All Chapters of Rejected Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 Chapters
Sirena’s POVThe next day, I was so anxious to go to the office. I need to face Xander, that’s the most awkward thing to imagine. I decided I should be silent just like before. Raven left earlier so I am walking alone into the office. I prayed I shouldn’t stumble across Xander as I made my way to my place.I sighed in relief and turned on the computer. The first email I got was from Xander, asking me to meet him in his office.“God, what does he want from me?” I wondered and walked to his office. His personal assistant wasn’t in the office, so I knocked on the door, feeling anxious. “Can I come in?” I asked. “Yes,” Xander’s stern voice heard from the other side.I walked inside to his perfect posture but there’s something off about his hair. He didn’t style it flawlessly, it’s messy and noticing my eyes on it, Xander straightened it immediately. I can’t help but smile to see that.“Look, how handsome he is,” she screamed. She has been hyping about this ever since she saw the messag
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Chloe's POVMarcus looked so shocked to see me , he must have not expected me here but I need to thank him for what he'd done today and also I want to sort out the misunderstandings that are going on between us. I went to the refugee camp after I left the arena, there I got dressed in a black shirt and grey trousers before coming here to talk to him or else I can't sleep tonight.I heard what he said to Mark which clearly shows his frustration. I should have heard what he wanted to say, I know the pain of rejection and I don't want him to endure that."Can I talk to you for a moment?" I ask him.Relief spread across Marcus's face when he saw my smile. "Sure," he nodded. "Come to my place, it's upstairs," he said. "No, shall we go outside?" I ask. I don't want to go to his place right now, it would be too soon for such things and besides what I am going to say is something serious and inside four walls isn't the best place to talk. "Fine," he agreed and came outside with me. We
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Sirena’s POVRaven came to my place after lunch, she’s here to check on me as I didn’t have lunch yet. She must be worried, I know that. “Hey, I was expecting you and couldn’t mind-link with you,” she said. “I wanted some time to myself,” I answered. “Why? What’s wrong?” she asked. “Raven, can you please leave me alone,” I frowned. “Definitely something has happened,” she said and pulled a seat next to me,” I sighed, feeling overwhelmed that I needed to explain everything to her. “So tell me what happened between you and Xander,” I looked at her, I couldn't say it as soon as she asked and I found it so uncomfortable to share what Xander said to me. I think it should stay between us. “Come on, don’t be stubborn. I can help you. I’m actually good at giving advice,” she said. I am hesitant but I don’t have a choice. I have to say it to someone so that I can come out of these thoughts. Maybe Raven will give me the solution I need. “What do you think about Xander?” I questioned
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Sirena’s POVSitting on the window sill, I looked at the moon. My wolf is tempted by the gracious spread of moon’s glimmer. I am not ready to shift and wander in the woods. Alder occupies my mind; he’s not letting me to move an inch.Raven said she’d sent the message to Alder and I know he will come tomorrow.Ever since I heard that, I can’t think of anything else, I am passing my time, sitting here.I can’t able to close my eyes and I am wondering what I am going to do tomorrow.I lied to my father, it’s not my nature to talk that way to my mate and I am not allowed go with him either. It’s going to be hard tomorrow but I will get through this.I got down from the window sill and walked to the bed, the time is half past two, these days I couldn’t sleep early.I got inside the comforter and closed my eyes to sleep.Suddenly I heard a whisper near my ears, “Don’t meet him tomorrow,” it said.I squinted my eyes.“Lulu is that you?” I asked. “What?” Lulu woke up and she’s so excited fo
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Alder’s POV“Where are you going?” Frank asked. “I’m going to see Sirena. I heard that she’d returned home,” I said, happily. I know this distance must have brought the change that he wanted to see in her. “Alder, it’s not a good idea. Last time, they told us not to come there anymore and it’s better if we stay away from their pack and not create any unwanted problems,” “I don’t care, Frank. I want to see Sirena and nothing can stop me,” “I know, but you’re not seeing the consequences,” he said.“Frank, you don’t understand what I’m going through right now,” I frowned, “She’s away from me for a very long time, I’m afraid she will forget about me altogether. Her father will go to any extreme to get rid of me from her life,” “But you can’t go to an unwelcome place. You’re an Alpha, have you forgot that,” “Yes, but more than that I want to see, Sirena,” Frank huffed, “Maybe I can find another way,” “What is it?” I questioned. Frank might have some connection and he always gives r
