All Chapters of Wild Beauty: A Tale Of Love and Lust.: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
83 Chapters
Chapter 31: Once Upon A Joke.
Even my boyfriend isn't interested in what I'm saying, he doesn't care that my family are insensitive to my suffering, and at the same time, they're planning a wedding right in front of someone who planned a wedding but didn't wed. I sighed and yanked open the refrigerator with a boiling rage, a bottle of Heinz ketchup flew from the side shelf onto the floor. "Is everything alright in there?" my mother asked from the living room. "Yeah!" I said, as Jon replaced the ketchup and grabbed another beer. I took a deep breath, and followed him back to the living room to see my mother and Dianne talking about the guest list."Two hundred seems just about right," Dianne said."Two hundred is the bare minimum and it adds up fast. You're going to realize that. Let's see, if your parents invite twenty couples, and we invite twenty couples, that's eighty guests right there," my mother said."True," Dianne said. "And I'm going to invite a lot of people from Good Haven.""Well, that should cut do
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Chapter 32: Unexpected Grandmother.
I woke up to a light tapping at my door. It's already morning, my eyes feel so heavy due to the intensed crying I did last night. And yet, I still don't feel any better. "Tessy, are you awake?" my mother asked.Her soothing tone—an unnatural one for her—made me feel even worse. "Yeah. Come in," I said. I felt a wave of morning sickness.She opened the door, crossed my room, and sat on the foot of my bed. "Sweetie. Don't be so upset," she said, patting my legs through the covers."I can't help it. I know you hate him.""I like Jon," she said unconvincingly."No, you don't. After last night? He barely said anything—except to announce that he plans to leave me someday."She gave me a puzzled look. "Leave you?""The 'second wife' joke," I said, adjusting my pillow."Well, you don't have plans to marry *that boy* anyway, do you?" She whispered.I shrugged. "Maybe," I whimpered. The way she said *that boy* told the full story. My mother looked anxious. "Jon is probably just your rebound
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Chapter 33: Ultimate Insult.
For the past weeks things were great between us, but since three days now, it hasn't. I complained to Jon how he frequented poker nights with his newly acquired friends from the underbelly of New York City, his shabby wardrobe, and his unwillingness to start looking for a bigger apartment. But he's problem is about my sudden lack of interest in giving him blow jobs, how I keep the thermostat cooler than neccessary, and my obsession with Sandra and Max. We've been fighting about everything and anything. * * * * * * * * * * * * Jon came into the bedroom with a box of doughnuts from Fluffy bakery to apologize for yesterday's fight. He's actually learning about romantic gestures."Thanks," I said with my mouth full. "Are they tasty?" He asked, reaching to pick one. He took a bite and made a 'mmmm' sound to answer his question that they are tasty.He sat on the bed and flip on the television, searching for the sports channel. "Do you want us to choose a baby name?" I asked. I'm tired o
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Chapter 34: Heavy or Not Heavy.
I woke this morning with one question in my mind—How on earth can I be completely alone? I decided to phone Max, phoning Max is doing the unthinkable and it is a pathetic and desperate move, but there is no need to deny it, I am pathetic and desperate. "Hi, Max," I said as he answered his work line at Giovanni Rojas.I heard what sounded like a cough or a laugh, then silence."It's Tessy," I said."I know who it is.""How are you?" I asked, keeping my voice steady."I'm fine. You?" He asked."I'm. . . okay," I said. "I was just wondering. . .can you talk? Is this an okay time?""Um. . .Well, I actually have to run—""Okay, how about later? Can you meet me after work?""I don't think so," he answered quickly."Please. I really need to talk to you about something," I said.As I said those words, I realized that Max no longer cares about my needs. "I don't think so," he said again. "Why not?""I just don't think it's a good idea.""Because of Sandra?""Tessy," he said, annoyed. "What
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Chapter 35: Despicable Ploy.
As Max stood to leave, I felt a pang on my chest—Max doesn't care about me again. He is serious with Sandra and he is leaving me to go be with her. I resorted to tears and I started begging him. "Please. Don't go," I said. "Tessy," he said, as he sat back down. "Why are you doing this?""I can't help it," I said as I blew my nose. "I'm so sad."He sighed loudly. "You act as if I did this thing to you.""You did do this thing to me.""You did it too. Remember?" He pointed at my stomach."Okay. Fine. I did it too. But . . . " I struggled with the right word, because I need to keep him with me a bit longer. " But I need some answers before I can move on. I need closure. Please, Max."He stared at me blankly. "When exactly did you two start dating? On the very day we broke up?""Tessy, that is entirely irrelevant at this point.""Tell me. Were you looking for a shoulder to cry on? Is that why you went to Sandra's?""Tessy, just stop it. I want you to be happy. I want you and Jon to be ha
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Chapter 36: Convincing Theory.
