All Chapters of Torn Apart By Fate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
42 Chapters
Who really is Tiger?
The image she had drawn of Devlin was absolutely wrong, Sarah realised faintly. She had thought that he was a one man gangster, walking and living all alone, while occasionally fighting others gangsters who tried to mess up with him, but she was wrong. Now, there was Jordan added to the scene. One look at them, and it showed that they shared a very strong bond. The puzzles weren’t fitting at all! On top of that, Devlin was rich! The amount of money he’d handed to Anne could only proved that. With this last piece of revelation, Sarah reached to only one possibility. Devlin was not really a gangster. He had to be the son from a very wealthy family. Children from the upper class household tend to choose this kind of life because average normal life is way too boring for them. But then again, Devlin didn’t fit in this kind either! He didn’t at all correspond to the checklist of spoil brats. She sighed inwardly.In the front seat, Devlin licked his lips and swallowed down the easiness in h
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Sarah let out an exclamation of awe as the jeep drove through the city streets. It was a city as busy as New York yet it was not New York. The name of the city was unknown to Sarah. As a matter of fact, they reached there a little after sunset. The orange purplish sky has turned the city into a golden city. The streets were fraught with people, most of them clothed in business suits and classy outfits. Half of the city lights were reflecting in Sarah’s big, stunned eyes. Sarah had never been to a city before, only seen them in postcard and pictures. She was often moved by its night beauty. With an anguish reluctance, her mind went back to the past. She recalled the days, the month, the years when she had sat down by her window, looking at the mountain with a sharp sadness and melancholy in her heart. Her friends, her cousins had all gone to parties, to family reunion yet she had never been allowed to participate in them. Often during these moments, she had envied the princesses in he
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Dark mood
Sarah gulped and her pulse skyrocketed. What does he mean? Her eyebrows furrowed.''I found something about your address. Your sister lives in the city next to this one. I...I just have to confirm it then I shall let you know.” With a thud, her heart dropped in her chest and her mouth went dry.''Oh,” the single word exclaimed with disappointment. If Devlin noticed her lack of enthusiasm to go home, he didn't show it. Not surprising to find the toast tasteless after that kind of news, she wrinkled her nose critically, trying to mask her sadness with irritation. Sarah changed the topic. ''Eish! Your cooking skills are so awful. I missed eating the takeaways food my sister used to buy for me here,” she grumbled. Deep inside, two feelings were conflicting with each other; one Sarah missed her mother and her sister deeply and the other one was her love for Devlin, which was getting fiercer day by day.''Sarah, I'm a gangster, not a cook,” he defended himself with a chuckle. Sarah looke
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Dreams come true
Oh no! She screamed inwardly as Devlin reached by the swimming pool. Her arms unconsciously tightened around his neck. ''Oh! Please don't do this, I don't know...'' Devlin silenced her by locking eyes with her, his face so close to hers that their nose almost touched.''How to swim,” she said breathlessly, captivated once again by the ferocity in his eyes. His gaze stilled on her flushed face and her heart began to thud and pound so loudly that she was afraid he might heard it. And then, without any warning he let go of her. Sarah fell in the pool with a splash! Panic stricken, she gasped and started to struggle her arms and feet against the water. Surfacing her head over the water, she cried out in panic,“Tiger, take-me out! I’m drowning-I'm dying!''''You needed that refreshing. Your face was too red,” came his cool reply as he moved away.''Tiger! Tiger! Help!'' She shouted at the very brink of breaking into tears. However Devlin’s back wast to her. He was adjusting something i
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Childhood Trauma
Devlin inwardly sighed a relief. She took a sip of the drink then exclaimed. ''Wow, it is awesome. You do have amazing hands!” He quirked one eyebrow. ''Oh yeah? But I remember someone told me once, my cooking skill is awful.” '' I'm sure that person didn't meant it.” Sarah smiled. But soon, Devlin’s one faded away as he decided to speak his mind. ''Can I ask a question, Sarah?'' Her nervous eyes met his then nodded. He swallowed down the sudden dryness in his throat and tried to calm his suddenly racing heart. He cleared his throat then mustered up his courage. ''The other day- I mean, when I asked you who you wanted to defeat you replied- that it was your...your husband?'' He averted her eyes, “ are you married?''Sarah let out a soft laugh.''Of course I am not!''"Then?”She hesitated. “It is a long story. I am not sure if you will want to hear it.”''I am all yours. I would love to...'' The desperation in Devlin’s voice was too apparent, so he quickly added, ''I mean-
