All Chapters of Madness Decends: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
38 Chapters
20. Break In the Weather
“When we go out tonight to search our teams will be a little mixed and matched because of the number of us. Stryxx, Dove, and I will be the intel team. Rico, Nico I need you as our eyes in the skies. Tris, Trinity, and Link will be on call as our quicksilver team to back up any of us if we can’t help but to mix it up. Any suggestion, or additions?” Kyle said. “Where’s Dove’s little buddy, and where is she going to while we take the risks?” Tris asked. “She will remain here with Shae and Noni. Her information will be invaluable tonight. If we don’t focus and work together, this A might change everything, Briar could be lost to us. We would be back at square one.” Kyle sat in his chair with a heavy thud. He’ll looked tired,, but that was only on the outside. In his heart he knew the Fang, his inner wolf Riizen, clawed at his inside, begging to be set free. If that were to happen, Riizen would burn through any and everything to get Briar back. He was the definition of a Berserk Wolf.
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21. False Pretenses
Three vehicles, filled with wolves, sped towards the Row from the north, east and west. They wouldn’t dare run to the south, it was the humans only “Safe Place", and no wolf would willingly cross into the south, if it was an emergency, it could be overlooked. They all agreed to park 3 or more blocks away and walking as the twins had done before. When they got as close as they dared, Dove asked for a little privacy to prepare himself for this. “Take your time, the others aren’t ready yet anyway. He walked back to the car he arrived in, pulled out the letter, paralyzed by the words. Dove, This letter is going to be far from easy, so please hear me out? Your family as well as the KingBear family have been entangled for as long as any wolf can remember. Take extreme caution with your father’s wolves. They may serve him, but there’s another Alpha wolf is the pulling the strings from the shadows, a wolf no one has met before. He plans on corrupting the Light Bringer, to usher in a new
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22. Twins From the Past
Troy gave Briar a few days to allow her to come to terms with her newly discovered destiny, before talking to her again, brainwashing is a delicate process. If done incorrectly, Briar and Kitsune wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between one another and a confused, berserk wolf was not going to accomplish anything but more fighting. In the morning, Misha brings her breakfast and talks with her about things the made her feel normal. “Morning, Misha. I’m sorry If you got punished because of my stubbornness. Can you forgive me?” Bri asked. “Don’t worry about it. A will not sacrifice me or Troy, so put those fears to rest. Here, I brought you some good food this morning, and a double shot of espresso. You drink that right?” Misha smiled, wrinkling her nose.“Hell yeah! I haven’t had one since before I was so rudely taken.” Bri snapped. “I have some news from the outside world if you care to hear it?” Misha asked. “Sure, why not? Its not like I’m going anywhere near the outside.”
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“I don’t understand why Animikii is being so nice to that girl. Troy sticks to her like glue, I am getting sick and tired of playing sweet valley high with her!” Misha screamed. “A has his reasons, you know that. He’s not doing this to punish us, he is thinking of our future by taking Kitsune’s human vessel and twisting her wolf spirit using Briar to do it. It’s a deliciously elegant plan, don’t you think?” Moon asked her. “You’re just as sick as he is! Are you sure you’re not related? Mental illness runs in the family, you know?” Misha said, walking away, heels clacking against the marble floor.Troy sat at the little table in Briar’s room, listening to her playing Four Seasons by some composer or another. When they were alone like this, it was the only time he allowed himself to fantasize that he was her real mate, they were just normal wolves, and he didn’t know what he knew about her, or what her fate was. They could just be two wolves, happy, in love, and free. “If only.” He a
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24. Meeting of the Minds
Getting back to the ground floor, Dove saw Stryxx sitting, patiently on a rock ledge, his eyebrows furrowed, tongue poked out the side of his mouth, and his eyes were far away.“Where were you just now?” I got the flowers and met Anaki. From the look on your face, you must have met the brother that made me black out, and punished me by hiding their words in my memories. They will only come out when something pulls the memory out of me. It’s all very confusing and I’m tired. Let’s get back.” Dove said. “Is there anything else you heard, learned, or saw up there that could help us decode what’s going on here?” Stryxx asked. “Later, these don’t live long after they have been picked, so we have under an hour to get them back.” Dove handed one to Stryxx and headed back to the opening they fell through. _--_--_ “Are they supposed to smell this way? They were heavenly before, now, not so much.” Stryxx plugged his nose. “I’m hoping someone back at the house knows what to do with them.” D
