All Chapters of The Alpha's Hybrid : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
PHOENIX I woke up on a cold, hard surface. I opened my eyes to a dimly lit room. I sat up but was held back by some restraints. I furrowed my brows and turned only to see my hands and feet in shackles. I looked around the room to see iron bars a few feet from where I was lying. I observed my surroundings and it didn't take long for me to realise I was in a dungeon of some sort. I tried to remember how I got here. The last thing I remembered was being lost after chasing the butterfly and then being struck on the head. I gasped.I had been kidnapped. The chains rattled as I moved, the sound oddly familiar. I concentrated, feeling like there was something I needed to remember that I wasn't. My head began to hurt as my eyes watered. I moved my hands to cradle my aching head when the chains rattled again, making the oddly familiar sound. Everything started rushing back to me as I stared wide eyed at the wall opposite me. I remembered everything, hot flashes rushi
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Thirty one
ARIZONA I huffed and puffed, groaning deeply. We had been stuck in this library for hours on end going through books upon books, looking for anything we could find on Celeste's life. I had been complaining, now taking to huffing and puffing, to express my displeasure at having all my brain cells being fried by being in this place. I just laid on the sofa in the library while Alex and Adriana walked around, looking through rows upon rows of books. Something just didn't sit right with me but I was yet to find out what it was. Adriana walked to the sofa I was lying on, book in hand and sat beside me before she began to read out loud. 'Reincarnation is a process signifying the reappearance and rebirth of a person. Though it happens sometimes, this process is not common. Usually when it happens, the incarnate has a mission to fulfill. Though doubted, the incarnate rarely has memories of his previous life. It is sometimes said that the incarnate will keep being born, dying an
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Thirty two
JACKSON After Marcus had explained his deranged brother's - he was in my opinion deranged as he had no qualms about taking someone else's mate - obsession with Phoenix, I knew this whole thing just got deeper. Not only did I have to hurry up and find Phoenix before my one month was over or mate with another wolf, I had to do so before a psychotic vampire finds her, that's if he hasn't already done so. I quickly led Marcus back to my pack, against my better judgement. When we were close to pack borders, I mind linked David to meet me in my office. I turned to continue leading Marcus, when I saw he already had it covered. He was walking briskly like he had been here before - which he was. I got to my office and pushed open the door, walking in. David stood up immediately and frowned when he saw Marcus. I sat down, running my hands through my hair. 'Who is this, Alpha' David asked, looking straight at Marcus. I knew instantly that he was trying to figure out what he was.'I gue
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Thirty three
PHOENIX I walked through the dark hallway, the stones beneath my boots creaking eerily. I had melted the iron bars surrounding the human sized cage I was kept in, almost sizzling myself in the process. Now, I was stuck with trying to navigate my way through a very dark hallway to escape. My ears perked up as I tried to listen. Thinking about it, I remembered Adriana saying I was also part vampire. I concentrated hoping to unlock my vampire side. After much breath holding exercises, I was about ready to give up. However, my eyes started feeling itchy. I felt a weird sensation beneath my eye balls and everything got clearer. I ran my tongue along my teeth to find wickedly sharp fangs. I quickly focused on navigating my way out. A small creak had me halting as I stopped and crouched low to see who it was. A guard walked past as I held my breath. I could have easily set him on fire but the last thing I needed was to draw attention to myself and a glow in the dark was a sur
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Thirty four
PHOENIX I looked up at my father's cold blooded murderer, getting up. I could feel my eyes getting hotter as I stalked closer to Maximus and his witch cohort. The witch began chanting and a blue ball grew from her hands. When she pointed it at me, I sent a ball of fire to it and her blue ball of dark magic burned off, sizzling her hands in the process. Her eyes widened as I smirked, taking in the level of damage I had done to her hands with just one little ball of fire. She started backing up, about to run away but I wasn't having it. I allowed another ball of fire to warm up in my hands and I sent it directly to the ground she was standing on. A big ring of fire surrounded her and she squeaked as half of her cloak burned off. She tried to put out her cloak that was heavily encased in fire as the fire surrounding her grew. I turned to see Maximus whistling urgently. At first I furrowed my brows, not knowing what he was up to. My curiosity was satisfied when I saw
