All Chapters of MORGANA: THE ALPHA'S PET: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
125 Chapters
MORGANA’S POV The morning bells ring, pulling me out of my slumber. I really hate those bells. The memories I have of them are traumatizing. The sound usually takes me back to the time I was flogged at the slavery organization. I basically have post-traumatic stress when I hear those bells. The Alpha is always normally up at this time but as I leave my cage and scan the room, he’s nowhere to be found. Maybe he went out to run some errands. I head over to his bed to dress it up when I find a note addressed to me on the small table beside his bed. My name is written in red ink on a piece of paper. “Open me” is written on the back of the paper. I grab the note and open it. Did he leave this for me? I let out a breath and start reading the note. It reads: “Might be gone for some days. Left to track the vampires. Take care.
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DAMON’S POV“I didn’t expect you to be back so soon brother. This means good news then.” Colton asks me as I take a seat on my chair in our meeting room.I didn’t expect to be back so soon either. I didn’t attain the goal I went out for. But something happened. I take out a piece of paper from my coat and place it on the table in front of Colton and Ryder.“What’s this?” Ryder picks up the note, reading it out loud with a frown.“We have Reece. Apparently, he’s important to you. If you continue looking for us, we’ll kill him.” Ryder lets out a frustrated sigh as he finishes reading the note.“So that’s why you’re back so soon. The vampires threatened you.” Ryder states.“Where did you find that?” Colton asks snatching the piece of paper from Ryder’s hold as he examines it.“Their old hideout. Where Recce’s ring was found.” I answer simply. I’m so tired and I don’t know what to do.“What are you going to do?” Colton asks impatiently.“I don’t know. We’ll have to find another way to fin
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DAMON’S POVI kept waiting for her to wake up. All night, I watched her, her chest rising and falling slowly as she struggled to breathe. Even unconscious she was suffering. With every breath she took, I couldn’t help but think of the many ways I wanted to make Colton pay. My anger grew worse as I watched her and I had to refrain myself so many times from barging into Colton’s room in the middle of the night and beating him to a pulp.I suppose Morgana isn’t going to wake up anytime soon. The nurse said she’ll fully recover in two weeks and who knows? Maybe it’ll take longer than that.“I should never have left you Morgana.” I whisper slowly as I cup her cheek. Her skin cold underneath my palms. She looks like all the life has been drained out of her.I don’t know why but it hurts me greatly to see her like this. To see her in this much pain breaks my heart into tiny little pieces. As if I hadn’t caused her enough pain already, Colton just had to go and make it worse.As I watch Morg
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KILLIAN’S POV We did it. We were victorious with our attack on the werewolves. I didn’t think it was going to be possible. I didn’t expect my men to bring back the fifteen humans I was promised. And to make things better, they brought back a werewolf too. And apparently, he is a werewolf of high caliber judging from his attire. He must have been pretty close to Alpha Damon. Once my soldiers arrived with the humans, one was offered to me and I completely drained her of fall her blood. My skin lighted up with the color it lost and my neck healed completely. The blood only helped to completely heal me but I still haven’t regained even half of my strength. The alpha started tracking us immediately after the raid but now, we have a hostage. If this werewolf we have captive means anything to him, then he will heed to my warning and stop tracking us. That should buy us some time for a while. But eventually, he will come for us. He surely can't trust my word. I won’t kill him, I’ll interro
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ALANA’S POVI’ve gotten a lot stronger since the spirits started communicating with me. I’ve learnt a lot of things from them. They taught me how to draw energy from nature, they taught me new spells. They explained to me what my vision meant.They said a girl will escape the werewolf nation soon and seek refuge here in the forbidden forests. The girl I saw from my vision.I asked them why the we have to wait for some girl to save us. I asked them why the witches can’t take things into their own hands and free the humans from the reign of those creatures. All they told me was that there is a certain way things are supposed to go according to the prophesy. They said I can’t interfere with the will of the gods.It has ben decided by fate that a human girl with red hair will be our savior and I can’t meddle with the will of the gods. I didn’t really understand but I have learnt to be patient.My mother barges into my room with a worried expression on her face.“Alana. What have you done?
