All Chapters of His Stonewalling Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
30 Chapters
♧Chapter Twenty; STONEWALLED♧
'His eyes had blood flowing endlessly from it. Wrists locked in silver cuffs. He was stark naked, staring down at her from his place on the stone bed. His entire neck was covered in blood, one couldn't tell if his head was still attached to it. His lips curled into a sadistic smirk as he watched her hand trembling with a sword in it. The blade was sharp, long and silver, a red gooey liquid dripped from it unto the dirt. The silver blade still managed to shine in the darkness."Is it heavy?" He drawled, referring to the sword in June's custody. June's face twisted with absolute horror. He spoke. How can he speak? He is supposed to be dead. She watched him die. " are alive?" She stuttered, heart beating wildly inside her ribcage. She was surrounded by darkness. His cackle sounded loud, it went forth and set the trees into vibration. She became even more scared. What was going on?"You killed me." He then whispered causing her to shiver and shut her eyes. "No, no I didn't."
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♧Chapter Twenty one; FAMILY TIES♧
"You all take care." He waved William and the guards off, sending them off on morning patrol.Subsequently, he got up from his desk and waltzed over the shelf, he let his eyes peruse it's dust clad contents. After which, he moved to the window and breathed in the fresh noon air. From there, he turned and fell back into the sofa, he sat still for a minute before getting up again. Again, he walked to the shelf, perused it once more before returning to his desk where he pressed both palms on it and let out a frustrated groan. He couldn't sit still. His wolf was highly agitated. He couldn't get himself to stop thinking about her, about the kiss, about her usual coldness towards him.He wants her.The kiss has only made it so hard to deny that fact.But how can you desperately want someone who clearly doesn't want you. What was the alpha to do with his pent up feelings for his mate who can't even hold a meaningful conversation with him?He had no idea what was going on and what he should
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♧Chapter Twenty two; NEVER FORGET THE BOND♧
It was a small ceremony with few guests;June and Jason, George and Almira,Biff and Ian,Clover and Regina,A few of George's friends And the celebrants themselves Antara and Richards Shaw.It was the former's welcome ceremony Taking place in the denAnd the food was delicious The drinks were in abundance and of numerous varieties The music was from an old CD player William controlled it, changing the dics frequently. Just yesterday, June had a tense conversation with her aunt.Today, she religiously avoided both her aunt and her father. She kept to herself at the far back of the den, looking out the window with a glass of pineapple juice in hand.Regina looked at her often, somehow knowing something was wrong. She'd tried asking before but June assured her everything was fine. That didn't quench her suspicions one bit."Want a refill?" Jason asked and she jumped. She had no idea when he had come to stand beside her by the window, watching the night sky. He was referring to h
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♧Chapter Twenty three; RISE AND RUN♧
The power had gone out a while ago so June had lit the candles. Now she stood in front of the vanity admiring a solitaire, the solitaire belonging to the ring Regina had gifted her as a coronation present. It was beautiful, it still had the ability to take her breath away but currently it made her chest ache. Why? Because Regina had gifted her this ring with so much joy that her son had finally found his mate but the disappointment her eyes held when she beheld June's bare neck that ought possess a mark by now, it killed June. Made her feel so ashamed and reminded her how much of a bad person she was. The longer she stared at the ring, the more it haunted her. The trees were whistling loudly as the wind rushed through them. It was a windy night. Letting go of the ring, she sashayed towards the window and drew the thick curtains back a bit so she could stare at the stars. Her mom was up there. Frowning down at her. "I'm sorry mom, I...I've changed so much, I'm no longer your innocent
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♧Chapter Twenty four; UNTOUCHED GROUNDS♧
After retrieving their clothes from where they'd kept it folded neatly beside a tree trunk, they walked silently back to the pack house. "Pass the milk please," Antara chirped, while spreading the peanut paste unto a slice of bread. The breakfast table was heavily garnished and the aroma of tea filled the air."More salad?" Almira was standing behind Regina's seat asking if she needed more salad, her blond hair was curled into itself in a very messy bun.Regina looked up, "there you two are!" She said referring to Jason and June standing awkwardly at the entrance. "Sit, have breakfast." She assessed their dripping wet hairs and rumpled clothes."Hmm, morning sex in the lake," Richard smirked before nudging Antara by his side, "we should try that sometime." She blushed crimson, June almost did too while Almira balked at her twin, half restraining herself from flinging the salad bowl in his direction. Regina tried to hide her discomfort before saying, "Unfortunately it didn't end with
