All Chapters of Marked by the Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
81 Chapters
What if?
" Tell me, are you a spy for Zack, did he send you?" Isaac said with gritted teeth but the strange wolf just blankly stared at him. ' Did he come here to die?' Isaac thought." Tell me, who sent you and I will think of sparing your life." Isaac continued but noticing that there wouldn't be an answer for the wolf that had proclaimed to be his father, he vigorously threw him away." Lilith, go to the room, you might not like what you see," Isaac said.But as usual, as a soft-hearted wolf, Lilith wanted to hear out what the wolf had to say. What if he was telling the truth? What if Isaac had just mishandled his father?She immediately ran to Isaac and held onto his masculine arms. The last thing she wanted was to have another dead wolf in their house.The moment Isaac turned his gaze to her, she saw it had turned golden, just like when she killed those females but the only difference was that there was a tint of red in his eyes tha
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Lilith's face immediately turned red. Of course, he would ask for something so shameless but she decided to play the dumb card." I don't understand, what's that?" She asked as she turned her gaze to every corner of the living room except his shameless face.Isaac smiled, if she was going to play that game, he would gladly follow the rules. He took a handful of her breast through the clothes and whispered. " I said you will offer me this, do we have a deal?" Lilith immediately snapped his hands away but for an unknown reason, she wasn't angry, which was a good start for Isaac.She turned her gaze back to the stranger, then back to Isaac, and sighed." Okay but it will only be for five minutes and when we get back from our date." She said, Knowing that Isaac would disagree with the time suggestion, she immediately left for their room. The fact that Isaac would once again feast on her was enough embarrassment.With a frowned face,
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She is evil
Two hours before the date Isaac had planned for Lilith, the stranger had not woken up from his slumber and it had started to piss Isaac. ' How could he call himself my father when he can't even stand a push?' Isaac said to himself. He had returned from his private room to the living room where he caught his Beta and Lilith having a cheerful conversation. " Isaac, do you really think that he is your father?" Xavier asked.Just like Lilith, Xavier believed that there was a huge probability that the stranger was Isaac's father especially when he shared a striking resemblance with Isaac.Meanwhile, the moment Isaac heard that question from Xavier, he hissed out a very irritating sound. No one needed to be told that he hated the fact that his mate and beta were so gullible to believe that a weak wolf could be his father.He turned his gaze to Lilith who gave him an apologetic look. Doing nothing other than waiting for a stranger to wake up from his sleep was not part of the plans that
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Plot with his Beta
Isaac gritted teeth echoed in the room. Yes, he was in an argument with his mother but one thing he wouldn't take was for a random stranger to say such about his mother." Why do you say such?" Lilith interrupted the awkward moment." She made me like this, she made me weak and teamed up with Luke to strip me of the Alpha title." The stranger said with hate, it was very clear that he held so much hate for both Luke and Isaac's mother…A whole lot of emotions reigned immediately after his words, no one knew what to say. Issac who had earlier fumed in rage was confused about what to do. The stranger sounded convincing but he had still not said what Isaac wanted to hear." Okay, if you are Isaac's father, where have you been, and why were you rumored dead?" Lilith asked while she stole glances at Isaac. She knew that even if Isaac had acted so toughly, he was breaking on the inside." I was betrayed by Isaac's mother for a reason I do not know. It all started when I noticed the close rel
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Get off me
It was finally time for their date and the mood in the air had finally turned a hundred and eighty degrees. This had been the moment that Isaac had been waiting for, and there was no way he would make a mess out of it." Do you mind telling me where we would be going?" Lilith asked underneath the shower.She wasn't so shy of her body anymore as she allowed Isaac to have a bath with her but Isaac made up his mind that he wouldn't make any move on her with the thought that she would come to him on her own accord. Agreeing to have a bath with him was a very good start."As I said, it would be a surprise," Isaac said with a smile on his face.Lilith could do nothing other than back down and wait for what the night would bring to her.The moment became intense as no one said anything. Isaac seemed to have been avoiding eye contact with her especially when they were both fully naked and it seemed that Lilith noticed it but little did she know o
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Other family?
