All Chapters of Forbidden love : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
Chapter 31: The Witch
Marc wanted to kiss her longer, but I stopped him because I knew the others were on their way. It was becoming more and more difficult and agonising to be apart from her. "Hi, I'm your host," he said. That witch? With a smile on her face and a question, Lisa said. "Oh my. You are quick. I guess that means you don't fear me? As she approached Lisa, Ash questioned her. Okay, let's see, I discovered that my mother is a wolf. Tia and Marc are one. I battled a group of losers known as The Five. I have no idea who or what I am, but I experienced a surge of power. I'm currently visiting a witch's home. Do I need to be afraid? "Oh, Sweetheart. Stop speaking in such a snarky manner. Veronica uttered,. "This is my friend Ash.""Hello, Ash. I am sorry if that was rude." Lisa broke into a smile. "And thanks for taking us in.""Oh, Dear. My pleasure. Your mom and I go way back. Sadly, like her, I am an outcast, and my powers were taken from me when I was about your age. I wish I had some juic
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Chapter 32: Lisa
What I've discovered over the last few days is this. My mom is a wolf . My dad enjoyed hunting, only not the kind of hunting people know about. He was a warewolf hunter. I inherited both genes at birth. My warewolf half didn't allow hunter gene take over because wolves and hunters are inherently hostile to one another. Given my proximity to what people refer to as "a monster," the hunter gene has started to manifest itself ever since Marc and I had sex. If all of it weren't enough, It seems like Marc felt the same things I did when I was around him: a a desire to mate. That's how my werewolf half is responding to him being there. He concurred. Our current location is a witch's home. Mom and Ash are attempting to find a means to restore our life. The reality can seem overwhelming at times. But when faced with a challenge, my natural reaction as a physicist is to find a solution. I don't typically waste time contemplating how serious the problem is. Observe an issue? Think. Reflect m
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Chapter 33: Marc
We worked out from dawn to dusk. We cannot possibly defeat Tobias by ourselves. The most we can do right now is prepare. Tobias has amassed an army. I feel calm when I look at Tia and Lisa getting along. Tia was a student in the Netherlands at a boarding school, which is why Tobias was unaware of her presence when Erica claimed to be my soulmate and said she wanted to marry me."We’ve only just met," I remember telling her, stepping away from her. "It’s getting late; I’ve got to go." I paid my bill and got ready to leave the bar."So we meet again. Is tomorrow good for you?" She asked. I left quietly. From there on, no matter where I went, she’d follow me. I could sense that she was a werewolf as well, but I knew strength comes from desperation. I could take her down if she caused trouble. I ignored her, knowing it wouldn’t last.To my surprise, she kept running into me for a month. "Enough with the games already. I am getting tired of it." She claimed one day."I work here; stop fol
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Chapter 34: Marc
A tall man stood at home. My father lay dead on the ground. His heart was crushed next to him on the floor. My mom stood still in tears."Marc, run," she said when she saw me."Mom? Dad?" I looked at the man and launched at him, turning to my true form.The man simply moved aside and grabbed me by my arm. "Calm down, or your mom is next," he warned. I wasn’t going to let him touch my mother, let alone hurt her. I revolted and tried to hit him again. It was the first time I was against someone so strong. I threw some powerless punches at me and launched failed attacks to bite, but all in vain. He threw me against the wall. I crashed into the lamp and fell to the ground."Who would have thought my daughter would fall in love with you, son?" He said it with a smirk on his face.My mom and I looked at each other. She was already in her wolf form. We attacked him together. Mom held him in place, and I ran towards him with all the strength in me. He flipped Mom over his shoulders and kicke
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Chapter 35: Lisa
"I want to fight as well," Tia told me."Sure. Let’s train together, then.""But I am not strong like you people." "I can’t even turn when I want to.""You’ll get there, don’t worry." I assured her."Yes, and when I do, I am going to write a book called Warewolf’s Guide to Turning at Will.""I love him.""You mean, my bro?""No, silly, Douglus Adams.""And Marc?""And they said you were only a child?" I teased her.Tia and I were in the kitchen cooking. Ash and Mom were still planning something and wouldn’t tell us what it was. I looked at Marc, outside the window, training in the garden."I want to be a physicist too. We were just beginning to learn advanced calculas when Marc snuck me out of my board and," she was quiet now."Must have been difficult to spend a year in the basement." I asked her. Mom had told me what happened to her parents. I didn’t want to pry. But to think a child had to go through such a trauma I couldn’t even begin to imagine the agony Marc was in."It wasn’t g
