All Chapters of BroKen: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
72 Chapters
Chapter 21
He was known for his cutthroat ways when dealing with the enemy, and that could be anyone from a rival company CEO to a newspaper reporter. He'd spent the better part of the last ten years building up his portfolio to what it was today, and he had the bank account to prove it. He hated to lose at anything and always took pride in the fact that he never entered the ring unless he had all the ammo he needed to win the battle. But this shit had sideswiped him, and he didn't know the first thing about treading these particular waters. He wasn't prepared, hadn't been looking. He'd let his fucking guard down and look what happened. He was more used to fighting in the boardroom and was always ready to face down the enemy in that arena. It was like breathing to him. He moved in a world of wheeling and dealing where you had to be constantly on the lookout for the other guy. The competition was tough in the real world, and it's where he'd lived for the last little while. This little
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Chapter 22
Normally he wouldn't have been that unpleasant to a complete stranger, not without much provocation, but something about the way his Kerry had reacted to her mere presence had tipped him off that today wasn't the first time she'd been at the end of that wasp's tongue. He guessed that was going to be part of his responsibility now, too, figuring out who the fuck the enemy was and breaking them down. Fuck! Like he had time for this small town bullshit drama. But since she was involved, he guessed he didn't have much of a choice. He hadn't dug too deep into the mechanics of the town. Mostly, the people he ran into were friends of his grandparents when he went to the pharmacy to pick shit up for gramps or went to one of their old hangouts on some errand or other for the old man. No one had ever mentioned her or what had happened to her in his presence. Why would they? He'd learned all he did about her from Lucille, but it looked like he was going to have to do some digging on his
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Chapter 23
Across town, Kyle was headed into the office of one Dr. Paul Blunt. He needed to see what the fuck he was up against. Not that he saw the other man as competition, he wouldn't allow that shit. But he needed to get a look and feel for this guy to see what it was that she seemed to want to hold onto. The little receptionist at the desk saw him coming and perked right up. If he wasn't already half gone over the one he'd just left, he might've given her a second glance. Figures, the day after he'd met that one, he'd run into just the type of woman he would've gone for had she not flung herself under his damn skin. Ain't that a bitch? "Good afternoon. May I help you?" "I need to see the doctor." He looked at her just to see if there was anything. Not a fucking blip. His dick was still semi-hard, but she had nothing to do with it, he couldn't even raise a smile for her, and she was trying so hard. If she smiled any wider, it would break her jaw. "Oh, do you have an appointment?"
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Chapter 24
He had yet to lay eyes on this ex-best-friend, but he was sure from what little he'd learned that she was of the same caliber as that Sarah person. Fucking succubus. He could well imagine that his princess was no match for her, not in that arena anyway. She didn't seem like she could hurt a fly if the fucker buzzed around her head all day. He'd just have to bring some of his own special brand of fuck you to the little town. There was no fucking way he was living here with that shit hanging over his woman's head. FUCK! It looked like she'd done in two days what his gramps hadn't been able to accomplish in weeks. One day with her and already he was thinking of staying. He didn't dwell too heavily on the change. Nothing was set in stone yet. But he accepted that walking away from this, from her, wasn't going to be as easy as he'd first believed. "You go back to your writing; I'll get the coffee." He stopped her from going into the kitchen. His mind was now going in the opposite dire
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Chapter 25
They headed out with the old man talking a mile a minute, trying to sell him on the idea of small-town life. It was true he could work from anywhere and head back when the need arose. She could go with him on those trips. As he listened to the old man try to reel him in, he was busy planning her life in his head. He didn't once question whether or not she'd be on board with any of this. As far as he was concerned, the decision had been made, now set in fucking stone. That part of him that made him such a formidable foe in the boardroom was in full effect. She didn't stand a chance. Besides, the way she went up in flames in his arms, he didn't foresee any problems. And if she made her past a stumbling block, then he'd just have to smash that fuck into pieces. He fell in love with the place from a distance. Gramps was right; it looked as if it were looking down at the rest of the town from its great height on top of the hill with the water as a backdrop. The grounds were immaculate
