All Chapters of The Nomadic Wolf: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
40 Chapters
Chapter 1
Vinny Ring! Ring! Ring! My phone began to shrill out on the nightstand, my sisters name flashing angrily against the vibration on the cheap wood. I was dreading this phone call. Not because I didn’t love my sister, of course I loved my sister. I was dreading this phone call because it was a summons. Alpha Liam and Luna Clementine had been slowly dropping hints over the last few months that it was time to end my sabbatical and come home to the pack. It was time to come home, meet my niece and stay for a while. The pack had been raving about my niece, each time I had talked to one of them. Little Lacey! Dark hair and startling green eyes. She must have been at least ten months old by now, and other than the occasional facetime, I hadn’t really met her. I was training to be a pack warrior at eighteen, with the plan to be in my sister and brother-in-law’s personal protective circle. Shortly after my twentieth birthday, however, I raced to my sister and very calmly asked her for an out
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Chapter 2
Roman I stretched deeply, groaning with appreciation as I felt each vertebrae pop and click throughout my back. I removed my hairband from my hair then flipped my head upside down to place a messy top knot on my head. Nightshift was dragging on at Kempthorne Memorial Hospital. It was four in the morning and not one person had come in to be triaged in the last few hours. Two more hours before I could head home, collapse into the pillowy down of my bed and sleep for eternity. Home time couldn’t come soon enough after pulling a double shift. People thought I was crazy for pulling double shifts all the time. But the truth was I loved being a nurse. Scrap that. I loved being an emergency department nurse. Usually, the emergency room was chaotic with drunken students and their stupid decisions, which gave me a great distraction from my life. Helping the doctors reset dislocated shoulders or pulling artifacts from places they shouldn’t be, was like a drug; addictive adrenaline that coursed
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Chapter 3
Vinny I opened the throttle and leaned forward, hollering out a whoop of delight, which was met with Vali’s yippy howls of excitement. He loved this as much as I did. All I wanted to do was take my helmet off and feel the wind in my hair as I zoomed down the country. I wore a helmet not because it kept my brain inside my skull, but because it really sucks when you get a mouthful of bugs. I tried not to think of my destination too much and just enjoy the open road. I estimated that it would take four days to get back to Blackfern Valley. As I got closer to my dreaded destination, my thought process betrayed me. It kept bringing me back to my final few days in Blackfern Valley. I tried to force my brain to think about my dad, my sister, my niece, God—even my mother who died when I was fifteen. Each time my brain would start to behave, little snippets of unwanted memories and thoughts would intertwine themselves, popping forward and back like little poltergeists of doom. Vali was be
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Chapter 4
RomanI smiled at my patient as I offered him his discharge papers, reminding him to take his medication and directed him out through the emergency waiting area. There was the sudden aroma of peppermint followed by canine and human and a loud bantering conversation that made me freeze in my spot. The girl’s voice was loud and squeaky and even though I hadn’t heard her companion speak yet, I instantly knew who it was.My heart spasmed and pounded erratically as I looked up and took in the stunning specimen standing before me. His blond hair was longer than I had seen it, sitting between his chin and shoulders, flicking at odd angles at the end. His broad shoulders fit snuggly into his leather jacket and his jeans were ripped in a way that was not intentional. His green and silver eyes found mine and I felt as though I had been hit with a blast of frosty air. The malice contempt could not be mistaken for anything else. Rue stood in shock, gaping and unable to make a comment or a sound.
