All Chapters of THE CROSSED WORLDS WITH HIGH HUMAN RACE : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
52 Chapters
Library- The Index
Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish HighlandsNovember 23rd, 1992, 1:55 PMAs the house-elf, Parchy, popped out, Madam Pince was looking at the place that it was before."We have house-elves just for the library?"She asked, looking back at Susan."Yes, we have. They are specialized in library and book care, organization, and book recovery. Their magic works so much better than a wizards' to repair the pages of a book that there is no way to compare both."Susan explained to the librarian, who nodded back. She didn't know about it, but now she does. Soon enough, two house-elves popped into the library and started to go through books at high speed, fixing partially torn pages, erasing ink blots, restoring worn covers and titles, etc."Lady Ravenclaw, I heard you asking for a dozen new bookshelves, but I don't think that we have enough books to fill it all, or even have enough space for them in the library.""That's why I asked two of them to be prioritized. And about the other t
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Library - Search Stations
Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish HighlandsNovember 23rd, 1992, 2:31 PM"The idea of these five levels is interesting, and I have to admit, our atual security measures to the restricted section does not restrict the access to it all that much. We could use an upgrade on it."Madam Pince said. Susan chose not to say anything back and went directly to help sort the books. She decided to start with the bookshelves that were already full of books. With the 'summon' of the lost books, the books went back to any open spot that they found, and that mixed some books in sections that didn't belong to them.Susan was picking books, opening them to read and look at the first pages and then tossing them over her back. The tossed books would start floating and drop on organized piles that were divided by disciplines. Doing the sorting this way, she was the fastest in the group, managing to cover two bookshelves in the time that a normal witch would use to cover half a bookshelf. After so
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Board Meeting - Part 1
Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish HighlandsNovember 23rd, 1992, 7:25 PMErik was just finishing assembling the last search station in the lectern built by the house-elves. He had already put the linking crystalline cube in place, together with its linked monitor and keyboard, and was now applying the keyed semi-permanent sticking charms to them, securing everything in place.Having finished, Erik passed the new assembled station to Susan, who linked it to the index.He was watching her finish the linking of the last station when a pair of arms embraced him from behind and he felt Leona's big pair of boobs on his back. He didn't say anything about it, just enjoying her touch.Susan linked the last Index search station and retrieved a fountain pen and a notepad from inside the briefcase. Both of the items were enchanted ones. The fountain pen had an internal infinite well of ink, and the pen itself was enchanted to reappear in its designed place if taken more than half a meter
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Board Meeting Part - 2
Chapter 34: Board Meeting - part 211 - 14 minutesHogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish HighlandsNovember 23rd, 1992, 7:50 PMIt was ten minutes to the assigned time when the first invited participants arrived. Erik had already served some tea for him, Susan and Leona, and was now calmly sipping it. He didn't give any importance to the new arrival. The group that entered the room was composed of three men, one of them aparanted to have physically around fifty years, while the other two looked to be around their thirties. The three men looked at them and took their seats. Soon a second group arrived. Then the third. And when the fourth group entered the meeting room, it was time to start the meeting.Erik stood up and looked around the room. His sudden movement attracted the attention of the other participants of the meeting that were having rushed talks between them."Ten out of twelve. Not bad for an urgent summons."Erik says, getting the total attention of the other particip
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Married Vs Single
Grigori Headquarters, Somewhere in the UnderworldNovember 23rd, 1992, 8:26 PM - British TimeErik's sudden appearance immediately alerted the two guards at the gates."HALT! YOU ARE IN GRIGORI'S TERRITORY! IDENTIFY YOURSELF!"One of the guards yelled to Erik, who just gave an eye roll to the guard's antics. Like he didn't know where he was."My name is Erik Ravenclaw, I have a meeting with Governor General Azazel."Erik spoke, identifying himself and the motive behind his visit. The one guard who had yelled before didn't recognize the name, but the other one had wide eyes after hearing the name. The last one tried to talk, but was interrupted by the loud one first."Like Lord Azazel would meet with a human, you can…"*BANG*The second guard had given a heel kick into the head of the loud first guard, making his head meet the ground with a loud bang. The second guard bowed profusely to Erik."I ask for forgiveness for my companion's behaviour, Lord Erik. He is a new recruit and didn't
