All Chapters of Codename: Blackheart: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11: The Meeting pt 2
I make my way to the back of the restaurant and up a staircase that leads to a private dining room that resides on the top floor of the restaurant. Stepping inside the room is rather dark, almost intimate. An entirely black room with small white and gold marble tables mirroring each other on either side of the room, with each holding a large black vase filled with birds of paradise and orange orchids that give a pop of colour to this dark room. The lighting is very minimal and strategically placed. It’s placed in a manner so that it’s easy to see all the features of my guest who will sit opposite me, whereas my features will be somewhat obscured by shadow. I’m not trying to be invisible, but it does intimidate people and make it a little harder to remember someone’s features when they aren’t on full display. Sitting in the middle of the room is a single round table with a black cloth over it with gold trimming. The table is set for two and my guest is already seated waiting for me wit
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Chapter 12: Stalking Prey pt 1
I’m awoken by the irritating sound of my alarm. I reach over hitting the snooze button with more force than is necessary as if I’m taking out a vendetta on the alarm. Which in a way, I am. I hate alarms. They are unnatural. We should wake up when our body is ready to and no sooner, but I have work to do. Forcing myself to sit up I give myself a good stretch waking my muscles up.My New York apartment is pretty basic, far more on the simplistic side compared to my home in Moldova. My bedroom just consists of an emerald satin king-size bed, navy blue walls, one black nightstand, a floor-to-ceiling window hidden by a forest green curtain and a simple black double-door wardrobe.Getting up I step out and walk past the laundry and straight into my bathroom. I take off my nightshirt and slip into the shower turning the water to warm. Today I start looking into everything I need and don’t need to know about Alec Lowell and even Peyton Grigoras. It’s going to be tedious but necessary, so I ne
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Chapter 13: Stalking Prey pt 2
Yesterday’s research was useless and maddening. Sure, everything was detailed but nothing interesting stood out and when dealing with two criminals, trust me when I say, there are always some interesting secrets or skeletons to be found. But these guys had none, which I find suspicious. So today I’ve decided to go right to the source. I’m sitting in my car outside Lowell’s apartment building waiting for him to come out. I just need him to leave for a few minutes so I can go in and have a look around. I’m sitting in my car for two boring hours when thankfully I see him step out of the building. I was worried I’d have to sit here for a day or two waiting. Even from across the street and through tinted windows this man looks delicious. He’s 6’3” - so he’d tower over me - he’s wearing a grey sweatshirt with a hoodie; navy blue jeans and sneakers and his eyes are glued to his phone. Nothing about him screams criminal and something about his posture seems… anxious? Even though he’s covered
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Chapter 14: Set Up pt 1
It’s been three weeks of watching Lowell’s every move and it only proceeded to get more boring, so I decided to move up my timeline. Aside from occasionally ordering-in food, nothing in Lowell’s routine has changed. So, armed with the information Mikhail acquired for me, plus everything I learned from tailing this guy – which isn’t much – and the observations I’ve made from monitoring the person tailing me, I’ve decided to strike tonight instead of a week from now. Nothing was going to change between here and then and while in any other case, I wouldn’t speed things up, I know this situation calls for it. With Crimson already strapped to my ankle holster hidden by my denim jeans, I pull my gun from my glove compartment, check it, slip it behind me in the waistband of my pants and pull my black leather jacket over it. I zip up my jacket and adjust my sherpa collar and get out as soon as I see Alec exiting his apartment. It’s busier the closer he gets to the restaurant, so I plan to ma
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Chapter 15: Set Up pt 2
Once I park in the underground parking lot I curse the fact I’ve left bloody hand marks all over the steering wheel. Goddammit! I really didn’t want stains in my car. I quickly grab a bottle of water and some tissues from the glove compartment and wipe down the steering wheel and clean up my hand. I’ll do a more thorough job later. Now I just have to get this guy into my apartment. I grab my leather gloves and put them on to disguise any more blood that may trickle down my arm. I then get out, get into the elevator, and stop at my floor, but instead of going to my apartment, I rush and knock on my neighbour’s door. I’m aware of who all my neighbours are; leave no stone unturned as they say. After a moment, I hear someone walk to the door, followed by silence, then the sound of chains moving. “Rachel? I didn’t know you were in town. Is everything okay?” Asks fifty-two-year-old John Anderson as he opens the door. Retired construction worker, divorced, two children, both who live out o