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Bittersweet night
Devlin slowly ran a comforting hand over her arm and rubbed it rhythmically as she stopped crying with only dry sobs from now and then. ''But now, you do not have to worry. You now know how to defend yourself, right?”Sarah lifted her head and looked at him. He gave her a smile and she returned it back. “Hmm,” she nodded, “thank you,” she barely said in a whisper.Devlin’s heart lurched in his stomach. He was momentarily breathless as he continued to hold his gaze. Sarah was lazily gazing at him when out of a sudden, her gaze moved behind him and instantly widened. The star was back in the pit of her eyes! Devlin blinked as the next minute, she jumped on her feet.Getting off his arms, Sarah went straight behind him, a high pitch of excitement in her voice.''Look!'' When Devlin followed her gaze, an amused chuckle rose in his throat. Again he smiled.The full bright moon was rising above the city lights and the scene was an splendid scenery, putting all the lights in the whole c
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Maybe a new beginning
Devlin! She almost took him for someone else. Gone was the gangster and messy man she knew! In its place was a mind bogglingly handsome man! His business suit impeccably tailored, his shirt snowy white, his tie meticulously knotted and a Rolex watch on his wrist! His brow went up, “well?”Her face burned as Sarah realised that while she was assessing his body he had been watching her do so. ''I- I,” Sarah stammered, embarrassed. Devlin laughed and took a step forward.''Do tell me how I look,” he interrogated mockingly, buttoning the suit nicely.''I- nice, but where are you going dressed like this?" She suddenly frowned.''A meeting”''Meeting? But you said you don't work with other gangsters...”Sarah’s frown deepened. A dark flush swallowed his face and he looked uncomfortable.''I-um,” he swept his hands distractedly through his hair, messing his well combed hair!''Don't do this!'' Sarah cried in a sharp alarm. When Devlin looked at her as if she’d grown two heads, she explaine
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Silent wish
Devlin halted at the red light. He was in a very gloomy, dark mood. The kind of mood which would end his punching bag into a victim. The meeting with the shareholders went well. All of them were very happy and rejoiced to have seen him again. They were all eagerly waiting for him to take over again. But it was all a torture for him. Most of the time, all they talked about were his father and past memories. It tormented him! They were also curious about what had he been doing all this time. However Devlin kept it short and undetailed. He was specially grateful for Jordan’s support by his side. He had filled up the blank when Devlin didn't know what to say. Well, Jordan had to because he knew too well that Devlin was going to decapitate him the next time they meet alone. The green light was on and Devlin started his engine once again. He was sightlessly driving, his mind running with thoughts. All these years, everything had gone according to planned, yet now it felt like the strings
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''You are thinking too loud, Sarah,” Devlin drawled, a slight pinch of annoyance in his voice. “ It’s making me hard to concentrate on the movie.” It was one hour after the jaw dropping event. Sarah and Devlin were sitting, by the television as he had offered to watch a movie. Devlin was completely at ease. However it was the contrary for Sarah. She was sitting on the other side of the couch, her knees up, her chin rested on them. She was deep in thoughts. The thoughts in her mind were in the traffic. It was very loud there. She could not stop thinking about how Devlin had behaved earlier. His actions, his words had given birth to a hope in her heart. She still could not understand why he had been like this, yet something was dancing in her chest. However, after this intimate moment, Sarah’s cheeks burned endlessly. She was so ill at ease and embarrassed at her own reaction to his passion.“Oh? Oh, sorry” She glanced in his direction and when she saw his lips twisted in a mockery
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Token of love
''Phew, so many people!'' Sarah exclaimed uncomfortably. Well, there she was, an introvert after all. Devlin chuckled.''Of course Sarah, this is a city, plus today is a festival day, I guess. There is a lot of selling and buying on this day,” he briefly explained.Sarah glanced at him. Today, he wore a plain white shirt with black tight jeans and his dashing sunglasses covering his intense eyes, the hair which reached till his eyebrows was nicely pushed to the side. He was so gorgeous that Sarah’s blood rushed to her head. And she was only looking at him! She swallowed and eased the dryness in her throat. Unconsciously she tightened the hand that he was holding. Devlin glanced at her. His brows met as he noticed her red face.''Tired already?''''Oh- no I mean yes kind of,'' she rambled nervously.''Then, let's get a drink, hmm?''Sarah nodded a smile. As she was glancing leisurely at the mall next to her, something caught her eyes. She halted. She let go of Devlin’s hand and almost
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