All Chapters of Rebirth of the betrayed Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
111 Chapters
Chapter 31 "Woah Claude, why are you red in the face?" Eric asked as she stomped into the class. Claude gave him a death stare making him flinch. "Shut up man" Denver smacked his head. "What's wrong dear?" He asked in a nicer tone. "I got detention!" Claude yelled, slumping in a chair. "Ooo tough break" Eric commented. "That's not helping" she snapped. "I mean detention isn't that bad-" Eric began but stopped when Claude glared at him. "Shut up," Denver said, patting his shoulders. "Claude I feel there's a way I can help you" It wasn't even about the punishment it was who caused it that made her blood boil, "What?" Claude asked. "You'll see let's go Eric" She didn't ponder on it much; the only way this could be better was if Victoria also gets detention or a worse punishment. "Hey, what does this have to do with me?" Eric whined as Denver pulled him out of the class. "Everything" Denver said, giving him a menacing smile that Eric didn't like. "I know that look man wha
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The detention hall was as quiet as a graveyard. They all sat in silence, Claude drawing x's on her book, Victoria occasionally glancing at Denver who couldn't take the boredom, Eric playing with his pen and Tasha cleaning her nails. "This is ridiculous!" Denver whined and the others laughed out relating to what he meant. Claude was not having a bad time in detention, as long as Tasha sat in front of her she enjoyed the experience. "Silence!" Miss Bell yelled. "Mr. Denver one more outburst you'll sit by my side and help arrange these masses of files I could have easily done in the comfort of my home but can't because I'm stuck sitting here with y'all" "Well leave already we'll send a picture to prove we stayed in school and did the time" Denver said. "Okay now head here grab your chair unless you want to stand here'' she ordered feed up with his behavior. Denver stood dragging his chair across the floor making a screeching noise to annoy Miss Bell. "Well don't just stand there,
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Claude laughed out as Tasha and Victoria fought with one another, Denver and Eric trying to break them apart but to no avail, she enjoyed the scene the tables turned in her favor."You stupid witch" Victoria yelled at Tasha as Eric pulled her away.She struggled in his hold trying to get a hold of Tasha but Eric held her tight."You don't want to know what this witch can do'' Tasha threatened then her eyes flared black as she muttered something under her breath abruptly Victoria began to tremble in Eric's hand, she tried to speak up but she couldn't move her lips.Claude had watched this play out but Denver and Eric didn't."Stop it" Claude yelled at Tasha, she flared back up glaring at Claude, she rubbed her elbows then Victoria collapsed on the ground."Can you girls just stop it with this childish behavior? It was just a game'' Denver said in his Alpha tone, letting go of Tasha's arms."Are you okay?" Eric asked Victoria, Victoria peeked at Tasha and nodded.She didn't want to blow
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"Hey what's up?" Claude asked, walking awkwardly to the group."Good morning" Victoria yelled with a big smile pulling Claude in her arms for a hug.What new trick is this?"How are you doing this morning?" Victoria asked, Clade stared at her like she had fallen and bumped her head."I'm good," Claude said, stepping back, keeping her distance."That's nice to hear, we have been talking about what to do this weekend. What would you like?" Victoria asked cheerfully."I have a ton of assignments to do so I'll just stay in my room" Claude lied."Really which one?" Victoria asked.Shit! She muttered inwardly that she had forgotten they took almost the same classes."It's self given I just like to study" she continued trying to make her lie believable."Oh I see, which means you're free, you can study later," Victoria said, pulling her to join the rest on the couch.Claude stayed alert in case this was some other sort of plan."It has to be," Ria affirmed."Why else would she be acting nice
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"It's definitely rigid" Denver admitted holding his last ball in his hands, Eric repaid the favor and laughed each time he missed."Really pro" Eric laughed, Denver rolled his eyes then tossed the ball again."Yes!" He yelled in triumph."The elephant my good man" he chose Tasha's gift."For you my lady" He handed it."Claude here" Denver pushed Claude."Huh," She said absent-mindedly."Ate you okay? You seem a bit of" Denver asked worriedly."No I'm fine," Claude said with a small smile."I'll take that" Tasha sneaked behind and grabbed the elephant."Hey that's for Claude""No it's fine I didn't want one anyway" Claude stopped Denver from chasing Tasha."We still have the rest of the fair to see," Eric said and they left the booth to others."Sorry, it's two per ride," he said stopping the three of them, Eric and Tasha had already gone in.It was Claude, Denver, and Victoria."You can go I'll catch the next one," Claude said stepping back for Victoria and Denver to step up."Are you