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Chapter 16: Set Up pt 3
It’s 9:03 am when Alec’s eyes begin to open. It takes him a moment to adjust to his surroundings, but then he spots me leaning against the wall opposite the bed and he immediately becomes alert. It’s a struggle to not smirk or laugh. He’s quite amusing. “How long have you been watching me sleep?” He asks uncomfortably, his voice a little croaky from sleep. “Seven minutes.” “That’s creepy,” he states, scrunching his nose. The way he scrunches his nose is kind of cute. “Creepier than trying to kill you?” I ask raising my eyebrow. “I suppose not,” he snorts. “For someone with your rap sheet, you’re awful jumpy,” I taunt him. His jaw clenches and he looks up at the ceiling. Hit a nerve I see. I remain still and silent and after a few minutes this begins to bother him. “Have you decided if you’re going to kill me or not?” He asks in a soft voice. He sounds so… defeated and his face looks lost in thought. “I’m leaning towards not.” His head snaps to mine in shock, “What? Why?” “I
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Chapter 17: Safe House pt 1
For the most part, I’m completely oblivious to the injury to my arm, but there are moments when I shift a certain way and I’m quickly reminded last night I took a bullet to the shoulder before I block out the thought again. The pain from injuries doesn’t bother me, it’s just how much of an impediment they can be at times. But at least I’m still alive. I’m packing my suitcase in the bedroom when there’s a fast knocking at my door. Can honestly say I don’t get many visitors… okay, I never get visitors. Especially at 10:45 at night. I walk to the living room and grab Crimson from the coffee table. Come on, I’m not going to fire a gun in an apartment building, do I look like I’m trying to draw attention to myself? There’s another urgent knock at the door as I walk over and look through the peephole. I unlock and open the door, “Didn’t I just get rid of you?” “You were right. They tried to kill me,” Alec says, panting. There’s sweat on his brow, and his skin looks clammy and a sickly c
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Chapter 18: Safe House pt 2
The last couple of days has been tense. Alec and I haven't spoken much, which is fine by me. He spends most of his time watching TV and I work on my laptop or take calls. He did call his mum once to check in on her and see how she's doing and let her know he's okay. He sounds like he cares about her a great deal. I’ve left the apartment a couple times to either handle business or go shopping and have been surprised each time I came back and found him still here. I’m in the middle of making dinner when I hear his deep intake of breath. “Do you like being an assassin?” He asks gently. I turn to look at him, doing my best to keep my face neutral even though I’m in complete surprise. No one has ever asked me that question before. I’m not even sure how to answer. “I don’t see it as something to like or dislike,” I say truthfully. He frowns at my answer. “Do you like killing people?” “Still trying to diagnose me as a psychopath?” I ask with a smirk. He smiles sheepishly, “I’m just try
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Chapter 19: Playing House pt 1
Alec has officially been staying with me for a week and he’s getting more hostile with each day, though I just ignore his mood swings. He hates being cooped up here. I’ve suggested he go out for a walk but he’s too afraid someone will kill him as soon as he leaves the building. Pretty ironic seeing as how he’s rooming with a killer. The only time he left was to return to his apartment to get his things and that was with me tagging along, acting as an unofficial bodyguard. How did I go from being paid to kill people to being an unpaid bodyguard? It’s too bad assassins aren’t part of a union, at least then I’d have someone to complain to. I’ve oh so graciously given my bedroom to Alec and I’ve been sleeping on the couch. Well, part of me was being generous because he’s far too big for the couch and the other part of me was being strategic. This way if he tried to leave he’d have to pass me to get to the door, so I can monitor him better this way. I’m just getting out of the shower and
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Chapter 20: Playing House pt 2
I smile wide as I see John’s face, “John, what a nice surprise. Is everything alright?” I ask with genuine concern. “Everything is fine,” he says with a bright smile of his own. “I’ve heard your TV on lately and assumed you were still home. Wanted to come by and check on you. How did everything go with your boyfriend?” He asks wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I chuckle and open the door wider, “See for yourself,” I say pointing to Alec who is now gaping at me in shock. “Please come in.” John walks in and over to Alec with his hand extended. I shut the door as Alec stands and instinctively shakes John’s hand while throwing me a look of confusion. “John, this is Alec, Alec this is my neighbour John. He’s the one who helped me bring you up here the other night when you were passed out drunk,” I say with a grin. Alec’s head snaps to me so fast I thought it might break. He looks utterly shocked, and I don’t bother to hide my amusement. “You sure did a number on yourself, young man. To
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