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DAMON’S POVIt’s been two days since Morgana has been unconscious. She hasn’t opened her eyes yet. I’ve been ignoring Colton and Ryder, wanting to calm down before I speak to Colton again. I’ve been thinking a lot about the strain on my relationship with Colton. I realized we are both at fault for how things turned out between us. He’s too stubborn and I can be hard on him sometimes. I’m not ready to forgive him for what he did to Morgana, but I want to talk with him, brother to brother.We might be in a complicated spot right now but he’s still my blood and only with his help will we be able to defeat the threat on our nation.The nurse came in this morning to clean Morgana and try to get some fluids down her throat. She was unresponsive the entire time.I sit by her side and cup her cheek and trace circles around her cheek with my thumb.“I’m sorry.” I whisper to her knowing she can’t hear me. “Please wake up.” I say.I still don’t understand what exactly it is I feel for Morgana.
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DAMON’S POVI visited the scientist yesterday after I saw my brothers. He seems content with the small amount of freedom I’ve given him. And he does a pretty good job because he keeps my garden extra clean. It’s a good thing because I’ m sure Morgana misses going there. It’s the first place I want her to go to when she’s awake again.My brothers left this morning to track the vampire lord. They both took a drop of serum each and they were immediately filled with power. The drop of serum they take will last them about two to three weeks. Maybe even a month. That’s enough time to track them vampires.With the help of the serum, their senses will be heightened, meaning if they don’t succeed in finding the vampires, they must be very well hidden. And we will be left with no choice but to wait.I’m in my room with Morgana working on some papers when I suddenly notice her lift herself up from bed. I speed towards her and place my hand on her back.“Get your hands off me.” She says with hatr
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COLTON’S POV“We should have found them by now.” I say to Ryder as we stop to rest somewhere in the woods.“Be realistic Colton. We left the castle this morning. They know we’re looking for them so I’m sure they’ve hidden well. It won’t be easy finding them.” Ryder says as he sits on a trunk of wood.He opens his bottle of water and takes huge gulps.“I still can’t believe Damon refused to come with us.” I state with a frown. Damon should be here with us. He is our brother and the Alpha. If anyone should be leading this search, it should be him.Instead, he chose to abandon his responsibilities for a human. A filthy human slave. It doesn’t make any sense to me. “He has his reasons.” Ryder states nonchalantly.“He stayed back to be a nanny to an injured pet. I’m sorry but I am finding it very difficult to consider that a reason.” I state.“So he cares about the girl. So what Colton?” Ryder questions looking bored which is only making me more annoyed. He is always siding with our brot
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DAMON’S POV“How do you feel today?” I ask Morgana once she opens her eyes. She startles in surprise as she stares at me wide eyed. I know it’s creepy but I stayed next to her bed all night.“I feel the same.” She answers simply giving me a weird look. There’s still hate in her eyes when she looks at me. I wish I could replace the hate with something else, a different feeling.“How’s your head?” I ask her.“You don’t have to pretend to care anymore. I’m not dead so you don’t have to feel guilty for what your brother did.” Morgana says turning her gaze away from me.“I’m not pretending. I-““Damon!” Ryder suddenly barges into my room making me cut my sentence short. I look at him with surprise and dash towards him. He shouldn’t be back so soon. They only left for the search yesterday.“What are you doing here Ryder? What happened?” I ask him with worry. He's sweaty and he looks like he’s been running a marathon.“It’s Reece.” He mention’s Reece’s name and my eyes nearly pop out of thei
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MORGANA’S POV“Ryder will look after you for as long as I’m gone. You’ll be safe with him.” He tells me in an attempt to console me. His eyes are soft in a way I’m not used to. It almost looks like he doesn’t want to leave.Personally, I don’t want him to leave either. Not because I enjoy his company but because I think I can be safe with him. He’s been here with me ever since Colton beat me up, making sure I’m safe and comfortable. I have no idea why he’s being so kind though. I know he doesn’t care about me and nothing is going to convince me otherwise. He must have an ulterior motive. But if his presence will keep me safe, then I might be selfish but I want him to stay with me. So, I put away my shame away and ask him an unbelievable request. “Please don’t go.” I say looking at him with soft eyes. His eyes soften a bit as he stares at me. “I don’t feel safe around anyone else.” I state trying to feed his ego. If I have to sweet talk him to get what I want then so be it. “Does t
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