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♧Chapter Twenty five; +1 SURPRISE♧
June squinted her eyes at the serene figure sitting in the distance. Was it really her mother?Long, golden locks getting mussed by the breeze.June decided to move closer to get a better look at the figure sitting on the prickly grass. Warm ocean eyes smiled back at her It was indeed her mother. "Mom?" Her eyes suddenly felt watery, "how...what...what are you doing here mom?..." The questions were endless but her mother was answering none, just smiling at her. Her slender fingers running through the green grasses. The peace radiating off of her like waves brought more tears to June's eyes.June let them spill, unable to hold them in. "I've missed you so much, mom." June sniffled, walking closer. "I...I don't know how you got here, or how I got here but I don't care, I'm....I'm just so happy to see you mom. I miss you mom," the tears came faster, "so so much. Why'd you go mom? Why didn't you just take me with you? Mom I..." June stopped mid sentence, standing just a feet away from
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Here you go," Almira said, placing the wrapped rectangle in Jason's custody arm. He smiled gratefully at her, nobody knew he didn't want to be there, receiving all those cool gifts. Her's was the final gift of the evening. And as he unwrapped it to reveal a golden wristwatch with tiny precious stones embedded around the clock, he wondered what June was up to. Honestly, he couldn't wait to storm into that room and give her the scolding of her life. I get it you don't like me, you didn't know it was my birthday so obviously you don't have a gift for me but is it too much to ask that you be here while I received these gifts? "Thank you so much, Almira. It's nice, I love it."Richards pouted, deciding at that moment to say something Jason wasn't really in the mood for. "Nicer than my gift?"Jason looked at him. "You got me wine Richards," he stated matter of factly. "Wine you stole from the bar in my bedroom. So yes, her gift is way nicer than yours."A smooth chuckle left Richards throat
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♧Chapter Twenty seven; HORACE DLAVIR♧
The sun hidden. The clouds casting gloomy shadows. The atmosphere smelled of fresh greenery. A knuckle tapping softly on the giant oak wood door."Come in," Jason said, escaping his own head. Beta George walked in. Looking neat, in a white button up, red suit pants and tie. "Alpha," he bowed slightly."George." Jason beamed."Too many teeth alpha, I might just lose my sight." George teased. The cheerfulness and giddiness oozing from his alpha can not be ignored. It demanded attention considering it's making a first appearance. Jason chuckled, turning away. He'd been thinking of June all morning. Of how she begged to be marked, how her eyes seemed to roll back the moment his fangs sank into her neck, how she so effortlessly took his breath away. They all kept replaying in his head, he couldn't stop them he could only escape for a bit."Anything?" He asked the blonde man grinning at him.George advanced forward, taking the seat across Jason on the desk. "Yes, here," he presented a
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♧Chapter Twenty eight; ASS♧
June stared longingly out the window that was rolled down all the way. The rapid in gush of air sweeping her chocolate locks backward. How did she even get here? Ah yes, she readily and willingly agreed to go with Jason to the Galaxia. She needed to get out of that house, away from the invisible cloud of doom looming over it, away from her nightmares. She needed to get away from the knowing(teasing) looks Regina, Antara and Almira keep throwing her way since they noticed the giant wolf hickey on her neck. She needed to get away from her dad's constant letters, she wouldn't reply nor read any of them, why couldn't he get that? She knew what they all held. It's the same old excuse; June please, try to understand, I just want to be happy. Yeah, well, okay dad. Go ahead, be happy, just leave me out of it. Most of all, she needed to get away from herself.She didn't realise it until now. Now that the shiny black BMW is cruising down a lonely gravel road, lined with fields and nothingness.
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♧Chapter Twenty nine; FEMALE ROGUES♧
"I hope you're enjoying your stay here so far?" Retha's velvety voice caused June's eyes to snap towards her direction. She was Horace's beta, a young woman with Auburn hair and a welcoming smile. She was sitted across the table from June. The table that had the capacity to hold fifteen people but now only nine people sat around it for dinner.Jason swallowed beside her, "Yes, yes we are." He returned her smile briefly before going to back to the plate of rice in front of him. Dinner was sumptuous as fuck.The candle lights gleaming from the centre of the table flickered and that somehow called her attention to Horace who was seated at the head of the table. His eyes were down at his plate, only lifting when the fork in his hand lifted to his mouth. His eyes found hers, she wanted to look away but didn't want to appear intimidated by his black pools of mystery. He seemed like the type to take pleasure in intimidating people, so no, she didn't look away yet causing him to smirk before
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