Semua Bab How To Survive Werewolves: Bab 11 - Bab 20
48 Bab
Well, Isn't This Fun
I try to open the front door of Ally's house, but something is blocking it from opening all the way. I use my butt to push the door open as big as possible. With a struggle, I manage to squeeze through the small opening with Ally in my arms. Jake offered to carry Ally to her room, but I know she won't feel comfortable with that. I glance over my shoulder to the car where Jake is waiting for me.I close the door using the same motion as before and see what was blocking the door. Ally's mother is passed out on the floor in front of the door. Looks like she also had a fun evening.I walk with Ally to her room and I place her on the small bed. She groans again and rolls over, almost falling off her bed. I catch her and put her in the middle of the bed. I pull a blanket over her before slowly heading back.As I step out of her room, I notice for the first time the condition of this house. Wine bottles and beer cans are spread out on the floor. The couch is occupied with even more bottles.
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I'm Dead Inside
Let me tell you, I didn't even stress like this when I had to write the entrance exam. I have been thinking about this since Sunday and now that I'm here, I am freaking out and there is nothing that I can do.I glance at the door from my seat in Art class. Jake hasn't arrived yet and I'm a complete mess. I need to return his jacket without making it awkward, but it might not go as planned. I am known to mess things up with guys and things between me and Jake are already messed up. Why did I invade his personal space?I clutch my stomach and rest my forehead on the table, forcing myself to take deep breaths. Why am I feeling so anxious about this? It is nothing important to worry about. The image of him flinching away has been on replay in my head since it happened. I still feel stupid. Ugh. I tap my forehead against the table with a soft sigh."Are you okay?" I whip my head up when I recognize the voice. Jake sits next to me and stares at me in concern. I force a smile and nod."Yeah,
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This Is Starting To Get Boring
I lean against my locker with my arms crossed, watching the other students rushing to the information board in the main hall. A large group has bundled together in front of the board and the atmosphere is tense. I inhale shakily to get my nerves under control. The school announced that the lists of names who made the team will be placed on the board. Everyone is dying to see whether they made the football, cheerleading, or volleyball team. I have to admit that I am stressed out about this and I am quite sure I made the team. The cheering of some students gets my attention and I smile at their enthusiasm. We are not a lot of students in this school, so the odds are in your favor to make some team. I am waiting for the crowd to disappear before taking a look. I shift my weight from one foot to the other and uncross my arms. "Yes, I knew it! I don't know why I even worried about it." I hear Greyson say with relief. He starts a chant and the other jocks join in as they head out of the
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Watch, This Is The Best Part
I look at my watch with a frustrated sigh. My leg bounces in anticipation while I glance around, waiting for Ally. Where is she? She should hurry up, otherwise, we are going to be late. I stand up from the sidewalk near her house and pace in front of her house. I pull out my phone to check whether she has sent a message. No, nothing.The front door opens and I smile, but it falters when I see Ally's mom. She looks quite terrible, no offense. Where is Ally? Did something happen to her? I walk closer to the woman with furrowed brows."You here for Ally?" The woman sounds like she has just woken up. I nod my head and she walks to me with a slight limp. When she stops in front of me, I smell the alcohol on her and I have to prevent myself from scrunching my nose in disgust. She pulls me in for a hug. I don't want to be impolite so I put my hands on her back, tapping softly."She left with a guy earlier this morning," she says after she lets me out of her grip. I bite my lip and take a loo
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Try Me Bitch
My footsteps echo through the empty halls. Most of the students have gone home and the practices for today are over. I had so much more fun at practice today than I expected. I met the other senior girls and the coach is super energetic. From what I have seen, we are not too bad. We actually stand a chance to do good in the league. We're not enough players, but we will survive.When I round the corner, I speed up. Before I leave, I need to get the books I forgot to take from the locker. I have essays due soon for English Lit and History, but it is nothing I cannot handle.My locker opens with a soft creak, and I search through the piles of books. A paper falls out onto the floor. I bend down to pick it up and notice it is the Art project. It completely slipped my mind. Jake and I need to discuss what we are going to do. It is already Thursday and between the drawing and painting; we need to start as soon as possible if we want to finish it on time."Hey, Kate." I fall against the lock
