All Chapters of The Rogue Alpha Reverses the Time: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
106 Chapters
Chapter 10: Lilith
The tavern was enveloped with silence.Perhaps, they were flabbergasted that a handsome, good-looking man had come to chime in and enter this cheerful place. I would also be mesmerized since Valerian was not wearing expensive clothing but some cheap clothes just like me.I guess he dressed simply so no one would notice that he came from a noble family. So others would mistake him for a commoner, an Omega, or a rogue."If you are frightened, you should have chosen to return to your packs instead of drinking here," Valerian said as he strode towards the counter and asked for a drink."W-We know that... We are really planning to go home..." the other one said."Yes! I... I agree! We should definitely go home!""Then, go home if you wish to keep your families alive," he said I silently watched the people who started murmuring, wanting to know who this person was who suddenly entered. I was fully aware of his scent that reached my nostrils as I saw the side view of his face.That contour
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Chapter 11: Attitude Switch
I tried to spot Gavin in the Sunset Crown pack one more time, but there was no sign that the person was there.So, to find an excuse, I went to the front gates of their pack."What are you doing here?" one of the pack warriors asked cautiously from the watch tower."I have come to look for the young Lord Lorenzo," I said politely.He creased his forehead. "What do you mean? Are you his acquaintance?""I am indeed." I must act that I was.The other person he was with exchanged glances. "State your name. And we shall see if Lord Gavin shall allow you to get in."I nodded. "I am Dahlia Josephine. An acquaintance from the royal academy," I introduced.I did a careful investigation of this pack and got to know that he was studying in the royal academy of our kingdom. I even got to know his acquaintances. And he returned to their pack for a two-week academic break.Also, tomorrow was his departure to return."Lady Josephine.""Yes?""Lord Gavin said that he has no business with you. You may
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Chapter 12: Endearment
The next day, Valerian made me hyperventilate as soon as he showed up at the door, just as I was about to plan to abscond from him."How did you know that I am in this room?" I asked, frowning. I couldn't stop my heart from beating so fast since I had been thinking about him for the whole night while crying silently."Asking your innkeeper is a great help." He wriggled his eyebrows. I almost slapped myself for the obvious question I asked him. "Of course, the innkeeper..." I rolled my eyes while he was following me when we were outside my inn. "Let's grab some breakfast," he said.I glanced at him. I wanted to refuse him, but I felt he would pester me until I agreed. "Fine. Lead the way." This was really my karma that my attitude was like Valerian's before.He had a sheepish smile. "That is good to hear then. Please follow me, my lady." He gestured his hand as if he was an escort or what. I only nodded and silently followed him. I silently adored his well-chiseled back. How I wante
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Chapter 13: Incantation Jewelry
I was still horrified from the moment he said those words. For some reason, I felt like running away but no."Why would you even choose that as an endearment?" I chuckled nervously to hide what rattled me. I even had to ignore those meaningful words he uttered.I was supposed to be the one who should think about that endearment. Why is he the one who thought that word? Why did it seem like he also came from the past? "Have you heard that somewhere?" I added. I was being cautious.Could that be the reason? Did he also have a memory of the past, just like me?Did the Moon Goddess also grant him a second life to change his fate? Was this the reason why we met in the Calaren instead of Solacia?Was Valerian following me? Was that why?"Yes." I snapped back to look at him with a furtive smile. "I heard from somewhere. I think it suits both of us to use that as our endearment, right, honeydew?"I had chills down my spine when he started to call me that. Was this what he experienced back in
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Chapter 14: That Person
I was spacing out when I returned to my inn as soon as I got the incantation from the divine priest. His Eminence, Priest Acaly's words, kept lingering in my head. I felt troubled since I did not expect that he would utter something unusual which could make me alarmed. "Perhaps, I must refrain from seeing any divine priest or priestess..." I stroked my chin, wondering if that was the right decision. But it would be great to know the person I was looking for, right?Now, that I remembered... That man who was with me before I closed my eyes. I knew that he was calling out to someone. "A woman..." I muttered and kept staring at the ceiling, lying on my bed. "A woman arrived at that time... that looked like... me?" I creased my forehead, perplexed that it came out of my mouth. I hissed. My memories were getting fuzzy at that moment I had been struggling to breathe. But I was certain that the woman I saw then looked like me. "Dameta..." I muttered again. That was the word I heard fro
