All Chapters of Savage Passion: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
78 Chapters
Home is not home
LYDIA I had taken three rides to reach Nightshade territory and for the rest of the journey, I had to manage my foot. It took two days before I arrived right at the gates of the packhouse that once belonged to my family. It looked so different. Perhaps I had been away too long but I remembered the gates to the iron colored black and wreathed to adorn the passageway of the giant mansion that housed the minimum of fifty important werewolves. The hierarchy went from the Alpha and his family to the beta of the pack, powerful sentinels, Deltas, and of course the elders. What however stood in front of me was a giant twin oak door that looked sturdy. I rubbed my finger against the smoothened wood and by the goddess, it felt thick. I doubted a single soul would hear me even knock. I didn't let the thought drag me down however. The new gate was probably erected as a better means of protection. I knocked on the door. A task that hurt my hands and eventually a part of the door flicked open.
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The new Alpha
LYDIA And there he had me all tongue tied. I wondered if I had been stupid enough to walk into a trap. I didn't know this man. I had never set my eyes on him before. Sure our pack was a relatively big one but there was no way I wouldn't have met a potential Alpha candidate all my life in the Nightshade mansion. I chose the easy way out. I had to deny it. "What the hell are you going on about?" I nervously laughed. "Who is Lydia ?" Shifting forward in his chair, the strange man looked at me intently, his brows drawn together. Sniffing the air, his eyes flashed a glittery blue, and a growl rippled from his lips. Swallowing nervously, I eyed the Alpha wolf shifter in front of me and tentatively sniffed the air. There was a pungent smell that felt familiar. Ginger and turmeric filled my senses, the scent of the spices saturated with a strong cologne that clung to the man before me. Lust hung and shimmered in the air, nearly tangible. It was thick and heavy, sparking jolts of heat and a
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True to thy heart
LYDIA He nibbled and licked with his lips and teeth, every touch melting my defiance and liquefying my sanity. The surrounding office melted away, the sounds of the guards on the other side of the door ceased to exist, and there was only him. Pulling me closer, he molded my soft frame to his unyielding one. Feeling him thick and hard, thrusting against my soft stomach, I moaned. I gasped into his mouth, and, echoing my groan, he plundered deeper, licking and tasting while our tongues danced and dueled. Clasping my butt in one swift movement, he pulled me against his hard cock, kneading and thrusting in imitation of the act. My core pulsed in response, an emptiness wanting to be filled, to be taken. Inside, my wolf pranced, yipping and howling, rubbing against my skin, wanting to be close to this man. He broke the kiss and circled his tongue on my neck. The hunger in his mouth was evident as his saliva trailed down my skin. I felt his teeth sink into my skin and that was when common
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A Beta passing
ELLIOTIt’s a cool, cloudy day in July. I’m driving through rural parts of Havenbourne, doing some sightseeing of the autumn leaves. I was lying. I came here to think and clear my head. Being returned to the pack did me no favors. It only made me angrier. The easy way out would be to leave but I couldn't. I had promised Alaska that I would protect Lydia till I breathed my last and I intended to keep my word. I loved Alaska. It hurt that I could not protect her from Duncan. However, this was an opportunity for me to change things. I could protect Lydia . From the sins of her bastard father and of course the clutches of Alexios Rose. Driving down a long stretch of road, I stumbled on the bane of my drive. It was not something fascinating. It was not even a place that would give most people peace but it was different with me. The old cemetery, located in the middle of nowhere brought me peace and returned sanity. There are no small towns nearby. It was very far from the packhouse.
