All Chapters of An affair with the Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
121 Chapters
31. A peck on the cheeks
CAMILLAOne..two..three..I kept on counting numbers repeatedly in my head when the nurse who just left not quite long ago informed me that Braden was here and he would soon come to my ward.Apparently counting was the only thing I could think of doing to suppress the growing anxiety I had developed within me.Why I was anxious? I had no single clue. Ever since Braden and I had that heart wrenching conversation, Braden didn't step foot again inside my ward.He left me through out the entire day to myself without even bothering to show up.Atleast he could have been decent enough to show up and inquire of my health since he is the primary reason I am being hospitalised.But he did not. Strange enough, a female nurse was assigned to watch over me, attending to my every beck and call.Could Braden have been the one responsible for fixing her to attend to my needs? Probably.I mean that was really the least he could do.But that wasn't the main thing that ate up my thoughts.I could n
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32. what could he be thinking?
CAMILLA Damn it! How does Nicholas always manage to make things worse. Who knows what Braden would say or do to me when we get home now?Just when I thought nothing else could go wrong or worse than this Nicholas had to come place a peck on my skin and more importantly, Braden fucking walked in on it!The fuck!Is my luck that bad!Braden's tight immobile glares were fixed on me, I was a bit shocked and uneasy. One could easily tell that his eyes tried to read what it just saw.Moreover I was not the wrong doer but somehow I just couldn't keep up with those eyes of his. They scared the wits out of me."Braden..." Nicholas spoke and wandered his gaze to the young nurse that stood beside Braden with crutches.Apparently those were for me."What did they say about Camilla's health?" He quickly added."You seem to worry way too much about my maid" Braden unapologetically stated causing me to almost have a fright.Damn. Why did Nicholas even do that?Could it have just been an act of frie
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33. A change of heart? Perhaps
CAMILLAI limped my way out of the bathroom, with my bathroom robe as the only garment covering me up. My soaked blonde hair cascaded over my shoulders and stuck on to my body like a second skin. Fuck. My legs still hurt so badly.Plus I am so tired of making use of those crutches that Braden got for me.They felt so uncomfortable and literally made me feel helpless. Shit. Who is to blame for my current condition?Only one name rang in my head as a reply. Braden.He has damaged me emotional and mentally now he wants to do the same physically. I had endured his vile words and rude speeches, I was living by them everyday and my body had started growing a thick skin to all his demeaning comments about me. But spitting vile words were not enough for Braden. He had to inflict physical injury on to me.Yes he wasn't the one who pushed me down the stairs but if he had not been so barbaric towards me that fateful day then I probably wouldn't have headed to the shower to drown my sorrows
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34. A day in the beach
CAMILLAI watched with all sincere enthusiasm as Braden expertly maneuvered the steering wheel to park.One could easily see the rocky sea shores from a distance. I was left in awe at the lively beach, it was so beautiful.I still can not believe I accepted Braden's invitation to spend time with him and Vanessa.Honestly it was an impulsive action, something done without giving it a second thought.I was as tensed as I was scared and confused.The words of agreement to his plan flew out of my mouth before I could even stop myself. I felt that if I refused, he would go back to his old habits of torturing me to accept and plus I didn't want to let little Vanessa down.But now that I am here, I can only wish and pray that this day turns out memorable for each of us.Without sparing a second look at either I nor Braden, Vanessa jumped down from the car and took a deep breath. I could see joy lurking around her countenance. She squealed loudly the minute her eyes caught sight of a fam
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35. An invitation
CAMILLA My hands firmly held on to the bowl as I was whisking egg for breakfast.Time seem to flow very fast these days. Two days had passed since Braden took me and Vanessa to the beach and it all still seem like a bizarre dream that never happened. I mean I, Camilla Ross, actually enjoyed my day in the beach and I am still so shocked that I really spent a day with Braden and we did not end up in a whirl wind of arguments.Even thing felt surreal, unreal and strange.The kitchen was dead silent, I could literally hear my heart beat within my rib cages as I stood alone, drowning in my thoughts.I had never seen such a fun side to Braden as I had seen that fateful day.I was even amused that he actually liked to have fun. Braden is a workaholic and I didn't expect him to even be that playful talkmore of spending time with me.What has gotten into him?Is it a new plot of Braden to subjugate me and look for ways to demean me and my self respect?I doubted it to be honest. I shook
