All Chapters of The Victorian Society of Strange Ocurrances: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 Chapters
The mysterious death of Lord Reginald: Following her
Elizabeth finished her drink quickly and walked a respectable distance between her and Lilith, not enough for her to feel like she was being tailed.Lilith apparently came to greet another Lord, this one she recognized Lord Maleon who was part of parliament, and she was being very sweet by greeting him.She secured herself in a dark spot and in earshot distance."Lord Maleon" her voice was more seductive now and her actions were bolder "all the girls are fighting to spend time with you" the mature grey-haired gentleman was responding very well to her advances "lucky for both of us…it’s my turn.""Miss Lilith" he was happy for the attention "you have always denied me, told me no, and now you are seeking me out." he could barely believe his luckThe beautiful dark-haired woman placed her hand on his chest, leaning closer to him "I must admit I was shy" she was clearly playing him up but he was enthralled by her "but now I can’t fight this anymore… let's go up and spend the night togeth
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The mysterious dearh of Lord Reginald: Unveiling the creature
The coachman under Henry's employ drove his carriage as quickly as he could towards Whitechapel, the destination was Saint Mary Matfelon.Whitechapel was at a crossword at the time being, an illustrious place beginning to deteriorate, some parts of it were becoming quite tragic as many people were pushed to small rooms together cramped.And there the carriage when trough ti streets while inside the vehicle Elizabeth that was calmed and collected explained what Thomas and her experienced, the young lord said nothing just heard them he was thinking they were mad but he did saw how upset Elizabeth was when he saw her.She was still in gentleman's clothes but her hair had been styled back to one of a lady.His sarcasm would not help matters, so he just looked at her in disbelief trying to believe her but failing to do so, it was too fantastical for him. Henry was determined to get her to the ‘nun’ and fulfil her need but there was no way he would fall for her story.Thomas sat beside her
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The mysterious death of Lord Reginald: The final confrontation
Sister Margaret took bold steps towards the creature with a stake in her hand "I will send you back to hell you demon" she was aiming towards the vampire’s chest."You fool…" Lilith said as she held the woman’s hand that held the wooden stake "you are mistaken if you think that you could dispose of me, you don’t even understand what I have been doing." her strength was so that the nun’s legs quivered and rested in a kneeling position.Even tho her body had betrayed Sister Margaret spirits did not "I don’t care because you can only do the work of the devil, and like him so shall fall." the determination in her eyes was great but Lilith’s grip was mightier.Thomas thought quickly and took a silver coin from his pouch and aimed it at Lilith’s hand, the one holding the sister, and threw it at her quickly and precisely that was enough for her to let go of her victim.Sister Margaret fell to the ground, and Lilith ran towards an abandoned building nearby, Thomas and Elizabeth ran towards th
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The mysterious death of Lord Reginald: A begging from an end
Thomas opened the door with a kick fearing a deathly end to his new friend, but alas it was Elizabeth there laying beside Lilith’s body, he rushed to her side and help her up."It seems you didn’t need me to finish this." He said with a friendly smile allowing her to shift her entire weight on him."I was too scared to shout for you…" she said modestly while standing up and being close to Thomas’s body "I am surprised that I could manage this, it was not pleasant at all.""But you did" He reassured her kindly."We need to return to sister Margaret" she said as she cleaned her skirt from the dust and debris and walked beside Thomas getting away from the remains of Lilith the Vampire.They left the abandoned building to find the nun standing at the scene of the crime while police surrounded her, they were investigating the death of Lord Henry Lewis and his coachmen.With an understanding look she glanced at them, and with a nod, they confirmed the end of the nightly creature.The next m
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The Rising dead: Alan Murray's case
Elizabeth had set up shop a block away from oxford street, which would help with ‘customers’. The place had a large window glass, giving a good view of the street, with letters painted on it reading: Society of Strange Occurrences; the door was beside the glass and it was painted green, as it was Elizabeth’s favourite colour.It was a two-room establishment, the first one was for people to entertain people that came in with their supernatural problems; It consisted of a desk and a table with chairs on the side. This was where Elizabeth was at the moment sorting out the place, making it look tidy and welcoming as possible, Thomas had gone out to run some errands. when she heard the bell from the door ring.Standing behind her, and just entering, there was a hunky Scotsman with a smile on his face ready to greet her “well, hello there.” he said with a completely understandable Peterhead accent.He had soft reddish-blond hair and a thick beard, and he was dressed as a countryman farm
