All Chapters of Vanilla : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
91 Chapters
10- Vanilla
"Oh come on, it'd be fun!" "Well, dear Chocolate. Anyone who knows you and I can boldly state that I do because you've been on me like a leech for three days now, would know that your example of fun always has pain involved!" "But think about the sports bike! Who wouldn't like to be on a sports bike? Especially a bike that I'm riding in?" "I don't care!" There had a car they drove to school. An Audi Q5 anyway, but it was Strawberry who drove and it was also painfully clear that if I crossed my limits and entered the car as well, he'd happily run the car off the bridge and kill everyone just so I'd die too. So Coco, kindly, said he'd drive me to school. I mean, at first I was terrified out of my wits. Who in the lord's name would give Coco a car to drive? Did they not even worry about the pedestrians on the street? But no. It had to be a sports bike. Which is clearly worse. "Don't be like this, Kitten" Chocolate says, resting on the bike "We're going to be late. Not that I h
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11- Vanilla
The first person to ever know what I really was, was my Ma.Alistair Montgomery was many things, and one of this things, was her ability to read people. It helped her in gossip groups, rising in fame—Helped her in handling me."Are you alright?"I look up from the book I was dawdling in. Doctor had given me saying I could write whatever I wanted in it, that was if I did not feel okay enough to talk to her myself that was.But I would never write what I felt. What I thought.It didn't help anyone.Kai is sitting some feet away from me, a look on his face that reminds me of how Lily looked at me when Mother Superior brought me out of her basement.I hated it.I chuckle, closing the book "Yeah. My shoulder still kinda hurts though""Wanna go to the clinic?" He asks.I give a brief shake of my head "No. It's just a light bruise, it'd go away"I try to reach out for it again, wincing one more time. I think I hit the handle of the locker and hurt something, I don't even know anymore."Um,
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12- Vanilla
Throughout the whole day, no one talks to me. Though I'd rather they had because the side talks and eye stares were uncomfortable but Kai made it bearable.For one, he tried widening my japanese vocabulary but I was really glad I only knew certain phrases and didn't want that to change."But it makes you look like an idiot" He said"A kawaii one" I replied with a wink.He groaned."But when I realized that school was over, my body tensed.Kai wouldn't be there.Kai couldn't make me feel comfortable.Of course he realized my sudden quietness but I didn't give him an explanation. I know that there was no need for me to worry about going back because I was fine before but that fees so long ago.Kai hd offered me a ride home but I didn't want him to see that I lived with them so I just told him I already had a ride though I doubt I still did after everything that had happened.I walk into the girls bathroom, glad that it's quiet and empty as I stare at my reflection.My hair needs obvious
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13- Caramel
For as long as I can remember, I have never been brave.I always tried to avoid trouble, always tried to make sure no one got into trouble because of me. Most of the times, I would rather make myself suffer for as long as I could if it meant no one would get hurt.I didn't want to be a burden to anyone anymore.It was why the first time I met Chocolate, I kept running away from him, but he was the most persistent person I had ever met.Sure, there were days he terrified me but instead of me to be scared of what he was, it only made me want to be by his side and help calm him down as much as I could.That way, it would be like an equivalent exchange right?He protects me, and I care for him.But Chocolate was never the type to show emotions, and when he did, it was like he made an enormous mistake and he would replace it with a laugh and a grin.I never told him, but he always made me feel useless.Cream and Strawberry as well.When I tried placating Ber, it always ended up with me alw
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13- Strawberry
I fucked up.I know that. I knew I was going to the moment I felt her hand on my arm and an electrifying feeling nearly shut down my senses.But I didn't feel sorry for what I did.So what? She was the one who broke my personal space first! No one even touches me when they know I'm pissed! Except Chocolate, but he's a maniac.I hiss as a small voice in my head tells me that she didn't know that but I ignore it, my eyes still on the two figures in the yellow painted room.Doctor is on a chair, Vanilla seated on the floor facing her bed while she rakes a hand through her blond hair, each movement so gentle that it doesn't surprise me when I can hear slight snores leave Vanilla's lips.And it also doesn't it surprise me when Doctor uses her other free hand to send a message to me without even looking back.Close the door and go to your room.I clench my fist, the thought of leaving them alone horribly unpleasant but I knew she was already upset with me and I didn't want to push my luck s
