All Chapters of Fated (Book #11 in the Vampire Journals): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
29 Chapters
Caitlin walked quickly with Caleb up the endless steps on the Columbia University campus, their footsteps echoing as they hurried across the imposing building that held Aiden’s office. It felt surreal for Caitlin to be back here, this place she had spent so many years of her life, and her heart was pounding as she headed for the building, fearing what Aiden might say. Caitlin took assurance in having Caleb at her side, both of them desperate to see Aiden again and also dreading it. The last time she had been here he had advised her to kill her own daughter. She had vowed to never return.But now she found herself in a desperate situation, and she realized now, ironically, that Aiden was the only person left she could turn to. She only prayed that the outcome would be different this time, that he would have something to tell her that could help Scarlet. There was no one else who had more scholarship on the subject than he, and if there was anyone in the world who would know how to guid
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Kyle strutted down Route 9, feeling reborn, stronger than ever, as he relived in his mind’s eye again and again his killing of those police officers. Nothing gave him more joy. He would kill more if he could.Kyle made a fist, flexed his muscles, and he couldn’t understand where his newfound strength came from. He felt blood pumping through his veins at an insane rate, as if he had received ten blood infusions. As he bounced along the road, he felt like a boy of eighteen, invincible, ready to take on the world. He couldn’t believe how much energy he had to his step; he felt like he was ready to party all night long.Kyle knew he should be afraid, knew that he was a cop-killer now, and that soon the whole county would be out looking for him. He figured he probably shouldn’t be walking conspicuously down Route 9, as if he didn’t have a fear in the world.But for some reason, he was unafraid. More than that, he felt emboldened, invincible even. He had shed all fear, and he had the craz
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Scarlet sat in the back of the small rowboat, rocking in the strong currents of the Hudson River, and wrapped her sweater tighter about her shoulders to ward off the cold breeze coming off the water. She had forgotten how cold the Hudson could be in November; she had also forgotten how strong the tides could be, and she braced herself against the spray, almost like waves in an ocean.There were too many people crammed in—Maria, Jasmine and Becca, Blake who was rowing, and a couple of his friends—and Scarlet looked out, shivering, not trusting this creaking, weathered boat, and was grateful to see that Bannerman’s Island was fast approaching, hardly thirty yards away.Scarlet had mixed feelings about coming here. She remembered times in the past when she used to love to come to Bannerman’s, a small, abandoned island in the middle of the Hudson, with its huge crumbling ruin of a castle, a relic of a former time, long abandoned, structurally unsound, overgrown with vines. In fact, the w
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Caitlin walked quickly across the Yale University campus, clutching her coat, which was too light for this weather, around her shoulders as a stiff breeze whipped through. It was already the coldest November she’d ever felt, and Caitlin felt chilled to the bone as she marched across campus, keeping her head down, trying to shield herself from the wind as she fought her way toward the Sterling Memorial Library. Caitlin glanced up at it, a massive Gothic building looking like a medieval church rising up into the sky, dominating the campus, and she felt as if she were approaching another era. This building was so out of context here, in this modern university, in this modern city, like a portal to another time and place.It was only fitting, she thought, that it should house some of the rarest books in existence, the most precious and obscure volumes on where the supernatural intersected with scholarship.It was the intersection that Caitlin was interested in. She did not want to go to
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Scarlet looked up into the black starry night, elated, her heart soaring with joy as she saw Sage flying down, descending right for her. At first she was sure it was a trick of her eyes, a hopeful dream. But as Sage got closer, she saw his beautiful eyes glistening under the light of the moon, and she knew it was true. It was really him.Scarlet’s eyes welled with tears as he landed before her, stepped forward, and wordlessly embraced her, holding her so tight, his black leather pants crinkling. She held him tight, too, not wanting to let him go, ever, She felt her tears pour down her cheek, overwhelmed with gratitude that he was alive, that he had come back for her.“What are you doing here?” she asked over his shoulder.“I came for you,” he replied.The sound of his voice reassured her immediately, a sound she could never forget. It was really him, here in the flesh. She clung to him, feeling as if she were holding onto the cornerstone of her world, the only thing left to make he
