All Chapters of Aegis Group Dangerous Ladies: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
154 Chapters
Chapter 11: Konstantin
Thursday. Home, Arlington, VA.KONSTANTIN PACED THE LIVING room, taking care to step over the line of stuffed animals each time. He didn't know why Zasha had them there, but he wasn't going to fuck it up.He wanted to be in the bedroom, soothing Zasha, but he couldn't deny that this job was best done by Haley. She had become Zasha's security, the person who made Zasha feel safest. And Haley was going to leave them.That was not today's problem.He glanced down the hall at Ivana's open door.Konstantin had told her to go in there and wait until he could speak to her. At least that was what his head had wanted to say. He was pretty sure he'd snapped, "Get out of my fucking sight," at her when she'd tried speaking to him. He'd also told the rest of his security to cool it in his condo, out of Zasha's sight, but still close enough they could be useful if anything happened.His rage was simmering and very close to boiling over. He had to stop, stare out the window and draw in
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Chapter 12: Konstantin
Konstantin studied Ivana in those moments.She smoothed her hands down her skirt, picked at some lint, but she didn't look at him.One of the few things his father had said that Konstantin took to heart was that an employee who couldn't meet your gaze was no longer loyal.So who had Ivana's loyalty now? And when had that happened?"Here we go." Haley passed around three bottles of water.Konstantin set his down without taking a drink.Both Haley and Ivana twisted off the caps and drank.Haley glanced from him to Ivana, then sighed. "Want to explain today, Ivana?"Ivana looked up at Konstantin then and began speaking fast and furious in Russian.He held up a hand. "English."While he understood her, he needed Haley to be part of this. He needed her reasonable mind to weigh in when he would act out of emotion.Ivana sighed and muttered something under her breath. "Your mother. She wanted to meet her grandchild.""Wait, what?" Haley planted her hands on her hips.
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Chapter 13: Haley
Thursday. Home, Arlington, VA.HALEY WAS READY TO drop. Her face hurt so much from the continued smiling, but Zasha had needed the unending cheer to keep her own spirits up. Haley hoped that after everything, the kiddo was able to have a peaceful night's sleep.She paused outside Ivana's darkened room and stared into the shadows.Security had come to get some of her things and move her into one of the rentals. Konstantin owned several condos in the building and rented them out. They were lucky the tenants of one had moved out two weeks prior and the place was staged to show to potential renters. Ivana would be staying there tonight along with two guards.The security team also gone through every inch of her room looking for the missing picture from last night, but hadn't found it.Haley reached into the room, grasped the doorknob and closed the door.Zasha already wanted to know where Nanny Ivana was. Haley had distracted her, but how long would that last? Zasha was a br
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Chapter 14: Konstantin
Friday. Home, Arlington, VA.KONSTANTIN WAS UP EARLIER than normal. He hadn't been able to make himself sleep. Every time he closed his eyes it was a gamble what he would see.Haley's face.Or his mother's.His memories of the woman who'd born him were hazy. More than anything else, he remembered how she'd made him feel.Apprehension.Gut churning dread.Outright fear.He wouldn't wish any of that on his daughter. There was no way he'd allow that woman into their lives if she thought she could treat Zasha the same way she'd treated him.Ivana was more like a mother to him, but she'd always been just a little distant. Because she'd felt her loyalty was to his mother? He'd always assumed that was just how people of that generation were.Had Ivana still been loyal to his mother while in his employ? What were the chances Ivana knew where his mother had been all these years?He checked the time.Six.Still too early to have another chat with Ivana, but he was gr
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Chapter 15: Haley
HALEY WAS AWAKE BEFORE her alarm.She hadn't slept much or well, so it wasn't a surprise when her eyes popped open half an hour too early. Her thoughts bounced around, from the events surrounding Ivana to the kiss with Konstantin and right back to the fact that she wasn't going anywhere.How was she supposed to deal with him now?The girls hadn't been any help.After the initial outburst happened and they all got on the video call things had devolved. They each had their own stressors. Haley's eventful day was, in the grand scheme, normal. The women who did what they did faced down real threats. They didn't just wear a gun on their hip and hang around. If someone hired them they needed protection.Which was exactly why Haley would remain Zasha's primary security, though Haley didn't think Konstantin would like her plan.She got up and dressed, putting more thought than usual into selecting her clothes.Normally, Haley wanted to appear as inconspicuous as possible. Her war
