All Chapters of Friendly Enemies: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
72 Chapters
Chapter 11: Daisy and Wesley
In the bathroom, Daisy took a bath and turned off the shower. She immediately grabbed the towel on the rack and slightly mopped her body with it. Her mind was still in a frenzy, and she had her heart in her mouth all along. Afterwards, she slipped into her dress and took out her phone. As she stared at the forty-nine missed calls displayed on her phone screen, her heart raced. The thought that things could have gone bad scared her to death. But sooner or later, she would definitely face whatever had happened. So she tapped on it and scrolled through. Rose had called her over twenty times, about six last night and the rest this morning. Her eyes widened when she saw this. Why would Rose call her so many times repeatedly early in the morning? Then there was Cindy, her dad, and her kid sis, Violet too. Her heart dropped when she saw Edward had not called her at all. Did he find out? Did he catch her? No, has it got to the news? Her heart raced more, and her eyes widened. Wit
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Chapter 12: Away from the outside world
“I was going to leave anyways.” With that, he eyed her once more, winked, and walked out of the bathroom. Daisy’s beautiful face was contorted in a deep frown, and suddenly she saw herself going after him. “Hey, stop right there!” she yelled at him, stepping out of the bathroom. Wesley stopped in his tracks, turned, and stared at her, feeling amused. He didn’t know he was going to face an angry bird, so he was taken aback once he turned. ‘Is it because of what I said to her back there?” he wondered, bewildered. Even still, that made him want to tease her even more. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and stared at the lady standing before him who couldn’t even reach his chin in height. “I want to ask you a question!” she said through gritted teeth. “Why did you have sex with me last night, seeing that you got the wrong woman? Why didn’t you push me out?” The way she was so serious, he really wanted to burst out laughing. Anyways, he couldn’t stop the chuckle that escape
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Chapter 13: “You said he met with a lady in a private room. Who is she?”
A black luxury Audi drove through the road that leads to the most expensive villas in South Yarra. It had been a silent journey from the high-end restaurant. On the passenger’s seat sat a straight figure who looked distant, lost in thoughts, with his brows furrowed. His attractive thin lips were tightly pressed together. He looked like he was upset, and Andrew, who suddenly had to do the work of a driver, did not dare say a thing to him. If only he knew Wesley was not actually angry because that old man James Johnson had set him up but because of that actress. No one ever dares to tell him off or behave that way to him. But she had done these. Except for Andrew, and that’s even when they are in brother mode. Andrew is his most trusted assistant and sometimes his brother. At first, he felt guilty, thinking he had gone too far with his words, but now, he thought she had trampled on his pride and had to be punished. She had no right to make him feel guilty; after all, she had climb
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Chapter 14: Only your friends can set you up
[Was that really Daisy in the video this morning?] [I don’t want to believe it!] [But it’s true whether you believe it or not. I watched the video and Gwarrrd, I can’t believe I was ever her fan.] [Huuurrrghh, I’m really disappointed and disgusted right now.] [She’s a bitch. I guess that’s who she is, and she has always just pretended to be a decent lady. This blew up to her face. She could not hide her callousness forever. I wonder what she will do.] [Last night was her anniversary night. Edward must be so heartbroken.] [I hate her so much now!] [Just die, Daisy, die!!] [Who has the video? Can someone repost?] [To the person above, no one can. If you post it, it will be taken down immediately, and your account might get restricted.] [Hahahaha… I guess that’s what she can do. That’s what the deceptive bitch can do.] [Huh? I really feel so bad for Edward. How is such a handsome and sexy, good-looking guy not enough?] [Who was the guy in the video? The guy seems very hot thou
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Chapter 15: Who exactly is Josh?