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Chapter 36: Marc
I take my time while showering. The workout has left my body with bruises. Where the water flows, it stings a little, but the ice-cold water feels amazing against my naturally warm skin. A longing is growing within me. In the space, I can smell her. I turn off the water, wrap myself in a towel, and dash outside to meet Lisa. She is standing in front of the door."Dinner is ready." She tells me Her eyes don’t leave mine.I move quickly to be next to her. Superhuman speed does offer certain benefits. I kiss her while lifting her chin. She moves in and forces the door shut. I give her a passionate kiss while pressing her up against the door. Other than our time spent training together, we hadn't had any intimate moments. When we had the chance, we sneaked a few kisses. We were both afraid to express what it meant for us to be doing that. She is a hunter to some degree, and she cannot easily adapt to my being a werewolf so quickly.But having her tongue in my mouth has only aroused me mor
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Chapter 37: Lisa
Several times these past weeks, I have considered knocking on Marc’s door when everyone was asleep. But the thought of Erica held me back. I didn’t know what kind of person she was until Marc confided in me a few days earlier. I knew he was hesitant to approach me. Today, when I saw him smile at Tia and me, something moved in me.I couldn’t help but walk to his room, using dinner as an excuse. Everybody is already at the table. Looking at him in the towel reminded me of our time in the hotel, when we were pressed against each other. I feel a desire I can’t fight any longer.I am on top of him now on the chair, the fabric of my pants rubbing against my skin. My body begins to move as he makes his way deep inside of me.I slide my hair to the side, exposing my neck to him. I know what it means, and I think I am ready now. He looks at me briefly. "Are you sure?" He says, "This can wait." He insists. I keep him waiting for an answer.He lifts my weight on his dick and bites me near my sho
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Chapter 38: Marc
Lisa and I get dressed and head downstairs for dinner with everyone."Hey, bro. Come sit next to me. I made mashed potatoes; Lisa helped me. She cooked everything else."I take a seat next to her, and Lisa sits across from me."Yes. Eat. You are going to need energy. Haha" Ash smiled at me. She always knows what’s happening. It’s hard to hide anything from a witch."Mom. When will you tell us what you and Ash have been planning? When do we get to go out?" Lisa asked."That eager to go out?" Inquired Ash."I am sorry, Ash. I didn’t mean it like that. Your house is lovely. But at some point, we’d have to go back to our lives.""We will. First, we have to wait for you to be ready. Your hunter gene has already kicked in. And now we must wait for the mate bond to kick in."Lisa looked at her in surprise. "You know?""Oh, sweetie." "Don't forget I am a warewolf.""Will I wolf out now, too?""Probably not. The wolf gene has turned recessive due to your hunter genes. Yet once the mate link t
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Chapter 39: Lisa
Mom kicked me, and I fell to the ground.Despite my best efforts, I am unable to successfully repel her assault.Over the past four days, all I've done is become wounded and worn out before going back to bed.The cycle continues the next day."Enough, Mom. That’s hurts.""You can complain or learn to defend." She said.I stand up straight.I take a step back to escape being attacked by her as she launches herself at me.She kicked me again, threw me to the ground, and had me pinned down in the split second that followed."Urgh." "Come on now." "You can do this," she insists."I don’t think I can." "Can't you have Marc train me?"I had barely managed to get the words out when I felt incredibly weak in my legs. Unable to move further, I stay in my position and cry in agony.""Sweetie, are you okay?""No.. something… can’t..ahhh…" "Oh no." She exclaimed. It must be the mate bond kicking in, but your hunter gene is suppressing it."Marc. Ash. Tia." She yells for help, carrying me i
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Chapter 40: Veronica
It has been three days since Lisa woke up. Ash’s magic has her in an induced coma. Ash warmed me to the fact that there was only a fifty percent chance that my baby would wake up. But those odds were better than her going into a lost battle. I know she would never accept staying at Ash’s forever. I had no other option but to comply with Ash’s plan."The blood stone is the only thing that can control a werewolf and can channel her mating bond." She had told me."A blood stone is lethal for a werewolf," I reminded her."That’s why I am hoping that her hunter half will dominate and protect her. This is our only chance, V."I knew she was right, but my maternal instinct warned me against it. The blood stones empower her hunter identity. She’s only a child. I should never have sent her to the city. Her stubbornness always has me at a loss.Now I am standing in her room again, hoping for her to wake up."Coffee." Marc stretched his arm towards me and handed me the mug."Thanks.""She’s waki
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