All Chapters of The Lycan King's Rejected Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
231 Chapters
Chapter 21
The whole court went up in an uproar as people began to celebrate and hug each other.Tears of joy fell down my eyes as I got up ready to go see granny.Arnou looked equal parts shocked and ecstatic as he got up and adjourned the meeting.It was noon, and some of the pack members took the break as an opportunity to indulge in the rich food being supplied by the palace kitchen. Arnou ran down the hallway, closely followed by the general members and me. In the commotion, none of the guards bothered to hold me back. Although that could be because I had been proven innocent. In any case, we all soon arrived at granny’s door and only Arnou went inside.I stood outside granny’s door wishing and hoping she would be completely fine. Not only would her good health mean a lot to Arnou, but it would also exonerate me from all wrongdoing.We stood outside waiting for close to 45 minutes, during that time, palace maids came about and gave us some refreshments.Finally, after the long wait, Arnou
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22I stood up in shock so suddenly my chair knocked backward. The whole hall went up in uproar. Guards came up to drag the doctor away, probably to lock him up somewhere.Everyone had their own opinions about everything that had gone down, and the commotion automatically signaled the end of the trial. The whole thing was chaotic and I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe so I pushed my way out of the court. In my peripheral vision, I saw Arnou get up and push after me but I ran fast toward my room and shut the door.I remember how I had questioned the doctor on how sure he was that his diagnosis was currently considering the fact he didn’t carry out a test first. I remembered the way Arnou hadn’t stood up for me when Alisa had slapped me and insulted me for daring to propose that their doctor was incompetent.I sank to the floor behind my door and wept into my hands. I wept for all the embarrassment I had undergone for no reason. I couldn’t help but wonder if something was wr
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Chapter 23
After we all reconciled, Alisa, Arnou and I went to visit granny. I was nervous about seeing her, considering the last time I had seen her she was clutching her stomach and crying out in pain.When we got to granny’s door, Arnou went inside first and I followed slowly behind him.“Come here child, sit down, let me take a good look at you.” Granny said smiling as she beckoned me to sit beside her on the bed.I looked at her a bit bewildered at her lack of wariness towards me “Granny, I just want you to know that I’m really sorry about everything that happened. I sincerely apologize.” I was still apologizing when Arnou coughed loudly and I noticed that granny was looking at me weirdly.“What are you going on about? It’s not your fault I’m a little bit under the weather. In Fact I hear that you volunteered to take personal care of me.” Granny said with a chuckle.“Come now girl, there’s no need to feel sorry for me. I’ve got my strength back.” Granny said, smiling at me as I sat down
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Chapter 24
Chapter 24I stood still at the entrance of the garden as Herley cried out again in alarm.“Is anyone there?”I honestly didn’t care that she heard me, my mind was consumed by thoughts of my phone that contained major evidence.When I had fallen, my phone slipped out of my hands, and so I was furiously trying to find it.The person who was speaking to Herley did not make a sound, as Herley came inching toward my hiding spot.In a panic, I spun around desperately trying to find my phone.I finally found it under a rose bush. I went to pick it up and wasted no time sprinting back the way I came.While running, I made no effort to be quiet so Herley started chasing the source of the noise.I knew I couldn’t run back to my room because that would give me away, so I turned left and ran down to the servant’s quarters.I could hear Herley chasing after me, I turned back to see the distance she had gained. She was already so close.Ahead of me, the door to the servant’s quarters loomed and I k
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25I rapidly pressed the power button trying to bring the phone alive to no avail. The screen was well and truly smashed. I had no way of retrieving the recording unless I got the screen fixed.I went to the guards outside my room and requested for one of them to bring me Feyre.I paced my room up and down as I waited for her to show up. Arnou and I were scheduled to leave soon and she was taking too much time.Feyre arrived and I let her into my room. I had no idea if I could trust her so I avoided telling her why it was so important to fix the phone.“Feyre, this is my phone and it is broken. It contains my information so I want it fixed.The Lycan and I won’t be around for a while. Can I trust you to get it fixed?” I asked her.“Yes, of course. I know just the person who would do a good job.” Feyre replied grimly.“Good,” I said as I wrapped the phone in a cloth and pushed it into her hands.Feyre left a few moments before my maids arrived to escort me to the carriage wher