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25. Rock of Ages
“Knock, knock! Briar? I come bearing gifts.” Troy smiled as she opened the door with furrowed eyebrows. “What is all this?” Bri laughed, taking the big box from him so he could come fully into the room. Setting the box down on the cot she looked at his face. He had a goofy expression on it. “What is that look for?” Bri asked.“Open this first.” He handed he a small, flat box. "Why?” she asked, looking at his eyes. “Every girl needs a special trinket to make them feel special. I thought you would like it. The stone reminds me of your eyes when you get angry.” He smiled. “That’s an odd compliment to give, what is this for anyway? My birthday has already been taken from me. These gifts are pointless.” She sat next to the box, examining her bracelet. “You’re birthday is something that needs to be celebrated. Just because you’re not home, or surrounded by friends and family, or have a cake, some balloons that never survive the party, and pony rides!" He laughed at the smile she kept
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26. Close to the Edge
“Artemis! This isn’t the place for a nap, brother!” turning him over, Rei jumped back after seeing his brother’s face. Artemis’s eyes were wide open, the silver in them had gone black, his face growing player by the second. “What happened, Artie?” he shook his shoulders. “What the hell happened here? I didn’t see him get hit.” Tris was at Rei’s side. “I don’t know. He just fell.” Rei exclaimed. "He was the one who was supposed to grab the blossom, but he wasn’t the brother that was chosen to pick the blossoms.” Anaki’s voice played on his head. “He shouldn’t be here. I was the one last time, but he wasn’t worthy of ascending the Garden, that’s why I went up. Tris get him back down. I’ll get the blossom, Link can wait for me.” Rei stood and went up to the blossom and plucked it from the ground. As soon Rei pulled on it, shit hit the fan all at once. ”Tris! Get Artie to the entrance? Link and I have to rake another route.” Rei yelled ahead of them. “You sure?” Tris called back. Co
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“How could you not tell us that we have a brother?” Rei yelled, slamming the letter Lyria wrote on the table, making the all jump. Carefully picking the piece of paper, he read the words he thought he’d never have to say. Eyes closed, he set the letter back down. “I never wanted you to know of your mother’s scandal with my brother, Anatashi. All knew what she had done and what it meant.” Draken dropped into the nearest chair “Rosalynn and Anatashi? That’s one I did no ever see coming! I am sorry, Draken.” Chief consoled him. “What I did to prevent their first child, a son named Animikii, the Thunderous, from taking Artemis’s status as Blood Heir away, was the worst thing a man could ever do. Now, my secret comes back to haunt me.” Like Kyle, Draken sat in the chair nearest him, his head dropping to the table. “Father!” Artemis shot forward to Draken’s side. The second he touched Draken’s shoulder, Artemis was thrown across the room, landing on the floor by Rei’s feet. “That’s not
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28. Suspicions
Animikii’s War Council sat in the Red Room waiting for Animikii to join them to discuss new directions, address old friends and enemies, and where this plan needs to head in the last week until Kitsune’s return.“Thank you all for making time to meet. Our plan is running full steam, but there are a few factors that have changed.” Animikii looked at the wolves and continued. “There have been a few new players introduced since our last meeting. They are Alphas of the other generations, my father’s wolf, Scythe has finally come to challenge me.” He sat in his seat heavily, it seems everyone was getting tired at this point. “That’s a bed thing, A. Your father has been nothing but trouble for us. Take him out first, then we won’t have anyone that would get in our way.” Misha suggested. “Easy for you to say, girl. Why is she here, Animikii? Her brother’s role in this is the more important.” Avery asked. “My sister’s role in this has been vital to getting Briar and Kitsune this far witho
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29. RUN!
Troy walked at a normal pace, to avoid suspicion, but when he got to the hallway before the floor where Briar was being held he broke out into a silent sprint to her room. Stopping short of the hallway to her door to listen as he heard 2 male voices and a female one in front of her door. “A doesn’t trust him after his little outburst in the meeting.” One of the males laughed. “He was the perfect patsy, Animikii was right.” The other male said. “If she weren’t into the ladies, Moon would bee perfect!” they laughed. Breathe, Troy. He told himself. You can’t get her out if you’re too pised to think straight. “What’s with his sister, though? If I had the chance to get my 15 minutes, I’d do it, family or not. When her training begins, I will be her first teacher, she’s going to beg me to stop!” one male laughed. “Maybe A will give us a fancy necklace so we can have our way with her as Troy has.” The other replied. “You two will
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