The father and daughter call ended. The call had lasted for twenty minutes. While Mr Louis felt dissatisfied that his daughter would not come home, Daisy was in a daze as she got lost in her own thoughts. What her dad had said earlier kept ringing in her head. Of a truth, only her friends can set her up. She thought deeply and hard, but no one occurred to her. She has colleagues from the same movie industries, and her friends in the business circle but Edward had only invited a very few of them. ‘Who could have done this to her?’ she could not help but wonder. Whoever did this to her definitely wanted to ruin her and the person really is on the verge of doing so. As far as she is concerned, Rose and Cindy are out of her guesses. She sighed wearily as her eyes reddened slightly. Who could she have offended? Who hated her this much? She did not want to go home cause she felt she would end up affecting her dad with her scandal. She suddenly remembered something. ‘The guy I s
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Chapter 16: The plan
Daisy lay on the wide bed with her phone lying beside her. She had been lost in her own thoughts and had ended up falling asleep. Through her sleep she felt someone gently adjusting her then she was tucked in with the duvet. She opened her eyes dimly to see Rose who had taken her phone away and was placing it on the bedside table. Rose turned and their eyes met who subsequently scowled at her. “You took the phone huh? What exactly do you want to see?” Rose chided her. Daisy could not help but smile, but the smile did not reach her eyes. Rose was acting like her mother and it made her remember how her mum would scold her over funny little things. Right now, she found Rose amusing, but she could not smile brightly. Her life was a mess, how could she smile? Rose saw this and slowly walked up to her bed. She breathed out a sigh and sat on the bed beside her then she fixed her gaze on her sad face. Daisy still had the smile on but now, it slowly died down. They stared at each o
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Chapter 17: Is this the end?
As Daisy and Rose stood in the hallway close to the stairway, Rose suddenly said, “When this is all over, I will introduce you to someone. She’s an actress and will be joining Finn’s media soon. Her name is Sarah” Daisy smiled genuinely and nodded. “I can’t wait to see her,” she said. She believed anyone from Rose would definitely be a good person as Rose was the best person she had ever met in her life. Wesley stared at Josh with dark eyes, his face devoid of any emotion whatsoever. He had no pity and he would torture him till he spilled out everything he wanted to hear. “You said you will talk…” Wesley drawled lazily as he took the huge needle from who went to get it. The other already pulled down his pants and Josh looked horrified. As Wesley’s gloved hands took hold of the band of his boxers, Josh immediately yelled frantically. “Yes. James Johnson actually sent me. He did send me. But I never expected the actress to fall into such a trap. I made the video that way because
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Chapter 18: On the verge of losing it
This definitely was the end. Tears streamed down Daisy's face as she remained sited on the grass. Rose who had got up turned to Cindy and asked calmly, "What happened?" With reddened eyes, Cindy answered "I really don't know. I really don't understand. But right, the internet is in chaos." As she spoke, Daisy listened while she just stared ahead. Then her eyes dropped to Cindy's bare feet and she suddenly laughed stunning the two ladies. "Why are you barefooted? Just look at your feet on the bare ground. You're a very foolish girl." The two ladies were more than stunned this time around as that was extremely strange. Daisy looked up and laughed again as tears streamed down her face. "You should have at least put on some slippers dummy," she giggled. Cindy's eyes widened and she immediately crouched in front of Daisy as she clutched the latter's arm. "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong with you?" But Daisy withdrew her arm from her friend's grip before glaring at her. "You real
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Chapter 19: A long night
That night was a really long night. Cindy and Rose tried all they could to coax Daisy and put her under control before the doctor arrived. Earlier when Rose called him, he had told them to make her sit down and get her a glass of water. He also instructed them not to talk about the incident with her or let her say anything further. “Just let me see the comments. I just want to see how bad things are. Am I not the person concerned? Rose just give me my phone..,” Daisy went on and on. She had been pleading for them to just let her have a look but they wouldn’t. The doctor had instructed them not to. “Okay okay, what’s all this? Aren’t I the one with the problem?” Daisy suddenly yelled and flung Rose’s hands that were holding hers and Rose gasped. “You both listen to me,” Daisy stated through gritted teeth as she rose to her feet. Rose stood up too while Cindy remained seated, staring at the angry Daisy bewildered. “I am the one with the problem,” Daisy yelled pointing fingers
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Chapter 20: Crueller and greedier
Rays of sunlight shone through the curtains and directly on the face of the young woman sleeping peacefully on the couch. The curtains were made of yellow materials and therefore, they cast a yellow glow on her face, making her look like the sunrise beauty, and giving her a peaceful look. There on the couch, Daisy appeared like she had the whole world behind her like she had everything figured out already. At this point, one could easily not believe and even argue that she had almost lost her mind the night before. Cause as she lay fast asleep on the couch, breathing softly, she looked way too peaceful for someone who was in a very terrible mess. Cindy walked out of the room she had slept in to pass the night. Majestically walking towards the entrance like she owned the building, she suddenly caught sight of the sleeping beauty on the couch and she stopped in her tracks. It was after looking around, slightly confused for a while did she remember where she was and why she was curre
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