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Safe in the darkness
LYDIAI thought I heard the door click. It made me look behind me. There was no one there. It was probably just the wind. I noticed the sky had gotten dark. I looked back at Vitale who looked more like a wounded wolf. His features were shadowed and you could tell that my snarky reply bothered him. With a long sigh, Vitale sauntered back to his table. Picking up a lavender, orb-shaped paperweight, he tossed the weight from hand to hand, most probably mentally replaying every detail of the last half hour. “So…” I drawled, throwing myself into one of the chairs opposite him to prove that I wasn't bothered by him. A desperate bid to sell my story. My mouth was curved up in a feral grin, my leg drawn up jauntily across one knee. “You are my mate. I kissed your soul and you mine. I’m nearly sure of it, ” I said, lowering myself into the opposite chair. “My wolf and yours called to each other. The bond has started. Fragile, but it’s there.” He gripped the orb, exultation throbbing through
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The dreaming
LYDIA"Lydia," His husky tone drank my name. His cock was already hard, and just as gorgeous up close as it was in the last wet dream that tormented my sleep. Alexios ran his hands over the shaft a couple of times, emphasizing the size and length of him. My mouth watered. This is what my wolf was asking for—begging for—and now he’s right there and ready for me. All of him.“Time is ticking little luna. It isn't like my dick is going to suck itself.”I reached for his length with my hands, but he immediately grabbed my wrist. “No. You have to earn the privilege of using your hands.”I swear, the floor fell three feet below my knees, and I became dizzy with the sound and scent and sight of him. That hazy, dreamy cologne wrapped around me, and I felt like I was in a dream.Leaning forward, I touched my lips to the head of his cock. His skin is hot and smooth, and it was all that I could do to keep myself from moaning. I hadn't done this many times, and I had never thought that I was tha
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The Dreaming 2
ALEXIOS My eyes fluttered open. The room was dark and I was covered in sweat. Turning to my left, I flicked a switch plastered to the wall and the room came alight."Another nightmare," I mused as I stepped out of the bed and towards the lounge. On the table was a glass, half full and a jug filled to the brim. I collapsed on a sofa and downed the clear liquid all while wondering why my brain didn't seem to want to let go of the thought of Loretta. We were no longer mates. Rightfully so. And she was gone. Why then was she the one that dominated my thoughts? I wondered... I wondered if I was worried about her safety. I didn't want to dwell in the spiritual affairs of my people but werewolves were fond of believing that dreams happened to be fractures of the future that the goddess shows those that she loves. The dreams... A sex dream... Yet, it felt .ore like a nightmare because there was someone else. A man. I wished my thoughts didn't lean in that direction but they did. I wondered
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Alaska De' Crescent
LYDIA Elliot stayed with me for a little while just to make sure I was alright. The morning was still early and I was certain I had a few moments to sleep on but I couldn't. I feared my next dream would be more graphic. So to get the dirty remnants off my mind, I decided to ask Elliot a few questions."Who were you to my mother?"He looked at me puzzled, his back was slanted on the door as he slowly sank to the floor. "You don't remember me?" He queried."I do. I'd like to think so at least. I remember you from my childhood. You sometimes play fought with me. The memories are fuzzy but I know you are a good person.""I was a friend to your mother. A very close friend."Another question came to mind but I didn't want to say it. It sounded like an offensive thing to say to a man that had just saved my life. His gift... I had never seen anything like it. Teleportation was a gift my pack was supposed to be blessed with but the books said it had been lost to time. Others mentioned that it
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Like fire to gasoline
FIONA The Rose mansion had never been so apprehensive. There were servants running lefts and right but there was something that connected their crazed running; Alexios 's quarters. Curious as to what was happening, I approached one of the busy servants and pulled her in. "What seems to be the trouble?" I demanded.The frightened servant gulped, her eyes although red were glazed with tremors of worry. The workers in the Rose mansion were only this bothered when Alexios was in a foul mood. "The Grand Luna asked us to pack up for her and the Alpha. They seem to want to travel. I'm not really sure." The girl answered me, being sure to bow but it didn't mean much to me this time around. Once upon a time, they probably did it out of respect but right now, they probably did out of pity. You could see it in the slouch that accompanied that defiant bow. The news had spread wide and fast that I was no longer the prospective mate of the Rose pack. After Curtis' stunt on my behalf, the supernat
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Eyes of Diamonds
LYDIA "I don't think I can..." I stammered, pointing the candle back at Elliot. Totems as powerful as this were hard to find. It took an extremely powerful witch to craft one and I had not the slightest idea what price Elliot had to pay to get one. "You acquired this for yourself. It would be cruel of me to steal your chance to talk to whoever you want to speak to." I pointed it closer to him, tears filling the brim of my eyes. "I can't accept this."Elliot smiled down at me and reached into his chest pocket. He withdrew a matchbox and dropped it to the earth. My eyes followed it. It took a moment before I could face him again. "Don't be so prim and proper." He said to me. "Didn't you say you wanted to see her one last time?""But...""Would you rather see Alaska's body?" He butted in.The tears started to pour. My outstretched hands got weak to the core and eventually, they fell to my laps. I did want to see my mother. More than anything. As much as it felt selfish, a part of me was
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