Joking about our kids being geniuses if they get into this pre-school. Now, I didn’t know what to think about all of it. I picked up my phone and decided that I would call Willow. She was my voice of reason, and she would tell me to get the fuck out of here. All this lying just wasn’t worth it. “Hey Willow,” I smiled
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