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Chapter 26
He wanted to go get her and bring her back there to see the house, but it was already getting late, and he was sure she hadn't eaten anything since he'd left her. So he nixed that idea in favor of picking up something to eat. Tonight he would begin his campaign to win her over completely. He liked being the one on this side for a change and had no doubt that he would have her heart in the palm of his hand before long. After today's little experiment, he figured he was gonna have to work on her some more to get her over her fear of facing the town again, though. She had nothing to be ashamed of, and he was gonna do everything in his power to prove that to her. But first, he had to completely take her over; that was more important. And maybe he could work on not wanting to commit murder every time the thought of her ex arose. It galled the fuck out of him that the other man was there first, but that was his shit to deal with; he couldn't hold that against her. That would be an assh
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Chapter 27
Kerry was tired, tired, but happy. Her writing was coming along better than she'd hoped, and her mind was no longer trapped between the four walls she'd called home for the last little while. She stretched and looked with half interest at the hours- cold coffee in the cup next to her. Outside, the light was beginning to wane, and her first thought was of Kyle. She wondered where he was and what kind of mood he was in. He sure was an unpredictable one, kind of like the man she'd just spent the last few hours inventing. Life sure was a funny thing. What were the odds that she would meet him just at the time that she was venturing into this new phase of her life? He and his persona fit perfectly like food for fodder on the pages of her make-believe world. It wasn't her fairytale she was worried about now, though. Now that she'd come up for air, her mind was filled with the memory of his kisses and the way he'd held her hand. Even the way he'd stood up to Sarah in her defense. It was
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Chapter 28
No kiss had ever felt like this. Nothing and no one had ever taken her over and under this way, and she was lost. She gave up thinking and just enjoyed. "Shh-shh-shh." She had no idea what he was talking about until she realized she was keening and mewling into his mouth as her body tried to climb his again. With abject embarrassment, she tried pulling herself from his arms, but he held on. "It's okay, sweetheart." He held her close and wrapped his arms tighter around her, the beating of their hearts trying to outpace each other. He fought hard not to do what he's always accusing her of, thinking of her ex. But he wanted to know had to know if she'd given the other man this much heat. Pulling her head back, he studied her clouded eyes. "Did you go up like this for him?" She shook her head before she gave it any thought. "No, never, I don't...." She was about to say she didn't know what had come over her but found her lips consumed once more. He took her under hard and fast,
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Chapter 29
Kyle lifted his glass of water to his lips and took a sip as he watched her over the glass. Beaten, broken, that's what she was, or what she had been rather. He meant to change that shit and give her back what it was she thought she'd lost. And he wasn't going to be nice about that shit either. "Are any of them still your friends? Anyone come around?" Why was he asking her these questions? What difference did it make? Still, she answered even though the answer made her feel ashamed. "No, no one. But then again, I stopped answering the door." "How hard did they try?" There was no answer she could give. In the beginning, when she'd been moving from couch to couch until she could find a place to stay, some of them had made an effort to call to check up on her. But then, after everything was final and they'd all abandoned ship, she'd started to believe they'd only been looking for news to gossip and laugh over. That had gutted her. He didn't ask her any more embarrassing questi
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Chapter 30
She tossed and turned with him in the other room until sleep finally took her just after midnight. Her dreams that night were of him. There were no shadows, no dark cloudy skies, just laughter, and the two of them in some very compromising situations. They were so hot they felt real so that when she jumped awake just a few short hours later, she expected to find him in bed next to her. Her cheeks were flushed, and her body in heat. That secret place between her thighs throbbed with longing. She looked around the room, her breath short and choppy as if she'd run a marathon, but he wasn't there. She dealt with the bitter taste of a different type of disappointment, even as she asked herself if it wasn't better that it had all been in her head. Slipping from the warmth of her bed, she tiptoed to the door that she'd kept closed last night. Now that she was awake, her body had another pressing need that had nothing to do with the wetness between her thighs that had followed her from h
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