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Thirty Five
JACKSON I breathed in deeply, grief washing deliriously over me. Raw pain nagged at my heart, anguish clawing through my being. A hand on my shoulder startled me out of my misery, snapping me back into daunting reality. David looked at me with pity. I felt lost. So lost... Sniffles sounded few feet from me, the sound uncanny. Red puffy eyes stared back at me when I turned, the reason for those tears shattering my heart.Arizona whimpered. I sagged. She was gone. Grief once more clawed at my heart strings, my chest tighting painfully. A tear rolled painfully down my cheeks. My ears began to ring, my vision blurring. She was gone.She was really gone. Someone muttered my name, shaking me but it sounded far away.Too far away. I gasped and shot up, my vision clearing up. My beta, David stood over me, peering at me strangely. A meticulous beeping filled the air and I turned, gasping in relief. She was alive, okay. 'Alpha are you okay' David's voice rang in my ears, fi
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Thirty Six
PHOENIX Blinding bright lights hit my eyes, momentarily stunning me immediately I opened them and I blinked rapidly. A hazy figure sat to my left, vaguely clutching my cold fingers. Jackson. He slept peacefully, his jet black hair falling carelessly over his face. Dark shadows lay underneath his eyes. He must have been stressed. I smiled tiredly. He moved a little, stirring. Sea blue eyes met my green ones when his eye lids blinked open. He sat up. He screamed some words, half of which I couldn't possibly hear over the ringing in my ears and the door bursted open. A man spotting salt and pepper hair and a dazzling white coat came in. 'how do you feel Luna' he asked quietly. I turned to him. Luna?He was talking to me? 'I am fine' I answered him, my throat burning. A movement out of the corner of my eyes caught my attention and I turned to see Jackson holding a glass of water to my dry lips. I smiled a little at the helpful gesture, sipping the water slowly. The
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Thirty Seven
PHOENIX I breathed in deeply, nerves rushing erratically through me as I sat still, getting prepped for my big day. Makeup artists ran around adding finishing touches to my makeup, hair and dress but I could scarcely register what they were up to. When they were done, they bowed deeply and left the room, leaving me to my bundle of nerves. I trembled. From the background, I heard the door behind me snap open and someone walked in, shutting the door behind them. I turned to two smiling faces looking at me with pure elation. 'You look beautiful Phoenix' Jackson's mother, Eleanor said. She walked up to me and pulled me into her arms in a hug, her lips pulled back in a kind smile. I closed my eyes and hugged her back warmly, letting myself take in her rich lavender scent. Beside her, a throat was cleared and Jackson's mother, Eleanor, released me. I was allowed to breath for two seconds before I was again gathered, this time into the strong arms of Jacqueline, Jackson'
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Thirty Eight
UNKNOWN The camp fire burned brightly, it's glow sending warmth and light through the darkening night. I stood in the open chilly air, my ears perked up, waiting. A crunching of leaves in the distance had me turning abruptly, my hands poised, ready. Kenneth walked out.He bowed. I relaxed slightly. 'It is done. We have done as you have asked' he mused calmly. A satisfying smirk made its way to my face and I chuckled deeply. I turned to Kenneth, still drunk with glee. 'A job well done to your men Kenneth' I told him happily. He nodded. 'What do we do next' he asked. 'we let them be for now, let them squirm in the casualties this brought. Let them search high and low for who is responsible' I told him. He nodded. 'Meanwhile, call your informant. I have an inside job for him' I continued. Kenneth bowed again. 'Yes, my mistress' he replied* * *JACKSON The morning saw me, red eyed, sleep deprived and pacing the length and breadth of my messy office. Last night didn
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Thirty Nine
PHOENIX The chilly air whished around, whipping through my red tresses as i walked purposefully out of Jackson's office and out in the open. His face flashed before my eyes. He looked fairly tired and sleep deprived. But I had to talk to him We were fairly weird mates. Selena, The goddess of mates would surely have a field day laughing at our weird love story.I sighed. Why did our lives have to be bothered by sophisticated problems. An attack? Who would dare do that? The Blood Red Pack had its reputation for been ruthless. Whoever was doing this was either too stupid or too confident. I sighed again. This was all beyond me. I approached the playground and took a seat, watching as the children played around happily no doubt blissfully unaware of what was going on. A young girl in her late teens approached me and bowed deeply. 'Luna' she greeted. I nodded at her, waving shyly. I could never get used to this.'what brings you here Luna' she asked, her hands folded
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