All Chapters of The Aberrant Clan: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
43 Chapters
Chapter 21
Michael’s Point of ViewUsually, when I wake up, I need to check the time. Opening my eyes I pick up my phone. Looking at the time, it was just past ten. Shit! I jump out of bed and rush to the shower. Turning on the hot water, waiting for the steam to form. Climbing in, feeling the hot water flow over me. Wetting my hair, I grab the shampoo bottle and squirt a small amount into my hand. Massaging my scalp. Taking my scrunchy and quickly scrubbing every inch of my body.Rinsing off. I turn off the water and grab a towel. Wrapping it around my hips. After my shower, I quickly get dressed and make my way downstairs. Austin was sitting on the couch, drinking his whiskey. Rolling my eyes.“Really? It’s ten thirty and you’re already drinking.” Austin shrugs. Ignoring my comment. “Anyway, have you checked on Leo this morning,” I say in a rush. Grabbing a cup and pouring myself coffee from our auto coffee maker.“Yes, calm down.” Austin looks at me. Confused. “Shit man, it looks like you saw
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Chapter 22
Crissy’s Point of ViewI woke up staring at the ceiling. My heart breaks every moment Thomas isn't here. Getting dressed wasn't on my agenda today. After all, it is a school holiday. I made my way downstairs while opening the cabinet. I remembered that my favourite mug was broken. I open the drawer I throw it in to the drawer to fix it but never got to it. Taking the broken pieces, then I search for superglue. Finding it in bottom drawer. Grabbing everything and make my way outside and start sticking them back together.The memory of Thomas giving it to me plays through my mind. A smile appears on my face, along with tears. How could I let this happen to us? Why didn't I tell you before you got older? I should never have kept that secret from you. I took a big breath to stop the tears from falling. The idea of you never wanting to come back to me is a thought I never want to become a reality.Starting with the biggest piece. Searching piece for piece that fits. Slowly placing superglu
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Chapter 23
Austin’s Point of View“Okay, so tomorrow is the day we fuck up, Zack,” I growl. Making my way towards the bar, taking a seat behind the counter. Then grab a bottle of whiskey. “Alexander, make not that we need to get more whiskey.“Noted. I will get some. That’s if we come back alive.” Alexander says, walking towards me. Grabbing a seat on the other side of the bar.“Austin, you haven’t elaborated on your plan,” Michael says. Staring at me with his arms folded. Tapping his foot on the wooden floor. “And Austin have you thought about how they got through the gates to be able to kidnap dad. The other thing is, do we even know how many of our pack we have left?” Making his way towards me finding a seat across from me.“Well, my dear wonderful brother. It’s plain and simple. We go to Brentwood. Gather our pack the amount that we have left. Having no idea how many survived. The only person that was able to give through that type of information was dad. The other wolves are trained to keep
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Chapter 24
Crissy’s Point of ViewI let out a moan as Austin kisses my neck. Alexander starts kissing my arm while Michael takes off his shirt. Alexander and Austin stand up and take off their shirts as well. Resting on my elbows. I stare at them, inspecting every inch of them. Making me want them even more. My heart starts to race. I bite my lip. Austin climbs on top of me staring into my eyes and gives me a soft kiss.“Are you sure you want to do this? With all three of us?” Austin asks softly. Kissing me again moving down to my neck. I nod. Letting out a soft moan. Austin, you have no idea how much I want this. How much I wanted this for a long time. You guys awaken something in me that I never knew existed. “Yes, please.” The words left my mouth softly. Wanting to say so much more but the words didn’t want to leave my mouth.“Alexander, remove her clothes,” Austin orders him. He gives him a nod and slowly moves across the bed towards me. Firstly, removing my shirt, by this he then kisses me
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Chapter 25
Crissy’s Point of ViewI open my eyes slightly. My eyelids are heavy. I sit upright to wake up, my eyes closed. Giving out a yawn. Then stretching my arms above my head. My mouth dry, still struggling to keep my eyes open.“Fuck, that was one intense dream,” I say while rubbing my head.“That wasn’t a dream, love.” A voice came from beside me. I froze, and my eyes instantly opened. Wide awake. I slowly turn to my right and see Michael next to me.“So, we…” I stop mid-sentence. Keeping my eyes fixed on him.“We did.” Another voice came from the other side. Austin.“Oh, shit!” I flung out of bed in a hurry. “All of us slept together?” My anxiety starts to kick in. I grab my pills from my top drawer. Grabbing a glass water that was on the side of my bed and drinking them. “I need to take a shower. If you guy have somewhere to be you can show yourself out.” While those words left my mouth, I rush into the bathroom. Slamming the door. Turning on the shower for the water to heat up.Staring