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The Rising dead:The Haunted Road
Elizabeth and Thomas were on the way to the village of Crawley, on the west of Sussex, they travelled by carriage and had relative ease and comfort inside of it.Thomas would have loved to look out the window but there wasn't much to see as a fog had fallen over their route.In front of him, Elizabeth was reading some books, courtesy of Sister Margaret, and compared them to the notes she had taken from Alan Murray, she was lost in thought.“You look quite alluring while you are concentrating” the afro-brit said looking at her, she took her face out of a book and beamed him a smile.“That’s because the case we have is interesting” Elizabeth said while fixing her hair, leaving the book in her lap “it also helps that the company I keep is silent, reliable and visually appealing”.The atmosphere changed to playful and coquette.“Well, then I am glad that I can be silent, reliable and visually appealing…” he said chuckling “would being brooding help or break the spell?”“I don’t think bein
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The Rising dead: Leads of the case
The carriage stopped at the threshold of the village.“That’s as far as I will take you” the coachman said through the special window and moved to the back of the vehicle to take care of their cases, he wanted to leave the place before sundown.The passengers stepped out of the carriage and lucky for them Mr Murray was waiting for them. “Welcome…” he said as he extended his hands towards Thomas and Elizabeth “I am glad to see you again Miss Carter.” he said dashingly.“Oh please call me Elizabeth, I insist” she said shaking his hand.“And you must be her associate” he extended his hand towards Thomas.“Yes, Thomas Kent, nice to meet you, Mr Murray”The Scotsman patted him on the shoulder “call me Alan, if the lady insists on using her name so will I…” he moved to where the coachman was and helped him with the cases “I came down here knowing the carriage might not want to come to our little village I am surprised he has taken you so far.”Thomas joined him and lifted some of them, div
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The Rising dead: Maggie Sawyer and the cemetery
After having breakfast Alan took them to the village and let them outside the house of Maggie Sawyer, he in turn would look for supplies and see if there was any development on the undead situation. Thomas and Elizabeth stepped in front of the door, as they tried to polish a couple of details. “I think it would be best if you are the one making the questions, Thomas” she said as she rid his jacket of a leaf “after all you were a policeman and you would know what questions to make.” “I think that would be quite sensible” taking his hat off ready to knock on the door. “I will stay as silent as possible, taking notes, I will only interject if I can't help it” she said with a focus in her tone. “Which will be in the first three minutes” he said very entertained, knowing that Elizabeth was filled with questions. There were sounds of steps making their way towards the entrance, and soon the door was opened by a 20-year-old woman. She had brown eyes, chestnut-coloured hair, chubby che
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The Rising dead: Rory Thompson's version
Elizabeth glanced at Maggie, she didn’t want her to spend more time here than she needed to "You can go home now"The governor's daughter turned her back and started walking back to town.Thomas hurriedly made one last question "Where could we find, your friend Rory?"Maggie turned her face one last time "He is in the carpentry just down the road, near the pub, it has a green door you can't miss it" after this she made her way back to her house.Elizabeth knelled on the floor beside Thomas contemplating the soil as it was hiding some clue. "While we are here contemplating the rising dead I can’t help to remember the scars of the plague, it started in the 20’s and while it softened it still took a lot of lives" Her eyes fixed now on the tombs of the women who were incinerated."It does leave a mark on the ones that survived it, it was a nasty business, to us is a fading memory but to the ones that properly lived them I don’t think they will ever be the same" the former policeman said
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The Rising dead: Claudia Martin
Alan Murray had led Elizabeth to a safe path, the house of Ms Martin was on the outskirts of Crawley, in a hill-like location. A place with an enviable view, such was the case that it would be on par with a beautiful landscape painting. The mist that overcame the village was now heading in their direction. The house of the suspect was now incredibly close when they were suddenly greeted by Ms Martin bargaining her door open with a single-shot pistol aiming towards them. Alan and Elizabeth fall back trying to avoid death. Ms Martin takes her shoot that flies over Elizabeth’s shoulder and hits something behind them. They turned to see what was behind them and to their dismay, it was a corpse with no flesh in its bones, with one of its shoulders broken by the bullet Miss Martin fired. The dead hurled away from them in a state of fear, to their relief. “I am sorry about that Alan” the dusky-haired woman said as she walked towards them with her gun in hand.She had a stern facial co
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