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Chapter 5
VinnyAs soon as I stepped away from the hospital, the aroma of jasmine started to dissipate, making it a little easier to breathe. Each breath in the hospital felt like razorblades to my throat but the further we got from the hospital, the more my lungs opened to receive the oxygen they were so badly struggling for. There was an icy void in my chest, but I had convinced Camille to come to a bar with me, so it was only a matter of time before I filled the chasm. I was starting my third glass of bourbon and I smiled as Camille amicably told me about herself, like this was a real date. As if I wasn’t trying to ignore the gaping hole in my chest. I kept sniffing the air, high on alert trying to detect the hints of jasmine before they arrived. I was convinced my bad luck had just started, that Roman would follow me into this bar, if only to make my life a living hell. “I hate that she looks good,” Vali grumbled, placing unwanted images of Roman in my mind. Even standing in lilac-coloured
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Chapter 6
Roman My eyes pinged open and I looked around the bedroom that wasn’t mine. The room looked like it belonged to a teenage boy, with clothes haphazardly tumbling out of semi open drawers and more piles on the floor-drobe. The walls were covered in car and music posters and an electric guitar was sitting on a stand in the corner. The owner of the room seemed like a teenage boy, but he was definitely older than that, I would never sleep with a teenage boy.I heard the shower turn off and rolled off the bed and started to dress myself quickly. I tugged on my black panties and scrub pants and had managed to clasp my bra before the bedroom door opened and in walked Murdoch, my saviour in my time of need, “Morning Rome.”“Hey,” I muttered, pulling my camisole over my head and looking around for my scrub top.“You want breakfast?” I froze. We didn’t usually do breakfast. We both knew what this was and canoodling over oatmeal was not part of the agreement. I schooled my face into a mundane exp
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Chapter 7
Vinny I entered the bar and my eyes instantly grazed over the flash of light brown skin of Roman’s lower back as she leant forward on a bar stool. It was like I had no control over the direction of my stare, or the length of time I was staring. The skin was smooth and flawless as it disappeared into the hem of her top and down into her tight as fuck jeans that showed off her glorious ass. Now that she wasn’t hidden under her uniform, I could really appreciate just how mesmerizing her curves were. Even from behind, just for a moment. When her eyes met mine, the flickering purple broke my trance. My legs which were frozen to the spot, moved me away as if a sudden determination had overridden my body. The ice in my heart solidified as I sat on a leathered booth seat and picked up a menu. I could feel her gaze. It was as if every cell in my body was tuned to her. Even the ones covered in ice. The smell of jasmine was irritating my nose as I tried in vain to keep my breathing shallow. An
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Chapter 8
Roman My skin itched and burned. My blood was boiling through my veins. The mechanical, fake and forced laughter died in my throat as the piercing green eyes met mine. Then there was silence. The conversation that I was desperately trying to ignore and listen to at the same time muted. I looked over again and saw that the conversation had turned telepathic. Rue was snarling and pacing, sending grotesque images through my mind— lots of bloody carnage. Sweaty muscular bodies slamming against each other, hard and dirty. Fingernails scraping, lips being painfully bitten and pulled. Teeth entering carotid arteries and ripping. Blood then even more blood. Hands running over nipples and tweaking them painfully. The building sensation of an orgasm being ripped away before the climax. Pools and pools of blood. A neck snapping. Lifeless green eyes. It was like she couldn’t decide if she wanted to rip him apart or fuck him senseless. Maybe fuck him then rip him apart? I forced the thoughts back
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Chapter 9
VinnyIt had been almost three weeks since I had been back in Blackfern Valley. The sound of tools tinkering on the garage floor echoed into the quiet solitude of my father’s empty garage. Usually, I would be blasting the terribly old FM-stereo on the backwall as I fiddled around in the grease and grim of motorcycle mechanics, but this time I wasn’t feeling it. This time I wanted to focus. I needed to focus.My body had been taut with tension ever since I stepped foot in Blackfern Valley. I was like a wound-up spring, ready to react at a second’s notice. Nothing felt right here. Even Vali was on high alert. I just couldn’t decide why we were so on edge. Maybe it was just because we hadn’t been back here in a long time, and this was a natural thing to feel? Or maybe it’s because my family was in danger, and I felt like I was sitting around doing nothing?“Leave it to the trackers and the warriors.” My sister had told me. I had argued and demanded why she had brought me back if she didn
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Chapter 10
Roman The bush was a blur as I sprinted through it. This time it wasn’t Rue that needed a release, it was me. What a fucking shit show this was! My life had turned into a well choreographed disaster, and I was barely holding it together. I wanted to take advantage of the last few warm weeks of summer and invited Murdoch to the swimming hole. It was an olive-branch. We had been fucking non-stop for weeks to try and keep Rue satiated. However, my wolf was more volatile than ever, and even if she didn’t want to burst out of my skin, she had made me irritable with uncontrollable mood swings. Each time he tried to talk to me about what was bothering me, I closed down and reminded him that I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. That all I was after was distraction. He was happy enough to provide the distraction, but when the mood swings hit, he always looked torn.The swimming hole was supposed to be a non-confrontational day out. A day of relaxation. A day of friendship-bonding and hippy-like
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