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Grigori Headquarters, Somewhere in the UnderworldNovember 23rd, 1992, 8:50 PM - British Time"So, how is your school?"Azazel asked, changing the subject.*sigh*Erik let out a sigh after hearing azazel's question."That bad, huh?"Azazel commented."It's a mess."Erik confessed."During sometime between my visits the Board of Governors, who were responsible for keeping an eye on the school, decided that it was a good idea to reward themselves with salaries. The big problem is that they kept raising that value, and it reached a value that was three times higher than a Master Professor... "*whistle*Erik explained and Azazel let out a long whistle."Yeah… Their pillaging left a big hole into the school's fund. They had to let go of a lot of professors and a lot of equipment used for classes needed upgrades."Erik explained."But that problem is solved now, at least partially. I let go of the said body and I will let the goblins deal with them."Damn. I'm starting to pity them a littl
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Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish HighlandsNovember 24th, 1992, 7:02 AMErik looked back at the three naked bodies sprawled on top of his bed a last time before exiting his bedroom. The night was a wild one. Susan had kept her reward promise to Erik and had gone wild that night. That she had managed to pull Joan and Leona to help her was just a very good bonus in Erik's humble opinion. Erik walked out of his chambers with a big smile on his face, being sure to greet every portrait on his way to the Great Hall. Going down the staircase, he arrived at the first floor and entered the Great Hall.Half-dozen students were already up and reading books while sitting at their respective house tables. Erik walked through the house tables and took his seat at the chair in the head of Ravenclaw's house table. As he sat, a breakfast 'set' appeared in front of him and of the other students. Erik then served some black coffee with a dash of milk for him and together with some scrambled eg
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DADA Classes - Part 1
Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish HighlandsNovember 24th, 1992, 9:00 AMAs the school's bell signaled the start of the first period of the day, Erik, who was sitting behind the Professor's desk, watched as the door to the class opened and students started to enter the classroom. They had some faces that seemed to have lost all hope as they entered the classroom, but then the first students in the group froze in place when they looked up to the classroom. The students behind the frozen students decided to look around to see what happened, and their eyes went wide in shock with what they were seeing.The room was different. They knew that a Professor could change the classroom to a shape that better fitted the lesson. But this was ridiculous for them. The room was totally different from anything that they had ever seen."Come on, take your seats. Don't stay frozen there."Erik talked loudly to the students with an amused look on his face, waking them up from their stupor. The
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DADA Classes Part -2
Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish HighlandsNovember 24th, 1992, 1:25 PMErik was now back to 'his' classroom and was sipping from a cup of black coffee that the house-elves had prepared. He had just arrived from the Great Hall. He had had lunch with his wives and had spoken to Susan about the two letters that they had received. The girls had also asked about how his classes had gone during the morning and he updated them.Erik had just taken a sip from his cup, when he heard hasty footsteps. He looked at the door and saw a brown bush-haired girl with Gryffindor colors entering the room and freezing as soon as she entered. She looked around the 'new' classroom with wide and curious eyes, and then she saw Erik sitting behind the Professor's desk sipping his coffee. While she was staring at him with wide eyes, two other males students, a black haired one and a red haired one, entered the classroom. Erik recognized the black haired one, it was Harry Potter. Both male students st
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DP'S Guests
Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish HighlandsNovember 24th, 1992, 5:06 PM"Keep the spell up, Mr. Longbottom, and channel some more power to it."Erik ordered the boy, who nodded weakly and concentrated, showing a face that looked like he had some stomachache. He noticed that the light would quickly flicker in random intervals. Erik expanded his senses and focused it on the boy's magic.'His magic seems strong and normal.'He thought. Erik then focused his senses in the wand, and immediately changed the focus to the connection wand-caster. As he reached his conclusions, Erik spoke."You can stop, Mr. Longbottom.""Nox."The boy said the counter-spell and finished the wand-lighting charm. He then looked at Erik with a face of whom wanted to ask 'what was that about'."I noticed during the class that you seemed to have some problems casting the spells that I asked, Mr. Longbottom. That's why I asked you to cast a channeling charm for me."Erik explained to the boy, who let out a
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