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Caleb walked into the local police station, Sam by his side, grim-faced as he thought of the business that lay before him. He was determined to confront that predator Kyle, the man who had tried to harm his daughter. He needed to look him in the eye, to know if all of this was nonsense, or if Scarlet had, indeed, truly turned Kyle into a vampire.Deep down, Caleb didn’t want to believe any of this; he still wanted to believe he was living out some horrible nightmare, that everyone was just making some awful mistake. He wanted to discover that Aiden didn’t know what he was talking about, that Scarlet was not truly a vampire, and that she had returned home and all was well. He just wanted everything to go back to the way it had been. They had all been so happy as a family once, everything so perfect in their lives. He had loved Scarlet, and she had loved him. How had it all gone so wrong so quickly?Caleb could not wait to look Kyle in the eye, to hear what he had to say about his daug
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Caitlin sat on the floor between the stacks in the dark, silent library, bleary-eyed, her back against the metal frame and every muscle in her body aching as she hunched over a stack of books in her lap. It had been a marathon of reading, and books were strewn everywhere, as if an avalanche of them had fallen down upon her. Her eyes were blurry and she rubbed them again, determined to keep going.Caitlin read beneath the dim emergency light, as she had been for hours, ever since the library had closed and its lights had shut down. She was grateful that she had not been detected, and she was determined to make the most of it, tearing through volumes, devouring them from the second the doors to the main library finally slammed close.Caitlin had had a long and lonely night, squinting through book after book, searching for any clues, anything she could find. She waded through volumes on lost cities, lost races, lost civilizations, reading the most fantastical things, most of it legend,
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Kyle marched up the steps to the local high school, squinting in the sun, not knowing why it was hurting his head so much as he approached the front doors. He felt stronger than ever, yet also pained by the sun, eager to get inside. He bounded up the steps, taking them ten at a time, shocked at his speed and strength. In just three steps, he reached the top, and he stood there before the astonished security guard.“Sorry, school’s in session,” the guard snapped. “Are you a parent?”Kyle looked him up and down. The guard was a huge man, at least six-five, nearly as wide as Kyle, with a square jaw and a belligerent look on his face.Kyle shook his head.“Do I look like a parent to you?” Kyle retorted.Kyle walked past him, heading for the doors, and he felt a beefy palm on his shoulder, stopping him.“Don’t touch that door,” the man said. “You don’t get in without a pass.”The guard shoved Kyle, sending him stumbling back a foot, and Kyle, enraged, suddenly lunged forward and tack
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Sage flew with Scarlet into the breaking dawn, high over the Hudson, the world spread out before them in shades of purples and pinks, and even though he knew he was dying, Sage felt that everything was perfect in the world. He loved the feel of Scarlet on his back, her arms wrapped around his chest as they flew. He loved that the two of them could enjoy the breaking dawn together, looking down at the river, the trees, and the rolling hills, the entire world alight with fall. The leaves shone a thousand different colors, reds and oranges and yellows, twirling in the wind, falling to the Hudson, lining the waters as they floated down the current, making the river seem alive with a rainbow.They flew and flew, following the contours of the Hudson, passing over a bridge, and Sage felt so excited to be with her, and to be bringing her to his great surprise. He could feel her excitement, and it made him all the happier.Sage thought back to their time together the night before, the most ma
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Maria walked home down the familiar streets of town in the late afternoon, her friends Becca and Jasmine by her side, still wearing her jersey and shin guards, black paint beneath her eyes, her hair frazzled from the soccer match. She fumed, reliving the soccer game in her head, still annoyed that her coach had sidelined her so late in the game, especially after she’d scored a goal. She knew she was being aggressive, and maybe she had crossed the line when she kicked the other girl in the shin. But still, she knew she was the best player on the team, and the coach shouldn’t have sidelined her for that.Maria usually was a clean player, but she had been so frustrated as of late, she had begun playing dirty, tripping and kicking the other girls. It was just a matter of time until she was sidelined, she knew, but still, she was mad that it had happened today, when she was playing so well.As Maria walked, she thought about it, and she realized she didn’t know why she had been so angry l
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