All Chapters of Tempting The Spitfire (Temptation Series Book 6): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
97 Chapters
Chapter Forty-Nine - Why Was He So Upset?
It was easier said than done and Christian lay awake on his side, staring at the ceiling. It was a strange wish, but he needed her admission before proceeding. He groaned inwardly at the torture, his heart prodding him to cave in. How would he survive without kissing her? He needed it just like his body needed oxygen to live! He could feel her restlessness beside him. She wasn’t at peace with the situation, either. Yet she didn’t make a move! It was frustrating indeed! He was curious to find out what was bothering her. Why couldn’t she just give in? After all, he would marry her soon. Did she think he would ever agree to a contract marriage? After tossing and turning the entire night, Christian woke up early to get ready to check-out of Florence. Skylar had slept late and he allowed her another hour of rest. He was ready and waiting for her to wake up when her eyes fluttered open. They immediately landed on him sitting on the loveseat in the corner and watching her. A gasp of shock
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Chapter Fifty - Proud To Be His Fiancée
“The conference room is ready, sir. Please come this way! I’ll escort you to your rooms,” said an eager Mr. Albizzi, leading the way to the elevator. “Thank you, Mr. Albizzi. Have you informed the others about today’s meeting?” Skylar followed him quietly, listening to his conversation with Mr. Albizzi. She was angry at him for not introducing her to his staff. She was his fiancée, after all. Shouldn’t he have introduced her? “Yes sir. I have. They should arrive an hour before the scheduled time.” “Good! You can hand the keys over to me and get back to work.” Mr. Albizzi handed the keys and left them at peace. Bursting with curiosity, Skylar couldn’t contain herself anymore. “Why have you booked two rooms?” A small smile played on his lips as he turned to look at her. “For you. I hope you’re happy now! You won’t need to share a room with me.” Skylar glared at him as her heart protested against it. It should have made her happy, but it didn’t. “Won’t your staff consider it weird
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Chapter Fifty-One - Needing Answers
The four women whirled around to gape at her, the color drained from their faces. “No ma’am. We were just..” stuttered one of them.“Yes, you were just Indulging in mindless gossip about things that don’t concern you. It can land you in trouble. Are you aware of that? I have a recording of your derogatory remarks. I can accuse each of you of defamation charges. Hope you are prepared for it.” She stated with a grim look on her face. One of the women burst into tears while the others looked scared out of their wits. Skylar marched ahead without a look at them. She was seething from the insult. How could Christian encourage the Deputy GM of his company in front of everyone? If anyone is at fault, it was Christian, not these petty employees. She didn’t wish to go down to the restaurant to join him but this was a professional scenario. She couldn’t let her personal grudges control her professional life. It would give those bitches satisfaction to see her so affected. Quickly freshening
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Chapter Fifty-Two - Learning To Trust Him
Christian took another deep breath and faced her. “You’re overreacting just as you did in Frascati. I have explained this to you before and I’m repeating it now. There will be such women everywhere, in every hotel I own. It doesn’t mean I encourage them or have an affair with them. You might have had admirers too at your college. Did you sleep with them all? It’s the same thing, Skylar!” “No, it isn’t the same thing. You allowed her to insult me. Then you disappeared with her for twenty minutes! What do I conclude from your behavior, Christian?” Her face flushed with annoyance at his lack of explanation. “I didn’t invite her to sit beside me. If she wanted to create a scene, how was I responsible? Did you want me to pick up a fight with her in front of my board of directors? I have my self-respect and position to consider before taking such a step. These people have been with us for years. They are reputable and close to grandpa Ben. How could I create a scene in front of them?” Sky
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Chapter Fifty-Three - Molten Desires
Christian could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for her. Skylar stopped inches away from him, unable to look away from his smoldering gaze. It seemed it had her under a spell. “How do you plan to please me?” His hot breath fanned her face, while his hawk-like eyes pulled her closer like a magnet. He brushed a wisp of hair off her face, his fingers brushing against her creamy skin in a tender caress. His touch intensified the fire already burning inside her. “I can start with a kiss, maybe!” Shyly, she cupped his cheek, intending to just kiss him and run. She refused to drown in his passion! Christian’s breath hitched as he waited for her lips to touch his. She was kissing him willingly and he couldn’t contain his heartbeats. They seemed to thump wildly, ready to jump out of its ribcage. He had never experienced such an intense moment in all his twenty-eight years of life! Skylar pulled his head towards her only to brush her lips to his warm, full ones. A tremor o
