All Chapters of Love and Lament: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
40 Chapters
I didn’t know why, but we always ended up skipping breakfast. It was not like we came to our rooms late, but the thing was how Sapphire almost begged me to flirt with the bell boy to get the wi-fi password and then binge-watch all the episodes of thirteen reasons why. Sean and Brett said they’d be late and asked us to have dinner.But after we sank into the story, we only got out of it at almost 7 in the morning. I wonder how Sean even went to sleep without checking up on Sapphire. If it was any other couple, there wouldn’t have been a wonder. But since it’s Sapphire and Sean we’re talking about, I couldn’t help but wonder.We woke up around 2 in the afternoon after sleeping at 7. By the time our minds noticed the time and analysed the situation, Sapphire jumped out of her bed and went to the fetch her phone.“54 missed calls?” She wondered and looked at me with astonishment. “Sean has gone crazy!”“I don’t think so,” I said. “We haven’t seen them for like what, 20 hours maybe?”“Yea.
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“Chloe, listen to me.” Brett tried holding me from behind, as I walked ahead of him.I didn’t speak to him yesterday night when we came to our hotel and he kept bugging me. He thought my anger would be cooled down by the time I woke up the next morning, but it didn’t.“Chloe, please.” He said, swirling me around to face him.“You’re getting late. Better head back to the ground.” I said, pointing over to the ground he should be at.Today was the day of the game. The day everyone was waiting for. And instead of being with his team, Brett was clinging to me.“I don’t care.” He said. “Just don’t be mad..”“Why not?” I said, furrowing my brows and folding my arms. “You embarrassed me!”“Chloe-”“You went through.. everything. And it was so embarrassing!” I covered my face in dismay“I’m sorry.” He said, pulling his lip out to form a sad expression. “I really didn’t mean to..”“I’m still mad,” I said. Though he was very tempted to forgive, I wanted to see what he could do to make it up to m
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“I really think it’s a bad idea,” I said as we entered into the pub, panting hard and gasping for more air.“It’s not a bad idea at all,” Sapphire said, wiping the sweat off her face.“You don’t seem like yourself,” I remarked, looking at her with a smile.“What do you mean?” She asked, as we went to the bar and asked for some water.“You changed a lot,” I said. “A good change.”“Sean-” she drank some water. “-has been a bad influence on me.”“I think it’s the other way around.” I grinned at her and nudged her.She glanced back at me and grinned. She looked around for drinks and spotted one. She turned to look around at me. “Do you want to have shots?”I thought about it for a moment. It’s been ages since I last partied. And it’s also been long that I last had shots. And I’m here to enjoy, aren’t I?Moreover, there is absolutely no one I should be worried of. My mom is not here, even if she was, she wouldn’t have been worried if I took shots. She was always cool about what I did becau
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Today's day was hectic. And it's an understatement.I woke up early, despite the fact that I drowned myself in alcohol last night and had made a complete fool out of myself in front of Brett. I don't want to think about what I did because I know it's not going to be something I'll be feeling proud of.I should have realised it sooner than going out yesterday is a bad idea. And going to a pub without any security for that matter is something I thought I would be capable of doing. I had no clue that it was not appropriate for me to dance with a guy and completely forget the fact that he had the potential himself to lead me to a bed and make me wake up the next morning without any clothes on my body.Brett was right. Though the guy looked harmless and pretty sweet, I shouldn't take any risks. I was drunk after all. I wouldn't have remembered anything even if things turned out to be worst.When the sun began to show, I walked to the gallery to have a peek of what's happening outside. The
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Brett didn't push the subject any further. He knew that things between me and my father weren't great and that he left my mom when I was young. He was also aware of the fact that I was not looking forward to meeting my father as we haven't spoken for years.Brett understood my tension and nodded. He took my wrist in his palms and pulled me. When we were finally outside and headed to a deserted balcony, I was able to breathe. I haven't spoken to my father for years. My mom and I didn't try to know where he stayed or if he ever found the happiness he was searching for.I sucked in the fresh air and let it cool my nerves. I knew that by looking at my face, anyone could say that I'm indeed worried about something. It didn't surprise me when Brett read through me like a magazine."Are you alright?" I heard Brett ask from behind me. I sighed and turned around to look at his concerned face."I'm okay," I said. "He... I didn't expect him to be here. He caught me off guard."He nodded. "Did he