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Just Kill Me Now
I sit in my homeroom with my head in my hands, tapping my foot. I glance at my watch. When is the bell going to ring? I need to get out of here. It was a foolish idea to come to school today. I thought I would be prepared for the backlash and hate I was going to receive, but I had no idea it would be this bad. Maybe Kate does not die, but her reputation sure does. Everyone heard about what had happened, but they heard Tyler's version. Now, I am the bad guy. So many students believe Tyler and some have even gone as far as to threaten me, or at least tried to threaten me. I went from a fashionable English bird to just a plain attention seeker because of one lad who is a complete arsehole. The bell rips me out of my thoughts. Finally, I need to get away. I grab my bag and dart out of the class to the restroom. I swerve through the crowd of students on my way to the restroom. As I get closer to the restroom, I see Tyler approaching. Ah, fuck no! I start to jog toward the restroom and n
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I'm Literally Gonna Get Violent
I lay cocooned in blankets on the couch in front of the TV. "Rango" is on and even though I have watched it more than I could count, it stays my favorite comfort movie. Occasionally, I talk along with the characters and giggle at jokes before they even happen. I let out a loud laugh when the water dance scene comes up. It's so silly, but it gets me every time."Catherine, dear. You can't just lay in front of the TV for the rest of the weekend. If your father finds out that you skipped school to watch," my mother pauses as she watches the scene. She turns back to me with a slight frown. "If he finds out that you stayed home to watch some animation, he is not going to be happy. Just get up. Go touch some grass," she says and tugs the blankets. The blankets are wrapped tightly around me, causing her to stumble backward when she tries to pull the blanket off me."Let me be, please Mum?" I whine while I pull the blankets tighter around me. My mother grabs the corner of another blanket and
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I'm Trying, But He Is Hot
I sneak down the stairs, trying to not wake my parents. My dad came back late last night and he sounded exhausted, so he needs the rest. Oliver has not come home yet from Tyler's party. I wonder if he stayed at the pack house or Cora’s.I quietly open the front door and lock it behind me. Oliver will have to wake my parents to get into the house. It will inevitably lead to him being reprimanded for breaking the curfew. If he gets grounded, that will be a bonus.As I got ready to leave, I remembered that there is a bicycle in the garage. In the original story, Kate rode a bicycle to school sometimes. I wonder if it is still there. I hope so.I open the garage door with no noise and walk in. There it is in the corner. I leap over some boxes to get to the bicycle. I am running late, but I might make it on time with the bike. I maneuver the bike out of the garage and close the garage door.I plug my earphones in and hit shuffle on my playlist, hopping onto my bike and strolling through th
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Curtis, Get The Fuck Out Of Here
I shiver when the cold wind brushes past me. Autumn is around the corner. I don't know for how long I will be able to sit outside. It would also be a good idea to start wearing a jacket. I pull the lunch I packed for myself out of my bag. Since I am not getting my food from the cafeteria anymore, I had to start packing food for myself. It's not the tortilla roll-ups, but this will have to do. I cannot function properly if I don't have something to eat. I pull my phone from my back pocket and glance at the screen. The changes I made caused the story to deviate completely from the original story and so far it has been getting out of hand. I asked the author to fill me in on the outcomes of the changes, but there has been no answer. And nice work on the author's side. They decided to get rid of Max by letting him move away. Why does he get an easy way out of his scandal, but I have to face the consequences? That is what I call lazy writing. With a sigh, I look around at the few stude
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Oh No, I Hope I Don't Fall
I'm at Cora's tonight. Mum and Dad just texted me they have a business dinner to attend tonight. Get yourself something to eat. Wow, what a coincidence. Everyone is away while Jake and I are home alone. Since everyone is gone for tonight, I might as well park Jake's car in the driveway. I don't want the car to be towed away. After I parked the car, I jump out of the car and head to the front door. I unlock my phone and search for the nearest pizza parlor while I walk through the door. I find the number and dial the parlor, closing the door behind me and locking it. As I make my way up the stairs to my room, I order two pizzas. As I make my way up the stairs to my room, I order two pizzas. The door creaks open silently and I see Jake clutching the blanket, fast asleep. Is he cold? I crouch next to the bed and place my hand against his forehead. He doesn't have a fever, which is a good sign, but he is covered in goosebumps. I throw another blanket over him. I decide to take a quick
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