All Chapters of 365 days to fall in love with a Mafia.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 Chapters
She had just finally made herself comfortable in her seat.By the looks of things, it seemed like the conference was soon to begin.Eve moved her gaze around the arena, it was large and accommodating, she thought, then something suddenly caught her eyes.Professor Frank walked into the room with some other doctors who she concluded must be fellows as well.She moved her gaze from one doctor to the next to see if she had seen them before but there weren't many people she could identify.Then her gaze landed on a man with black hair dressed in a white coat just like the others but she was sure she had seen him before but where?Then it all clicked, he was the doctor from the bus who introduced himself as Jason, so he was also a fellow but she didn't remember any doctors in her department with the name Jason.She decided not to dwell on the thought, although the throbbing had lessened it was still there."OMG, who is that? holy crap." Someone suddenly squealed from behind her.Eve who ha
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Eve.With time I forgot about his presence, as I felt myself become more comfortable, I listened to the physician speaking and I found myself enjoying the conference.He welcomed the newly employed physicians, emphasized on few rules, and clarify many things associated with the hospital.Then I felt my neck begin to hurt, I had kept it in one place for too long, unconsciously, I turned my head to the side on impulse, and this happened to be the direction of the officials, I pulled back my head, tilting it slightly as I closed my eyes and when I opened them again my eye suddenly landed on him but as if knowing my gaze was on him he turned his head toward my direction and our eyes met. His beautifully silver-grey eyes rested on me and my breath caught.I had only gazed at him for a moment but it seemed that a moment was more than enough time for our gaze to meet, for a second I felt my heart would leap from my chest.I quickly retracted my eyes, feeling my face heat up in embarrassment,
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Meet Him Again.
She moved her gaze further upwards, following a pair of long legs, then a pair of powerful arms and broad shoulders, and finally her eye met a pair of beautiful silver-grey eyes, framed by a well-defined face which was expressionless.His gold like blonde hair shined brightly completing his looks.The man standing before her was none other than Alexander Morgan.His silver-grey eyes rest on her, making her feel a little under his gaze, he excluded such a powerful aura that it was just hard not to notice."Are you convenient, sitting on the floor?."He questioned as he stared down at me." Uhm no" She mumbled, cursing inwardly.Suddenly she snapped out of her trance turning her gaze to the side.Of all people to bump into, why him?She searched for her goggles on the floor, and when she finally found them she picked them up, standing up from the ground.Talk about firsthand embarrassment, Oh god, she wished the earth would just open up and swallow her.Suddenly, a masculine but familiar
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He loves you.
Maeve."I know this might sound crazy, but I need you to meet him again."I almost choked on the noodles I was eating when these words left Rebekah's lips, and I sent a glare to her."Just hear me out." She began but I cut in, I just wasn't having anything of that."You're joking right?" I questioned, meeting her gaze, although, I wasn't seeing the humor in her words."I'm not, If you'll just let me explain.""Rebekah" I yelled, almost startling her." Can you even hear yourself, you want me to...""He wants to meet you again" Rebekah cuts in.I was speechless for a moment, as many thoughts immediately rushed through my mind."Now, I don't know why, but he wants to meet you, I got a call from a strange number this morning, I didn't know it was him until he introduced himself as Alexander Morgan, the blind date."Why would he want to see me after all the crazy things I had said to him, did he realize I was the woman from the blind date? what if he just wanted to punish me for lying to h
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The handsome guy in the suit.