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Chapter 16: Tasha
Friday. Rose House. Arlington, VA.TASHA CLOSED HER EYES and inhaled the delicate aroma of her morning brew. It was otherwise perfect, save for Nikolai hovering in the doorway.She sighed, exasperated, and set the cup down. "Yes, Nikolai?"The young man practically leapt over the threshold into the dining room. "There's a message for you."Tasha looked at Nikolai for a moment, but he didn't proceed. She waved her hand. "And what does it say?""Sorry, it's from Ivana. She says your son wants to have lunch.""Lunch." Tasha snorted. "This is what you're interrupting my breakfast for?"Nikolai blinked a few times. "I, uh, thought this was important."She rolled her eyes.Konstantin was a piece of a bigger picture."Wait until ten, oh, sixteen? Keep it random. At ten sixteen tell him I'll be delighted to have lunch with him, but it needs to be early. Say eleven thirty." It was fine and all for her son to make this move, but Tasha would remain in control."O-okay," N
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Chapter 17: Konstantin
Friday. Arlington, VA.KONSTANTIN TAPPED HIS FINGERS on the door handle of the car.He was early, but he wasn't an idiot. There was no way he was going inside the restaurant before eleven thirty. He was also woefully aware that he was out of his depth.His father was former KGB.His mother had managed to hide all these years without getting caught or raising suspicion.Konstantin was just a businessman and single father. Yes, he knew how these people operated and understood them, but he wasn't like them. That was his perceived flaw. He hadn't been a right fit for that world and everyone had known it.His phone chimed.He picked it up and read the message.Zasha, Ivana and their security detail had made it to their destination.Good.That was one detail he wouldn't have to worry about. The most difficult thing had been getting the laundry company to agree with their exit strategy. Konstantin had convinced the owner to allow his daughter and her detail to use their
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Chapter 18: Haley, Tasha
Friday. Home. Arlington, VA.HALEY HAD GIVEN UP the pretense of being calm.She was alone in the condo.She could freak out all she wanted."I just want to know what's going on," she whined at her phone.Lumen and Jennifer looked back at her from their squares on her screen."Have you considered talking to Merida about this?" Lumen asked."I talked to her last night, unofficially." Haley ran her fingers through her hair. She'd given up on keeping it pulled back an hour into this hell.Jennifer laughed. "About that kiss, I bet."Haley closed her eyes. "Do me a favor and pretend that didn't happen?""You know that's amping up your anxiety and stress right now, don't you?" Jennifer countered.Haley drew in a deep breath. "Yes, thank you, Jenn. Right now, Zasha is what is most important. Nothing else matters."Lumen leaned into the frame closer so that it was impossible to not look into her cool, blue eyes. "Have you really considered yourself in all of this? I m
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Chapter 19: Konstantin
Friday. Lake House. VA.KONSTANTIN STARED AT THE MONITORS.When was the last time they'd come out here and he'd used them?Usually he only brought one bodyguard with them. And Haley, but she didn't count. She spent all her time running after Zasha, exploring the lake front.It was so peaceful out here, but he didn't dare assume that just because it was quiet that they were also safe. His goal in coming out here was to be able to deal with this issue head on if his mother made a move.A flashlight showed up as a grainy bit of gray on one screen.That was the perimeter guard right on schedule.Part of him felt a pang of guilt for taking these men all the way out here. They'd been briefed on the situation and understood the potential danger. That didn't make Konstantin feel better about it.There was nothing else to be done. He'd taken the necessary measures to harm as few people as possible. The rest was out of his hands.He left the closet doors open in the room tha
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Chapter 20: Konstantin
Konstantin should go into the office or upstairs, but he didn't want to. Instead he soaked in the sight of Haley in his kitchen looking like she belonged. "What should I ask?"She shrugged. "What do you want to know?"Konstantin mentally flipped through what he knew of her. Parents were still alive. She was the middle of five kids. The second of two girls. The details he knew."What did you want to be growing up?" he asked."Oh, that's easy." She grinned. "I wanted to be a hero like my dad."Konstantin smiled. He hadn't met Haley's family, but he thought he'd like them. "How is he?""Good. Worried about us. He doesn't know what's going on, only that I'm stressed."Your family, are they proud of what you've done?""I think so. Oh, Mom still frets and worries over me, but I think she's just about accepted this is who I am."He propped his chin on his hand. He knew vague details, like she had three brothers and one sister, but nothing personal beyond some vague details a
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