All Chapters of Peaches And Bottles: Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 Chapters
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE.Eva looking at Beverly, accessed her from hair to toe. She'd never met Beverly in person before now but Bryan in the past had told her quite a lot about her. "I didn't think you were from around here, are you Nigerian?" Eva asked. "African?" Beverly shook her head, her brown eyes sparkling with laughter. "No ma'am. I am black Canadian. Beverly Washington." "Eva Hills," Eva turned and poured a large cup of coffee with a touch of regular milk, then slid the cup across the counter. "Why did you and Bryan break up?" Beverly took a minute to inhale the fresh aroma before taking a sip. "Mmm. This is good." "Thank you. So tell me how you met Bryan, how the relationship went and all the circumstances that surrounded the relationship." "We go way back," Beverly said, keeping her cover story in mind. "We met at a Nicki Minaj concert years back when he was still an underground artist, we became friends and eventually started dating three years ago," "Why did you break
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Celebrity Bryan
CHAPTER TWENTY TWO. Nathan was hungry, damn it. He stood far too close to Pink in the courtroom, but still she stood, sighing with annoyance and regret. The judge didn't adjourn the case, it seemed Kim was not even interested in being in possession of Pink. She willingly agreed for Pink to go back to her parents or whatever the court decided. Kim only focused on debunking the false narrative about her kidnapping Pink. Kim wasn't surprised when she saw Sarah with Payson in the courtroom, everything dawned on her then that this was all Payson's little scheme, again. Kim was shaking hands with the judge by now, satisfied with his decision - Pink was to move in back with her parents. Nathan avoided Kim and her glances. He didn't understand her - she was his biological mother, yeah? So why wasn't she fighting to have custody of his child? Beyond that, she didn't even seem interested in being part of his life or anything associated with him. He could only hate her the more. First sh
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Bacardi High
CHAPTER TWENTY THREE"Who's there?" Kianna asked, tip toeing to the window. She stared outside the window trying to see who it was that was ringing the bell. Past 9pm and she was home alone, almost asleep. "I said who's there?" Her voice was louder. "Kianna, it's Pink," Pink responded in a low voice. "Please let me in." Kianna sighed, relieved it wasn't some serial killer or thief. She opened the door and Pink stepped into the living room. "Pink..." She said, locking the living room door. "How did you find... come in."Pink hugged Kianna tightly, crying softly. "I'm sorry for barging in on you this way, this night..I had nowhere else to go.." Kianna rubbed a hand over Pink's back, patting her gently. "Pink, let it all out if you have to..I am here for you." Pink pulled out from the embrace and lowered herself to sit on the couch, sniffing back tears. "I ran away from home.." "Why?" Kianna sat beside her. "What happened?" ***Bryan winced, and h
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Drunk tears, drunk texts, drunk sex
CHAPTER TWENTY FOURBryan drove into his mansion and walked to his bedroom. He was having a terrible migraine. He paused by the entrance of his bedroom, glaring at Beverly. She was standing by the mirror, naked. With a light groan, he closed the bedroom door and walked inside. "Superstar.." Her voice was sensuous, she turned to fully face him, smiling. "I've been waiting for you all night." "We need to talk." Moving closer to him, she said. "We're talking." Bryan moved back. "I'm calling off the engagement." He took off his jacket. "There are a lot of things I can't remember, a lot of things that aren't adding up. Look, I'm tired okay?" Beverly had expected rejection tonight but calling off the engagement? She didn't see it coming. She shook her head, trying to wrap her fingers around his neck. "Baby.." "I mean everything I've said tonight and still saying." Bryan pulled away, he walked to his wardrobe then pulled out a blanket, covering Beverly in it. "I am putting an end to a
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CHAPTER TWENTY FIVEAfter performing at the club and taking Kim to his hotel room, that was the last he saw her. He woke up the next morning to her absence, she left him a handwritten note that read: "Dear Bryan, It felt good being with you last night and I enjoyed every second. You're a sweet soul but I have to go. Please don't look for me. Kim." Bryan sighed heavily, tossing the note aside. "Fuck you Kim..I will find you." He walked to the table and poured himself a glass of champagne. He focused on the trails of bubbles arising from his champagne. The days went by and Bryan didn't hear the end of it. His mother scolded him every day for his performance at the club. His freestyle at the club went viral worldwide and everyone was talking about it. Everyone wondered why he hadn't gotten married to Kim yet. Eva had made a press release addressing the public that Bryan and Kim did not have a relationship again and the club freestyle was a little show for fans. Bryan was unaware,
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