Rebekah," I heard the familiar voice of someone I wasn't expecting to hear when Rebekah opened the door."You're here."Rebekah stepped aside, then my gaze landed on the fellow.Phoebe.She walked into my apartment while carrying a bag in her containing something, but I couldn't identify it."Phoebe," I said in surprise.Just what was she doing here? was it because the director sent her over?"Eve, thank goodness you're okay," She voiced as she walked towards me, giving me a light embrace."Hmm, you looked surprised.""Well I am, I wasn't expecting you." "Well," She started as she collapsed on the sofa" I heard you were sick, so here I am, I also brought recovery gifts"I moved my gaze back to the bag in her hand, wondering what it could be."Eve," She called and I moved my gaze from the bag back to her face."Hmm" I mumbled, meeting her gaze."Thanks for the gift, but you didn't have to... so you heard I was sick, was that from the director.""No" She drawled."I got the news from a nu
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I could agree that there were good-looking male doctors in the hospital as the nurses and some female doctors never missed an opportunity to talk about them but I wouldn't emphasize a particular guy as being strikingly handsome and I haven't seen any male doctors wearing a suit, in fact, the only man I had seen today wearing a suit was..."Eve" Pheobe called pulling me from my train of thought."Well?"I couldn't give a reply immediately as realization dawned on me.Spending time with the girls distracted me for a while but, Pheobe just had to bring up a topic about a man in a suit, and I guessed that she was talking about the same man.But I couldn't bring myself to admit knowing who she was talking about. If I ever agreed that he is handsome I would never hear the last of it from Phoebe, she would remind me of it for the rest of my life, so I said the first thing that came to my mind."The Janitor?" I inquired calmly, clearing my throat.Immediately these words left my lips, Rebekah
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One rule to remember.
She walked out of the living room only to return moments later with a face looking pale."What did he say?" Phoebe inquired."I have to go," Rebekah whispered as she fiddled through her pants pocket for her car key."Wait, what happened" I couldn't help but ask as I stood up hastily."My dad got hospitalized because he got into an accident.""""Phoebe and I followed Rebekah to the hospital even when she tried to convince us that it wasn't as serious as we thought it was.She said a nurse had informed her of her father's accident but thankfully he only sustained some minor injuries which he would quickly recover from.As we walked through the hallway I could tell Rebekah was worried despite how hard she tried to hide it, I couldn't blame her, If I were in her shoes I would still feel anxious even after being reassured by the Nurse."You girls should... wait out here," Rebekah whispered with a light sniffle, turning around when we drew close to her father's room."I think my relatives a
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Professor Elena.
Professor Frank" I heard an unfamiliar feminine voice call from the hallway.A beautiful woman surfacing to be in her late twenties, having strikingly beautiful hazel eyes, firmed by a well-defined face with vibrant-looking red hair which she keep down, bouncing gracefully as she walked towards us.She was dressed in a white coat, which meant that she was a doctor but I haven't seen her before."Professor Frank" She called out again as she came to stand beside him."Professor Elena" Professor Frank turned to the side, meeting her gaze."Are you busy?" She asked as she moved her gaze from Professor Frank to Pheobe and me."No, "He replied, causing her to move her gaze from us back to Professor Frank."Oh, is that so? I wouldn't want to disturb you if you're occupied at the moment."She mumbled as she moved her gaze to us."I'm not," "I don't know but I think I've seen you before, do you have a relative here?" She asked, staring directly at me."No," I replied but before I could elucid
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Professor Frank called last night to inquire about your health, that was how I got to know."Aunt Anne voiced as she paused slightly."Such a fine young man, don't you think? anyways, had Pheobe informed you yet?""Informed me about what?""I had been meaning to tell you about it, but I just couldn't find the time, but...""But?""It's nothing too important my dear, it's the twin's birthday and I assumed the Pheobe must have told you by now," Aunt Anne cuts in, placing the fleshly baked cupcakes on the table, she then stood erect, as she faced the both of us."The Philips wanted you to babysit the girls today because they needed the girls to be distracted so they could plan the party, but yesterday I informed Mrs. Philips that you already have a job at the hospital and wouldn't be able to do that anymore.""Did they find a new babysitter?" I found myself asking."Not yet but I'm sure they'll figure out something."Aunt Anne relayed as she moved her gaze around my little bedroom, before mo
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Find Liliana.
The girls were so excited when we got to the cinema and although they didn't want to show it I could tell they enjoyed the film because they barely blinked through the duration of it.After that, we decided to grab lunch at a nearby restaurant.I sat with Liliana to my right and Lily to my left, while Pheobe went to make the order.I moved my gaze to the side when I felt a little hand tap my leg from below the table."What's wrong," I asked when I noticed Lily's discomfort expression.She moved her hand slightly, signaling for me to come closer, I leaned in her direction."I need to use the lady's room but I'm not sure where it is," Lily uttered in a barely audible voice."If that's the case then I can escort you" I looked around to see if I could find someone to ask for directions. "Let's ask that lady over there." I pointed at a young woman probably in her early twenties, who was dressed like an employee at the restaurant.Before I could stand up to help Lily, Pheobe returned with a
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