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14- Vanilla
The next two days pass so fast and I really hated it.Due to the fact the handle of the locker I was shoved into it before had bruised my shoulder and Strawberry slamming to the wall, it had practically shifted a bone out of place and I had to wear a sling all the time.I mean, I didn't even know how bad it was till Doctor found me on the floor of my room, grasping my hand in pain and she checked it for me and took me to her room which was different from ours and yet, still the same.Her walls had a dull yet cool colour to it, but around it was a white bed with two white comforters and a white duvet, a caramel coloured vanity desk and wardrobe, a chocolate coloured couch, armchair and chaise lounge, red curtains—And a yellow grand piano. It looked like it was just newly painted anyway. She never told me what the significance meant but I could tell a bit. The room looked like a black and white scene from some dreary movie but when you saw the colour around the place, it gave a calming
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15- Vanilla
When I'm done with showering, I wear my bra with my crucifix resting in between my breasts and panties with my knee length socks, staring at my reflection through the closet mirror.The scars are still on my body, hidden in places that were the least obvious because my Ma was very skillful in that sort of things. Knowing how to hide things.I had never had much body fat, which was surprising cause I ate a ton but she always used to say all my food just went to my head and came out when I began to say shit that didn't correlate with anything.Honestly, if all the food I eat could just kindly move to my butt, I'd be really grateful.Wait, that just means a lot of shit coming out of my ass. Okay. Gross. Skip.I hear my door open as Caramel walks in "Morning, Vanilla, I—" Then as usual, the customary closing of his eyes happens as he shrieks those very popular four words of his. "I didn't see anything!"I smile now, knowing that he did see something, before I turn around to face him. "Go
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16- Caramel
"Babe? Are you okay?"The pet name had me pulling myself out of my trance, a small smile coming on my lips as I remembered it had been so long Strawberry had called me that "Y-Yeah"We are in the car to school, Cream and Strawberry in the front drivers seat while I stay at the back of the passenger seat.Usually, I stayed with Chocolate who used to always talk about things I never really understood but ever since he began taking Vanilla home, their ride had been quiet.So quiet that even I was becoming slightly uncomfortable.I mean, it meant that I could read my books without worrying that Chocolate would be shrieking along with a song playing from the radio but still.Strawberry had his lips in a straight line as he looked at me through the mirror, voice soft "Sure? You've been looking outside the mirror as if you want to fly out the car"I give him a small smile, sitting up so I could try to put more strength in my voice "I'm alright. I just—"I didn't like the fact Vanilla called
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17- Caramel
It was recess and Chocolate sat next to Strawberry who looked like he would soon crack the salt bottle over his head while Cream sat next to me.Our table in the cafeteria was away from human eyes though you could spot easily if you looked well enough but no one ever did.No one wanted to disturb us and I would admit I liked it that way.Besides, our food was always served on our table before we came so there was never a need for more people to look at us."— So basically I had to listen to this little bitch whine and whine about how her boyfriend left her or something" Chocolate says, now digging his fork into his salad before he looks at me "Eat up, baby"I give him a small smile, looking at my food.As usual, my plate is the least filled even though it's adequate enough for lunch but I didn't feel hungry at all."You have to eat" Strawberry isn't one to pet or baby me about eating like Coco would, he was always more definitive with his words "Or I'd tell Doc"The words work the mag
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18- Vanilla
"Two days, Vanessa. Two whole days and no texts, no messages. Not even a letter to tell me you were alright"I grumble as I take my seat next to him "I wasn't alright though"Ever since Kai spotted me in school after two days of my absence, he at first did a show of being upset with me, refusing to even look at me as I followed him around like a sick puppy but eventually he caved.Now I'm not sure if I preferred him ignoring him to the scolding I was getting."I mean, it's oksy to want space, but not too much space" Kai emphasizes now as I try not to let put a dramatic sigh "I was worried for heaven's sake"I look at him. Noticing that his glasses are about to slip down his nose before I help him push it back up and rest my head on my desk "I don't mean to make you worry again but I'm like extra sleepy"If looks could kill, I'd probably be dead "Seriously?"I nod, letting out a small yawn "I got attacked mid morning by this vicious gorilla and there was this puppy yapping at my face w
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