In my entire life time—throughout high school, college, and my twenties—I have never been dissed by a guy. Not dumped. Not stood up. But here I am—a two time loser all in a week's time. I am completely alone, with not even a prospect in sight.Painful enough, I also don't have Sandra, my steadfast source of comfort when other things, unrelated to romance, had unraveled in my life. Nor do I have my own mother—whom I don't want to call, just to hear some variations of "I told you so." And here's Vanessa, who came to my apartment this afternoon. She came after I had called in sick to work for three straight days. I'm even surprised that it took her so long to rush to my aid, maybe she has no clue of the depth of my despair. "What has gotten into you?" Vanessa asked, glancing around my messier-than-usual apartment. "I've been so worried about you. Why haven't you returned any of my calls?""Jon dumped me," I said mournfully. She raised the blinds in my living room. "Jon broke up with y
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Chapter 37: Gulped Margaritas.
Vanessa and I share the same shoe size, the same taste in music, and the same love of fruity mixed drinks that we normally consume in quantity before our big nights out. Besides, it will be great to have her around when the baby arrives. Hope she wouldn't mind getting up occasionally for nighttime feedings? She sliced a lime and hung perfect twists on our glasses. Vanessa has a nice touch when it comes to entertaining, another perks of living with her, "Let's do it!""Wonderful!" She squealed. "My lease expires next month."She crossed the living room over to my couch, drinks in hand. "There's just one thing I should tell you," I said. "What's that?"She handed me a temptingly perfect margarita on the rocks, salt lined evenly along the rim of the glass.Vanessa could be snobbish and judgemental, but still, over the years she has only demonstrated a sense of absolute loyalty to me. I swallowed hard. "I'm pregnant with Jon's baby," I said, blurting out my big secret. I took one tiny
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Chapter 38: Gossip Hound.
A week has passed and I have not heard from Vanessa about her plans on moving in with me. I have called her so many times which she either avoided or ignored. I would have appreciated it if she tells me point blank that she won't be moving in with me rather than the way she ignores me like I was the child she promised ice cream on her way to work and failed to return home with it.I decided to use a payphone, she's probably ignoring my calls because she knows my number. I put a coin into the coin slot and rattled in her office number. "Hello. Vanessa Garrett speaking." I heard her cute little-girl's voice she likes to fake. She always claims that it is the most professional way of speaking over the phone with clients. "It's Tessy," I said. "Oh. . . Tessy. . . hi. How are you?" She asked, sounding a little bit shocked. Perhaps, she wasn't expecting a call from me or something."I'm okay. You ?" "Oh my goodness! I've been swamped in work lately." I know she's lying even though I'v
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Chapter 39: Ungrounded.
I need a fresh start, a change of venue, a new cast of characters. I have to come up with a plan, a way to escape the shame of so much rejection. I foraged through my list of contacts in the city, but everyone is somehow linked to Max or to Vanessa or to my firm. My phone started ringing as a call came in and it is Dixie, from Indianapolis, my last girlfriend standing. "Hi, Dixie!" I answered, feeling guilty for all the times in the past that I dismissed her as boring, neglected to call her back. And I feel especially bad for not meeting her new baby, Cheri, when I was in Indy. "I'm so glad you called!" I said again. "How are you?" How is Cheri?" Dixie gushed about her baby and complained about how she's not sleeping well. "How are you doing, Tessy?" She asked me finally. From her tone, it seems like she already know my tale of woe. So I filled her in on everything, just in case she is missing some details. "My life is falling apart, and I don't know what to do," I cried into t
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Chapter 40: Flurry Envision.
It's been a week since I called Andrew in London. I even left him two phone messages and a well-crafted, slightly desperate e-mail. The truth is Andrew favours Sandra than I. It's actually quite understandable if he is "team Sandra" and they both can now join forces to deal with me. But right now, my back is up against the wall and I'm taking a new strategy:- *'be your enemy's friend's friend.'* If I am to come out victorious in all of this, then I have to look for solutions in odd places, thanks to Dixie's fast thinking. I have known Andrew since fourth grade, when he moved to our town in the middle of the school year. There was always a flurry of intrigue when a new kid arrived, with everyone excited at the thought of fresh blood. And doing recess on the day of his arrival, Andrew sat alone on the curb near the monkey bars, writing in the dirt with a twig. Everyone was too shy to speak to him, but I summoned Sandra and Dixie and the three of us approached him. I introduced Sandra a
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