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Chapter Fifty-Four - Christian Opens Up
“When will you marry me, Skylar?” The unexpected question brought Skylar out of her daze. She raised her head and gazed into his melancholic eyes. She searched her soul for an answer but couldn’t come up with any. Strangely, she didn’t want a contract marriage with him any longer. “I will prepare the contract for you to go through. Whenever you’re ready, we can sign it and get married. I will apply for a license.” Skylar nodded, releasing him and scooting to her side. Her heart filled up with a strange restlessness, yet she couldn’t voice her feelings somehow. She couldn’t tell him she wanted a proper marriage with him. Where was the spitfire who could fight all her battles bravely? She had never been so tongue-tied before. She lay down and closed her eyes with a sigh while Christian watched her confusing reaction. He was sure something was wrong with her. She was fine a minute ago. Didn’t she want to marry him? Then why couldn’t she voice her thoughts? Why couldn’t she fight his de
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Chapter Fifty-Five - Sebastian's Mysterious Disappearance
“Don’t be sorry. I’m happy to have you in my life. I think I’ll hit the bed now. I’m not hungry.” Skylar released him, realizing his need for privacy. He got up and went inside to sleep while she sat thinking about what he had told her. His admission tonight cleared a lot of doubts she had about him. It answered most of her questions, too. She felt a little foolish for fighting him unnecessarily when he always cared for her. All along, he was there right before her, yet she couldn’t recognize the depth of his feelings for her. Did he love her? Or was it just an obsession to snatch what was forbidden for him?That was a question she didn’t have an answer to.The flight attendant arrived to seek her permission to serve dinner, but she declined. With Christian skipping dinner, her appetite too left her. After a few minutes, she got up with a sigh. There wasn’t anything she could do until they reached Cleveland and received an update on Sebastian. However, in her heart, she was glad th
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Chapter Fifty-Six - Grandpa's Secret
Lillian stood frozen with shock. Who was Steele? Was Grandpa Ben hiding something from them? She tried to overhear but the rest of the conversation happened in low whispers. Maybe Grandpa Ben had heard her approaching his room. She opened the door to see him switch off his phone warily. He turned around to face her, his face pale and nervous. “Who were you talking to, Grandpa?” asked Lillian with a frown. “No one special. Just a friend,” stammered her grandpa. It made her scowl even more. After overhearing his conversation, she was sure it wasn’t a friend. “Or an enemy.” Grandpa sat down and gaped at her with a guilty look on his face. “Why do you say so, Lillian?” “I know you were talking to some Steele. Who is he, Grandpa? Why would he kidnap Seb?” Benjamin St. James rubbed his face nervously, knowing it was time to come out clean. After overhearing his conversation, Lillian wouldn’t let this go so easily. It wasn’t easy to fool her. “He didn’t admit to kidnapping Seb.
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Chapter Fifty-Seven - Sebastian Is Rescued
The next morning, the forensic reports arrived and Officer Stewart approached the FBI for help. Grandpa informed them about Desmond Steele and they summoned his PI, Adam Carson, to update them about his findings. Soon a team left for Bedford, South Africa to match Steele’s fingerprints with the ones on the forensic report. The whole family came to know about Steele’s reality, much to grandpa Ben’s discomfort. Desmond Steele was the prime suspect and he couldn’t keep his identity a secret anymore. “I just hope they can nab the criminal. Why didn’t you inform us earlier, grandpa? We could have rescued Seb right away,” said Christian, pacing the room. They were all waiting for an update from the special team who had gone to Bedford to rescue Sebastian. What if he wasn’t there? Where could he be? “I wasn’t sure of his involvement.” “I just hope they arrest the man and rescue Seb,” said Lillian, glaring at Christian to ask him to stop his probing. The guilty look on her grandpa’s f
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Chapter Fifty-Eight - Was He Avoiding Her?
After two days, Christian and Caleb helped Sebastian to their jet to return home. Although he hadn’t recovered fully, the hospital discharged him at Caleb’s insistence. “Be careful, bro,” said Christian, as he helped him to the seat. “You can lie down inside after takeoff.” “I’m fine here with you.” Sebastian closed his eyes as a wave of relief washed over him. He had never imagined he would see his family again. Christian and Caleb occupied the seats beside him and waited for takeoff. They were bursting with curiosity to know what was happening. The last few days, they couldn’t ask him anything in the hospital with the cops always around them. It was only after Sebastian could give a brief statement did the cops leave him in peace. Caleb coaxed the doctor to permit them to take the patient to Cleveland while Christian hastened the discharge formalities. Now, after take-off, they relaxed and looked at Sebastian curiously. Did he know about uncle Sylvester’s death? “Tell us wha
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