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Chapter 26
Zack’s Point of View“Where's the girl?” I ask with anger in my tone.“She is in the cage as you requested, Sir,” Kai responds. Bowing his head.“Good, keep her there and make sure no one gets to her, and that she doesn't get out,” I say with a satisfied tone.“But Sir, I had some complications with her,” Kai says with a shivering tone.“What do you mean complications?” My tone elevated.“Well, she almost escaped, but luckily I caught her, but when I threw her in the cage, she hit her head very badly.” Kai looking towards the ground.“You fucking imbecile! I asked you a straightforward thing, and you managed to fuck it up.” I rub my head. “Just get out of my sight and go and make sure the girl is still fucking alive,” I reply in anger. Placing both hands on my head. “My plan is not going to work if she is dead. Now go!” Kai quickly walks away. “Cia, please just tell me where on earth did I find these idiotic people.”“Well, Sir, if you're looking for an honest answer. Today's generati
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Chapter 27
Crissy's Point of ViewI woke up, and my head is pounding. I reach to feel my head, and I feel a small open wound. I look at my hand. It is covered in blood. I let out a tiny scream. I stare at my hand for what felt like hours. My head must have hit the cage when they threw me in. I sat upright, leaning against the cage, trying to puzzle everything together about what had happened. I close my eyes and lean against the cage, trying to gain my strength, pacing my breath, trying not to pass out again. The thoughts in my head are overwhelming.I knew nothing good could have come from getting to know Austin and his brothers. Why did I ever agree to sleep with them? Why did I ever allow them to come into my life? They only cause drama. Well, I should have known it would happen. Because every single romance novel that has something to do with werewolves, vampires, or any mystical creature never ends well. The girl that is permanently stuck in the middle is always the one to get her heart bro
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Chapter 28
Austin’s Point of ViewThe sun is shining through the curtains. I open my eyes, and I see Crissy lying next to me. What a beautiful sight. She thought she had an intense dream. I also thought the same, but to our surprise, it actually happened. She jumps out of bed, trying to process what we had done. She quickly made her way to the bathroom and told us we could show ourselves out.My brother and I stare at each other, accepting that we all three slept with her. We grab our clothes, quickly got dressed. I took a piece of paper lying on her dressing table, wrote her note, and placed it there.We made our way out of her house. We preloaded our car the night before. We grab the keys, jump into our car, and pull out of the driveway and start to make our drive to Brentwood.“Austin.” Michael broke the silence.“Yeah, what's up.” I respond. Keeping my eyes on the road.“What made you change your mind about Crissy’s offer?” Michael asks. I kept quiet for a few minutes, before replying.“The
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Chapter 29
Austin’s Point of ViewBefore saying anything, I gathered the courage to speak. The silence is broken, I listen to the loud commotion. I can only assume the conversations that are taking place. It's about how we left them and weren’t here to protect them. I can hear their disappointment. I took a big breath and step closer to the edge of the balcony for the entire pack to see me. When the pack looks up, they saw me and my brother standing there. All of a sudden, it was silent again. Not even the pups make a little sound. We stand there, not knowing what to say.My heart is racing. The feeling as if it wants to climb out of my chest. Opening my mouth, trying to form the words. Hesitantly, I begin to speak.“Evening.” I speak with a shivering tone. “It is us, your Alpha, and your betas. We apologize that we weren't here to protect your pups or to save your husbands. It is with deep sorrow that I asked for your forgiveness.” I hesitated on what to say next, then Michael steps in“Our fel
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Chapter 30
Crissy’s Point of ViewKai drags me back to the cage. I don’t struggle, fight or kick. I am too tired at this moment. I didn't have the strength to fight or to try and run. I needed to work with a plan. Some way to keep the little strength that I had left.“Get in the cage, human,” Kai yells. His tone was loud. I just stare at him before spitting on his shoes.Crouching down, I made my way into the cage. Before entering completely Kai pushes me in. Making me fall to the ground, scraping my knee. Trying to hold my breath, trying not to scream. Fuck, you dick. I turn around and made my way to the corner. Watching Kai lock the cage.“Pathetic human.” He says. Spitting into my cage before walking away.Human. Really, dick head, I have a fucking name. I shook my head. I start scanning my surroundings, realizing I was in a different cage. There are a lot of other people in separate cages. Some of them are sleeping. I hope. Some are sitting there staring into the abyss. I stare down, looking
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