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Chapter- 16It was raining heavily in the evening, Naomi is in the library as she wanted a private moment for herself out of all the confusion that’s happening in her life. She just looked at the rain through the window. It’s so beautiful outside and she wondered what Nickolas is doing now. God! Why am I thinking about him? She frowned and turned to the entrance of the library. Derek entered looking at her and she huffed to find him here. Why Lord? Why? She thought and plastered a smile across her face. She couldn't avoid him and at the same time, she couldn’t be with him. “Hey, I thought I must be here?” Derek said. “Yeah, I just came here to study,” she answered. “Am I disturbing you?” he asked and she wondered why he’s suddenly asking such questions. “No, not at all,” she said and that’s enough for him to sit beside her. It’s been three days since her mom and dad returned from their trip,p but nothing returned to normal in Naomi’s life. She still has not come out of Nickola
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Sirena’s POVIt’s been a week since I came here. I am making myself busy with work and in the other times, I sleep and spend my time in solitude. I like this new life compared to my old one. Raven was always there to help me and I spent most of my time with her. She’s such an interesting character but she said that she learned that from me. I am surprised to know how different I was in the past. I am not that frightened girl who’s hesitant to speak up for herself.I badly wanted to remember those fifteen years that has vanished from my memories. I want to be the person that everyone admire, I want to be fearless, like melody.My past hold so many secrets, I want to know who framed me and who wanted to kill me. Someone with such an audacity drove me out of this pack. I want to know who hates me in this pack, that person could be a threat to my father and to everyone.I need to find out and get that person out of my life, that’s always in my mind whenever I meet someone new here. So far
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Charlotte smiled thinking about how she said yes to be his girlfriend when Jaxson asked her. She's terrified to make that decision then after seeing his confident eyes she can't help but giveup her other thoughts.Jaxson has been always confident about whatever he wants but she's the one who gave up that faith in their relationship which still saddens her and nowadays it's more to handle whenever she looks at Jaxson.Then coming out of her thoughts, Charlotte continued her work. That time she got a call from the manager asking her to come to his cabin.Charlotte went there, and he informed that there's a meeting in the evening and she has to be there compulsorily because she's going to overlook the party arrangements that are going to occur in this Sunday."Okay, sir, I will stay," she agreed and went to her place. But here lies the problem, she needs to pick up Noah in an hour from his school. She can bring him to her workplace but she wondered whether Jaxson will be free so that sh
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Sirena’s POVWhen I heard Alder wanted to see me, I was so excited to meet him at first then it gradually changed into a doubt. I don’t want to but still, I couldn’t say no at all. What Xander said kept going on in my mind. I couldn’t decide what I should do. I thought I should ask Raven but then I realized it’s solely my choice why should I involve others in this. I asked Lulu and she asked me to go and see him. I thought that’s the best thing. If I didn’t go and see him then it would be even more bothersome. I got ready and without informing anyone, I walked to the border. It’s such a beautiful evening and I wonder what Xander is going to say. I know he’s never going to tell me the right words that would convince me to go back to him. Alder came there, and after seeing him, I realized how much I missed him. I thought I have started to forget him, the truth is I am not, I can never forget him. He will stay in my mind as long as I live. It turned me nervous and I couldn’t look him
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Chloe's POVI watch him sleep, he looks different when he's calm, that renders more handsomeness to his face. We both are naked still now. His warm breath covered my skin, sending shivers down my spine. I still can't believe that I gave in yesterday, that moment, I just want to make him happy and with him, I want to feel that happiness too. That's all I wanted at that moment. It was a painful experience but I liked the feeling of being close to him. The bond that formed between us made me forget the rest of the world and now I feel that he's a part of me, an important one. I kissed his forehead when my heart surged in love with him. He was so gentle to me yesterday, I have fallen in love with him, even knowing that he hasn't opened up to me yet. If I leave that aside and see, yes I love him more than anything. I caressed his long black hair and kissed his cheek without disturbing his sleep.If I can, I will watch him all day. With a smile on my face, I got down from the bed. I pu
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