All Chapters of MARRYING MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCEE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
440 Chapters
Chapter 21
With a softly uttered, tense expletive, he came back to her mouth, his hand sliding beneath her to draw her up against him. The next thing she knew, the clasp of her bra had sprung free, and he was lying her back against the pillows again, and the scrappy bit of mesh was being trailed away."You are exquisite," she heard him rasp through the hazy mists of her ravaged senses.Then he was taking her mouth once again, crushing the pulsing softness of her lips and dipping deep and hungrily with his tongue at the same time that his hand closed around her breast again, naked now and so alive to his touch that she cried out in half protest, half sense spinning pleasure, and grabbed blindly at his head, her fingers clawing into the glossy thickness of his hair.He kneaded and shaped and kissed her breathless. She could feel the tremors attacking him, the fevered flush of his body, and the tension in him. She trapped his groan with her tongue when he pressed the distended tightness of her nipp
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Chapter 22
Snatching up her skirt and shimmying into it, she finally felt brave enough to turn around. He was standing on the other side of the bed, with the bulkhead almost touching his broad shoulders. And he was still so boldly naked that she wished her ravished senses would just curl up and die. The soft light from the bedside lamp played across the flexing muscles in his shoulders as he pulled on his trousers, the taut clench of his stomach, and his hair-roughened chest.Dragging her eyes away from him, she missed the way he lowered his own eyes to the burgeoning fullness of her breasts, moulded by fine knit fabric so the tight peaks of her nipples pushed against the cloth."I’m not going to apologize for calling a stop to what you said was not going to happen," she tossed back her hair and said.He hooded his eyes and brought the old cold cynicism back with a vengeance. Bending down towards the bed, he picked up something. ‘Here…’ He tossed it at her. "You had better put this on before you
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Chapter 23
If Charley said it to shock Dami out of his cool composure, then she certainly succeeded, she saw, as burning dark color swept across his high golden cheekbones and he launched to his feet, sending paperwork scattering as he accidentally knocked against the table."Is that your idea of a damn joke?" His eyes flashed out a blaze of blistering fury that made her reach for and pull up the blanket."I just thought I should mention it before things go too heated again," she explained, blushing herself because now that she’d said it she felt silly and stupid and—"A virgin," he snapped out from between his clenched teeth. "Where in hell did you get the idea to throw something like that at me from out of nowhere?""Well, what would you have preferred me to do?" Charley reacted hotly. Have it written into that stupid prenuptial contract so you could take your time getting used to the idea?He was pale with anger now, not flushed. "We just almost made love.""No, I stopped it," she reminded hi
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Chapter 24
A swarm of staff came out to meet the vehicle. Doors were opened for them, and the still heat of the night became filled with warm smiles and even warmer congratulations that included hugs and happiness on their behalf until Dami gave the order for it to stop.The house itself looked as if it had been transported here right off the set of a period movie. Charley could almost see the ladies in crinolines gliding out onto the front porch.She could hear and smell the ocean though she couldn’t see it, and the heavy scent of tropical jasmine hung like a drug in the air.‘Come,’ Dami said, making another one of those small hesitations, then rested an arm about her shoulders—for the comfort of the staff, Charley realized, and didn’t push him away.But those hesitations were beginning to speak volumes. He didn’t want to touch her. Her silly confession about her lack of sexual experience had given him the biggest turn-off of his life. Now a wall was up and the detached cool was back, and it s
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Chapter 25
Ten minutes later, she walked back into the bedroom, wryly unsurprised to find that the maids had been in and finished the unpacking while she’d been showering.Wrapped in one of the toweling bathrobes she’d found hanging behind the door, she rubbed at her wet hair with a towel as she wandered over to the window to look out. On impulse, she tried the handle and found that the window was unlocked. Pushing it open showed her a bleach-boarded veranda with white slatted rails. The wood was warm beneath her bare feet as she stepped onto it; the heat of the night was kind of soothing, and she stood leaning lightly against the rail and rubbing her hair while she tried to make out what the view in front of her was like.It was truly pitch-dark out there, but she caught the frothing white roll of a wave as it came into shore. It wasn’t far away—perhaps a few hundred yards at most. And as her eyes grew more used to the darkness, she managed to make out the shape of a white-painted gazebo not fa