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She chose the second option and followed them convincing herself she wasn't even sure where the lady was and she had no other way home.Claude sat at the back with Eric in the middle and Tasha at the end.All through the ride she was puzzled, Denver kept giving her the stink eyes while he played with Victoria like they were a couple.She should have known better than to leave him alone with Victoria and Tasha."I don't know why he is suddenly acting up," Ria said, not being able to perceive if he was under a spell or not."It has to be a spell unless why would he suddenly act insane""We just have to wait," Ria said and Claude agreed, having no other alternative.They finally arrived at the pack house, Denver still didn't look at her and was caught up in everything Victoria did, getting sick when Claude left.She was walking up the stairs to the pack house, lost in her own thoughts worried about Denver. She didn't see Victoria coming, and didn't hear her until it was too late. Suddenl
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Claude sat in her bathtub, allowing the warm water to soothe her aching muscles. She closed her eyes, enjoying the peaceful moment. Suddenly, a low growl interrupted her thoughts. Claude's eyes flashed as she saw herself being maltreated by Denver, he pushed her to the ground and insulted her. "That was not my imagination was it?" Claude asked juddering, gripping the tub till her knuckles whitened. "No, that was your past life" ria responded. "Was Denver really under a spell or he hated me?" "We only get a piece of the puzzle" Ria replied, their mind troubled. Victoria and Tasha had played a huge part in separating them but Denver was the one who caused her death. Was she fighting the wrong people? After her bath, Claude got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. She poured herself a bowl of cereal, lost in thought. Suddenly, Victoria appeared in the doorway. "Hey, Claude," Victoria said, grinning. Claude kept munching on her cereal acting like she was referring to some
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Claude took the phone from his hands, this was definitely Tasha same green eyes, beautiful facial structure, same lips everything, she went as far as magnifying the picture to prove that it was Tasha. "What's wrong?" The man asked cocking a brow, he felt a wave of hope embrace him. "I think I have seen your daughter" Claude said then gave him back the phone. "Please follow me" she said and the man followed behind her. "Is that your daughter?" Claude asked pointing that their table where Tasha sat close to Eric. The man studied her for a while then nodded negatively. "They look somehow alike but that's not my Tasha" he said and Claude was stunned. The girl in the photo was Tasha there was no difference. "Please look well, they are the same people" Claude pleaded, he did once more looking at Tasha his face pale. "No she isn't" "But-" "Look thanks child, I know you really want to help but that's not my girl" he said sadly patting her head. "Okay sir" Claude agreed noticing his
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"You will be" the doctor assured, Claude looked at him with gratitude.He smiled and then left her to her thoughts.Claude wasn't certain how she ran into an accident, she remembered Fence humiliating her the reason Claude's parents rushed to the hospital as soon as they got the call about their daughter's accident. They were worried sick and couldn't wait to see their daughter. When they finally arrived at the hospital, they ran to the reception and asked for Claude's room number. The nurse at the desk was kind enough to guide them to the room.As they entered the room, they saw Claude lying on the bed, with bandages on her head and a cast on her arm. They couldn't believe what had happened to their little girl. They both ran towards her, tears rolling down their faces."Sweetheart, are you okay?" her mother asked, embracing her tightly.Claude managed to nod her head, although it was difficult to speak with the pain in her ribs. Her father hugged her too, and they both looked at h
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Denver was lost in thought as Claude left the basketball court, he never meant to hit her, he wasn't heartless, he knew she was in pain after her accident yesterday, so why did she act like he purposefully bumped into her.He also pondered on her strange behavior, he was trying to figure out why Claude was keeping her distance from him lately something had changed, and he couldn't put his finger on it. "Denver!" One of his teammates yelled, they had been waiting for him to pass the ball."Sorry" he said simply tossing the ball then he began to play, and his focus shifted to the game. He loved the feeling of the ball in his hands and the sound it made as it swished through the net. He was so engrossed in the game that he didn't even notice when his phone fell out of his pocket."You need to use this chance to your advantage," Tasha told Victoria."Make sure he believes Claude is cheating on him, I'll handle the rest''Victoria nodded and pulled out her phone."What are you doing?" Tas
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