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Chapter 26
Chapter 26I stared at Arnou in silent trepidation. I have always hated secrets, something about being excluded from important information just didn’t sit well with me.“Arnou please tell me, what are you keeping from me?” I asked Arnou solemnly.“The pack we’re going to visit first is called the Wind Jasper pack and it’s alpha is my arch nemesis Duke.Duke and I have had an ongoing feud for as long as I can remember.” Arnou replied me with an expression that mirrored mine.No wonder Arnou had been troubled and distant since we started this trip.I wondered how strong this feud was though. I mean was it even safe to be going to their pack?Did we need more protection than a few guards could offer?“Exactly how deep does the feud between the two of you run?” I asked Arnou curiously.“Well Duke was my last standing opponent for the lycanthropy position. And he never quite got over his defeat so you get how serious his dislike of me is.” Arnou replied.Okay I was seriously getting worri
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Chapter 27
Luna Valeria and I approached the hot springs while engaging in polite conversation.She told me she had no grown children and five year old twins. One girl and one boy.I told her that I had previously been married to an alpha but was now living in the lycan territory.The more we spoke, the more at ease I grew around herShe disrobed at the hot springs without an inch of embarrassment. My cheeks turned red and I looked away as she walked naked and sank into the bubbling water.She laughed at my embarrassment and called out for me to disrobe too. I didn’t want to be rude and make everything weird so I agreed.I took off my dress, looosened my hair out of the braid and sank into the inviting water.We were soaking up in the water when servants came around and offered us refreshments.I was wary about eating anything but I was also hungry. Eventually my hunger outweighed my nervousness.I have had maids bathe and clothe me so many times over the years that I had stopped being self consc
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Chapter 28
At least that’s what I thought when I first glanced at them. But when I noticed that Arnou was still and Valeria was the only one moving, I came to the conclusion that he had been drugged.I couldn’t let Duke know that I had caught on to his ploy of course so I cried out like some betrayed lover.I thrashed about like I was hurt and pained by Arnou’s supposed betrayal. Duke feel for it and left my arm for one second.Immediately the leash that I had kept on Eva since snapped and I shifted immediately.Duke was too stunned to react immediately. The moment I shifted, I wasted no time in running to Arnou on the bed.I didn’t even bother with pushing Valeria away, I couldn’t afford to fight both her and Duke. Instead I saw my fangs into Arnou’s tight and the pain woke him in a flash.He looked so confused by the entire situation but Duke had shifted and I knew there was no time so I bounded out of the room.Arnou seemed to recognize my wolf in the midst of his confusion and shifted as w
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Chapter 29
Daciana’s PovAs soon as I heard the twigs break, I positioned myself beside Arnou. Duke and his army were not even trying to be quiet. They burst into the clearing loudly and surrounded Arnou and me.I had seen Duke shift back in the palace but U hadn't taken much time to look at him. He was massive, I knew that Arnou was a good fighter but as I quickly scanned the army around us and tried to do a mental headcount, I knew there was no way we would walk out of this fight uninjured.Duke had some with the select might of his army. We were surrounded by thirty-seven wolves in total excluding Duke and Luna Valeria.I looked at Arnou from the side of my eye and tried to read his body language. I had no way of knowing if he had successfully called back up for us or if we intended to fight through Duke’s soldiers alone.Duke growled at us and began pacing around us menacingly. I tried my best not to cower back when his wolf came uncomfortably close to me.Duke stretched out his tongue and w
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Chapter 30
I felt a surge of strength momentarily as I stared at the sight before me.Fresh wolves had come to join the battle, about fifty of them. Duke and his army didn't even stand a chance as the new wolves tore through their ranks. They were led by an imposing-looking wolf who fought as viciously as I would have imagined him to.All the wolves who had been attacking me had focused their efforts on fighting the new army and the wolf whose face I had shredded lay dead flung across the floor with his stomach torn open by one long swipe.I tried to search for Arnou amidst the commotion and when I saw him I let out a growl of anger at the wolves still battling with him. Arnou was dragging one limb behind and he was covered in injuries but he still fought viciously.I tried to rise and help Arnou battle the wolves that were threatening to overwhelm him but I couldn’t stand on my ruined leg while it was trying to heal.Two of the wolves battling against Duke’s army seemed to notice the source
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