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Chapter 15: A Present
It did not take me a long moment to respond to his kiss. I was not going to be a hypocrite and would pity myself.This was what I had been waiting for... to have Valerian's lips on mine again.It was so sweet and passionate that it shed a tear.I reached for his nape and showed him how much I longed for him. With the kiss, I responded to him, I would show him that I loved him and would not let anything happen to him again.This time, I would save him and his pack.For now, I should indulge myself in being inside his arms.I did not know how long I had been kissing him, but he only broke it when he wiped the tears from my eyes."Why are you always crying as if... you are mourning for me, honeydew?" he asked softly.I gasped and was about to remove his hands, cupping my face. "N-No. This is not..." My words were cut off when he kissed my eyes.His expression softened. "I am not dead. So, why is that?" That made my heart ache.In my previous life, you were dead, Valerian. I betrayed you
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Chapter 16: Secret Gathering
I did not see Valerian off when he left Calaren. He was looking for me in my inn, but he found out I had already left that inn. I watched his carriage disappear from sight while I was on the rooftop of an establishment along with the luggage I had."Valerian looked pissed." I couldn't help chuckling when I glanced at the bangle I was wearing. "He surely couldn't smell me. That is a good thing."It was better that we didn't say farewell to each other. I would see him in the Solacia, hoping he would also be there.I had a feeling that the next time we met, Valerian wouldn't let me go."I guess I have to be prepared for his wrath." I took my luggage and placed it on my shoulder. I was prepared to depart to Pran.That town was where the secret gathering would be happening.It would take at least less than a day if using a wolf form and one day if using a horse or wolf speed in human form.I arrived at the town using my wolf speed and jumping from tree to tree, roof to roof, to make an ea
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Chapter 17: Crown Prince Henricus
My eyes widened when I happened to know that he was the Crown Prince. I did not notice him! I was quick enough to greet him back. He glanced in my direction and nodded. "Long time no see, Duke Leveaux. It seems that you are doing well," His Royal Highness said in his friendly tone. Valerian chuckled and nodded. "I look forward to seeing you here, Your Royal Highness." I almost gasped, knowing that Valerian knew the crown prince was coming here instead of the Alpha King. It seemed that he was really acknowledging him as the great leader once he was crowned as the Alpha King in the future. Crown Prince Henricus smiled from ear to ear. "Likewise, Duke Leveaux. Likewise." He turned to me. "Bring us some refreshments. And do not tell that His Royal Highness is here. He will show himself later." I mindlessly nodded, still shocked that the first son of the Alpha King really showed himself before Valerian when I left the changing room. I was expecting that he would have some royal guard
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Chapter 18: The History of Abomination
"Why would I want to negotiate with someone I did not know his name?" He arched his eyebrow after he remained unfazed by seeing that I was only in disguise and a woman, not a man. But I knew better since I was keen enough to see his eye twitch.I had taken him aback, so I was sure of that. We, the Cantavalle children, had learned different facial expressions and how to utilize them. We underwent vigorous training before we were finally dispatched to our first mission.That was why Crown Prince Henricus couldn't fool me.I chuckled and stood up. "Pardon my rudeness, Your Royal Highness." I bowed my head before him. "I believe we have met already. I greet the little sun of the Yuanzhong Kingdom, His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Henricus. I am Dominixe Lilith Cantavalle from the House of Marquis Cantavalle."Being called the little sun of our kingdom meant that he was the son of the Alpha King, who called the sun, and Luna Queen, who called the moon. If it were a lycan princess that we
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Chapter 19: The Deal
When Papa told us that, I could have sworn his cognac eyes were blazing in hatred. That abomination, he felt, was something that couldn't be satiated any matter if he kept telling us his history."Papa endured slavery for more than five years. That Alpha made him experience hell and told him he was just his plaything. He experienced being sliced on his back and whipped all over his body. He even experienced being stabbed in his eye and cutting his tongue. He was thankful by that time that they were not coating the dagger with wolfsbane so he could heal in no time. What worse was... That man raped papa."Sighing, I kept drumming my fingers on my thighs while watching them for the information I was bestowing. I could see that every word I would utter had rendered them speechless."Six years of staying there, Papa met my mother. However, she met her miserable fate as soon as I was born."To be honest, the information about how they met was still mysterious to me. What I knew was they had
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