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Chapter 26
So, on a deep breath that pulled in a bit of a shake, she reached out for the bowl of pasta and spooned a few helpings onto his plate, then did the same for her own. Dami produced a bottle of champagne from an ice bucket set by his chair and popped the cork.‘More pre-planning?’ Charley mocked.He just sent her a brief smile as he poured frothing foam into two crystal flutes. "You don’t touch this until you have eaten some pasta," he instructed.Charley uttered a small laugh. "You sound like my father."He stiffened. "That was not my intention."Staring at the carved lines on his face, she realized that she’d touched that raw nerve again in this man with nerves made of steel.He didn’t like to be compared with her father, she realized. It offended him. Nor did he always recognize a tease.and he didn’t like virgins.The supper continued in near silence after that, his withdrawal from the sparring arena as obvious as the stern expression he wore on his face. And Charley had killed her
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Chapter 27
So the tense curse that left his chest meant nothing to her until he used the superior strength in his arms to bring her tumbling halfway back down to earth."I said slowly," he hissed at her. "I will not ravish you, Charlotte."But she didn’t know the difference between fast and slow. Her own wild senses were ruling her actions; the sweet, tight pulse of desire was controlling the pace. The fingers she sent spearing into his neck so she could bring his mouth back to hers were fierce and urgent. "I want to be ravished," she whispered to him.His kiss-heated lips twisted into a grim smile. "You don’t understand the concept, and I will not give you an excuse to accuse me of ravishing you once it is done and your conscience decides to torment you."Her eyes widened in protest. "I wouldn't do that.""You would," he insisted. "You want me, but you don’t want to want me; you have simply allowed yourself to forget that." In fact,’ he added, sending a sardonic gleam to her liquid green eyes,
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Chapter 28
Then it was there. His hands cupped her bottom to lift her, and he made that first smooth, blinding thrust with his hips. Her body throbbed and stretched to accommodate him; she felt him like a burning shaft of fire in the innocence of her sheath. Her breath caught, her fingers dug into his shoulders, and sensation poured in a swirling wave of fear and anticipation down the pulsing length of where they had joined."You are sure you want this?" he husked at her.The fact that he’d even asked the question after so much pulsing, macho male dominance made tears sting the back of her throat. The point surely was—did he want it?Charley nodded, her mouth just a breath away from his, her eyes clinging dark and vulnerable and helplessly needy to his. It was his eyes that closed when he made that final invasion, his mouth that quivered tautly as she tried to choke back a cry of pain. It was his hands that trembled as he pushed the hair away from her face, then kissed it in soft, soothing touch
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Chapter 29
Charley drifted asleep in the warm cocoon of his arms and awoke late the next morning to find an empty place beside her in the bed. In a way, it was a relief. No awkward moments having to face him while her defenses were down; no stumbling around trying to think of something to say that wouldn’t come out sounding silly, vulnerable, and gauche. She could shower at her leisure and get her act together.No, she couldn’t. Instead, she sank down on the edge of the plunge bath and let the whole high-octane event of her wedding night rush through her head and her body in small explosions of remembered feelings, few of which made her feel good about herself—or about him.What were they doing to each other? Why were they doing it? All Charley knew as she sat there remembering the hot tempo of their passionate coupling was that somehow, in the last week leading up to last night, she had allowed Dami De Santis to become a terrible fever of desire that had built and built inside her until it had
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Chapter 30
Charley tensed. "Don’t," she shivered out, mortified beyond belief that he could say something like that to her at all after last night and especially in front of his housekeeper."We are alone." He smiled briefly at the way she flicked her startled eyes to the place where Nina had been standing. "She beat a hasty retreat when you blushed so charmingly." And it is too late to keep your virgin status on our wedding night a secret, amore. There was blood on the sheets.The shockingly abrupt announcement froze the color out of Charley’s face."You did not notice?" Leaning himself away from the door, he started moving towards her. "One of the maids surely will have done it when she remade the bed after you left it."Charley flinched when the sleeve of his shirt brushed her arm as he reached past her to pick up her discarded piece of pineapple."No comment," he mocked when she still said nothing. "I admit, when I saw it, it made me feel positively medieval." He put the pineapple into his m
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