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Time ticked by, and the loudness of my heart was the only thing I could hear. A deathly silence followed, contrasting to how it was moments ago. Maybe it's not just my mind that went blank when I ran into someone.I was not scared, nor did a mere thought of meeting him tried to drain the blood from my face. It's just my wish of not meeting him or bumping into him that made my heart frantically beat against my chest.I just stood there, the more I tried to act normal, the more I failed in my attempts. So I just let the person before me break the ice. Because both of us knew about how bad I am at acting like everything is fine."What are you.. doing here?" He asked, his face remaining similar to mine, just as clueless as I was feeling.When I didn't answer, he edged closer to me. He was not sure if he should be hugging me after meeting me after years or should just stay mad for not talking to him while he made every possible attempt he should."Is your mom here too?" He asked, looking b
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I walked inside, carrying my weak limbs to the party. I left my phone with Brett, so there was no way I'll be receiving any calls from my friends. I didn't meet my father after he left me, but the paper he gave still remained in my hand. Though I was sure I'm never going to need it or his number, I couldn't let myself throw it away or crush it in my palms.I let out a shaky breath and moved forward. All the events planned for tonight might have been over by now since I could find people saying their goodbyes and leaving. I was curious, about why my father and his family attended today's event. Were they one of the sponsors? Might be. I wouldn't be half surprised even if I learn that my father now owns private jets. Things happen way too quickly for people who can find it within themselves to easily move on from the past."Chloe!" I heard someone yell for me, making a few heads snap at the source of the voice.I furrowed my brows and turned around, only to meet a pair of angry eyes. "W
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"I know you'd pretend to be sick," Brett said, pulling the thermometer from my mouth and tossing it onto the mattress of the bed. "Even if you truly were having a fever, I would still have insisted you go.""I really am tired," I said, rubbing the dark circles underneath my eyes, "And you don't seem to remember that we just had a few hours of sleep."Brett could just do so much as roll his eyes at me and rip the covers off of me. He pulled me to the floor and rushed me to the bathroom."I'll be waiting," he said. "Make it fast.""Aye, aye, captain." I groaned and made my way to the bathtub, before closing the door with my foot.Sean and Sapphire didn't come back to the room last night. Apparently, Sean used to stay here before he moved to Boston. So they were spending time together at his house.After I took an extra hour to spend in the bathroom, I finally got outside when I ensured that I didn't have anything else to do inside. Brett was getting impatient, the look on his face said
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I looked behind into the charmless void, contemplating if I have any more time to back off. The same thing kept running in my mind, if I could back off now, or if I could just postpone it for a few more seconds. Though I racked my brain for all the possibilities of excusing myself from this, I couldn't find how.I let out a shaky breath, and tightened the scarf around my neck. This way, my neck will be forced to stay erect and not bend down. I can also ensure that I'm not oddly squirming around people and that I can confidently look at them in the eye and speak.I gulped before slowly bringing my hand up to knock on the door. But before I could, I went against it. Maybe I can just ring the bell? Or wait, is there a bell? I tried to search for it but realized I should be not wasting any more time since Brett is alone in the car. I should get this over with, as soon as possible.With a very brief pause again, I knocked on the door. Unsure of whether it was audible, I knocked again, this
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"It was nice meeting you." I said, kneeling down beside Ella, as she tugged the pants of dad. "Don't worry. I won't be there to upset your father again."She just frowned, seeming confused by what I said. I pinched her cheeks and stood up to look at my dad. He ruffled my hair like old times."You know we'd love to have you. And it's not going to upset me." My dad said, holding my head with his hands."If I could, I really would have." I said. "But mom doesn't know I met you. She won't take everything through phone."He smiled and nodded his head. "But you know that you are always welcome to move in. Whenever you want."I clutched his palm and smiled. "I know.""Good bye, Chloe." He said, gently pulling me into a hug."Good bye." I said, slowly hugging him back. I moved away when he let go of me and gave them a bright smile before turning on my heel and leaving.I could feel my heartbeat, it was steady. I drew in a breath, and felt absolutely no heaviness in my chest. I felt like as th
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