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36. Attending his event
CAMILLA I rushed out of the bathroom, my towel wrapped around me coupled with anxiety building up inside me. I was not happy because of the function but going out with Braden was just something that I never imagined would happen again.And to top it all up, he got me a very classy dress. And that is literally the second thing Braden got for me during my stay here as his maid. The first was a mobile phone to communicate with him. It wasn't a gift.It was his means of tracking me down and monitoring who I related with.But this dress seems more of a gift than the phone.With the way he treats me now, people might actually find it difficult to believe that this man hates me.I mean, who takes some one they show undiluted hatred to out, to the beach, and gets them expensive things? It's even more difficult to believe because Braden is cold hearted. So what exactly melted his cold heart? I held up the black beautiful gown Braden got for me.It was a low cut back dress with a thigh high s
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37. Just a kiss brings back memories
CAMILLA It felt like we had been walking and talking for ages since I stepped foot into this function.Braden was mostly the one doing all the talking but still, all these relentless activities seemed so tiring and it was really wearing me out. People crowded us at every corner and side, Braden was not even given a break to even stop and get his breath before the next line of elite individuals would approach us.Fuck. Did Braden really bring me here to follow him about like a fly and listen non stop to the unending praises of the people who would not let me and him have a break? I could have literally been sleeping peacefully at home rather than being here with him. Right now I was so pissed off at Braden for taking me along though I masked it. If he had left me home, I swear I would not have escaped to be fucking honest.How could I escape again after the hullabaloo that occurred as a result of my attempt to flee from his life and this mansion? Braden literally told me he wo
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38. A dream kiss
BRADENThe cool morning wind swept through the windows and pushed the curtains apart to ventilate the room thoroughly. The sun illuminated it's sharp rays into the room through the blown apart curtains.I struggled to to peel open my eyes as my body gradually rose to consciousnesses. My head began to pound profusely with each second that went by.Fuck! Why does my head hurt so much. The minute I became fully conscious of my self, I pushed my weak body up and my eyes fell on Nicholas sitting very close to bed. His eyes weighed with so much worry and anxiety."You're awake" he stood, walked towards me and laid a hand of his on my shoulder. "What happened?" I asked. The last thing I remember was been at the function, how did I end up on my bed with this terrible headache?"Thank goodness you're awake, what got into you last night?" he chided me with a raised brow. I was both speechless and confused, did something happen to me last night? I do not recall much. The memories of last night
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39. Your body for a price
CAMILLA The wind blew softly into my room, swaying my curtains apart as the breeze whistled in its direction. It was evening, the thin stripes of the pink horizon cloud set a golden glow across the mansion. I slumped on the bed and my mind took a walk down memory lane. It was up to week now that Braden and I shared a kiss.Why did he kiss me? That I do not know.And more importantly, why did I give in to the kiss?My mind was screaming no but my body and my entire being was urging me to go on.For some reason I could not fight the temptation. I saw Braden at his weakest point and I felt something stirr within me.It is so strange how he does not remember a thing that happened days ago. I'm also saddled with the facade of pretending that nothing went on between us. It was for the better. But truthfully, things have actually changed ever since that event.I and Braden rarely spoke neither do we see. He leaves for work way too early and comes back too late. And when we do speak,
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40. Sex and deals
CAMILLA"What!?" It was my turn to flare up at him.Braden downcasted his head and let out a dark chuckle."You know how much you need this money so why are you yelling? You want the money right? Fine. I will give it you. But you have to work for it"I stared at this man as he spoke with absolute disgust for him written all over my face. "Braden I am not a commodity! My body is not for sale" I lashed out at him."But you did this sort of work back in college didn't you!?" Braden retorted back.Why must he always do this? Why must he always remind me of my ugly past?"I was helpless. Why must you always remind me of my ill fated past?" I asked with tears streaming down my cheeks, downcasting my head."Oh really? What got you so helpless that you decided to dump me and leave me for men old enough to be your father? You could not be a maid or a cook or a waiter but a stripper and a prostitute!" Braden thundered."I am not a prostitute!" I yelled back at him.Braden gave off a throaty lau
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