What the heck just happened? How did their intense and passionate moment turn into a fight? But little did Isaac know that it was because of what he said that made her behave that way. One thing he failed to realize was that Lilith was not like his past harems, so she shouldn't be treated like them." No, I won't. You have to fix what you have caused." Isaac said as he pressed his hardened groin on her v-area. He feared that he might force his way on her if she still refused him.But Lilith stood her ground, she was not interested and refused to be intimidated by him." Are you going to force your way on me?" She asked." I'm afraid I might, I need you, Lilith." Oh how the table had turned, Isaac was the one that had ended up begging for Lilith but it was too late, she wanted him far away from her.Isaac roughly smashed his lips on hers but Lilith refused to be swayed by some kiss. She immediately bit his lips thereby making him
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You are very beautiful
"..... " Lilith couldn't believe what she had just heard. What did he mean by a second family?Having no plans to explain his word to her, Isaac led her to the thick forest. Fear started to envelop Lilith, this was definitely not what she thought the night would be. " Isaac, there's no one here." She said, They stopped at what seemed to be the center of the forest but no one was there. Scary thoughts started to fill Lilith's mind, what if Isaac had brought her there to harm her because he knew that no one would find them there?' Was this my punishment for protecting his father?' she asked herself." I'm going to change to my wolf and you will have to climb on my back." Lilith's eyes widened, why would Isaac change into his wolf, especially in the middle of a thick forest?Without waiting for her to ask for the reason, Isaac changed to his wolf and as usual, his clothes were ripped off, which meant that he w
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Dinner with the humans
Lilith gasped. The sight before her was the perfect representation of the expression ' looks could be deceiving.She couldn't believe that inside a house that looked so unkempt, there was actually something as beautiful and classy as what was before her.Though small, the interior was decorated with expensive accessories and paintings, and Royal couches. Same as Isaac's house, the interior was painted white which made the beauty of the house reflect but what shocked Lilith was the fact that there was actually electricity in the house.She knew that Isaac must have been the one to put all those things in place and hell would it cost a lot." Why don't you take your mate to your room, dinner will be ready in ten minutes." "Yes mother.", Isaac said and led Lilith to his room which was not so far from the living room considering the fact that it was a small bungalow." Isaac, who are they and why did you reveal to them that you are
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" Isaac, I see that your mate is very curious about Nathaniel and me. She has forgotten that there is food in front of her since she has moved all her focus to Nathaniel and me " The human female broke the awkward silence as she drew everyone's attention to Lilith. Lilith immediately snapped out of her daze and bent her head in shame.Who would blame her? She had been there for almost an hour but no one volunteered to explain to her how Isaac got to be acquainted with the humans.When she tried to ask Isaac, he obviously ignored the question by making sexual advances on her." I'm sorry ma'am," Lilith said as a smile formed on the elderly woman's face.She couldn't blame Lilith, anyone in her shoes would definitely do the same." Don't worry my dear, it seems like Isaac has no plans on explaining anything to you, so I will do it." The woman said.Lilith's eyes fluttered, finally, she was going to get some explanation." No mother, it's my job to tell her, she is my mate." Isaac turn
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" I stayed in the forest for another week but this time, I had a roof under my head and food to eat. I started calling her mother without even knowing but as expected of me, I will have to go back to my biological mother since she would be so worried about me." "I made sure to visit once in a while but the excitement only intensified when she introduced baby Nathaniel to me. Nathaniel is mother's grandson, his parents died in a car accident, so she took it upon herself to take care of him, and of course, I planned on assisting them in any way I can."" Mother said she lived in the forest and would love to continue her stay here. I respected her wish but I had to make her stay comfortable, so I built and furnished this house." " They might be humans but they are my family." Isaac seemed to have concluded his story.That was it, Lilith's curiosity has been quenched by Isaac's story. She now understood Isaac's love towards the humans, if
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