All Chapters of Ace of Spades : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
46 Chapters
Connecting the Dots
Today is the day I get to enter the murder boardroom. Winnie will do her classes with Zeus’s mother. That was the stipulation from Ace. I had to wait until they completed it to access the room. I think Ace probably wanted to put me off seeing it as long as possible. I was pretty positive that if Ace had his way, I wouldn't have been able to step inside. It wasn't Ace's call here. The MC had my back on this matter, and I appreciated it.I think it had something to do with all the small tiny x’s over the eyes of everyone who’s been eliminated. I know the rational side of my brain is screaming, ‘Run, girl, run,’ but my heart and illogical side of my brain believes it to be romantic. Suppose it was like a cat leaving dead things at your feet as a sign of affection? Murder seems to be Ace’s love language for me.Maybe after all this is over, I should seek a therapist. Ace and I both have some mental disorders. However, perhaps that is the reason we work. I felt selfish and terrible for inv
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Reopening Old Wounds
AceSomething was off with the dynamic of our group. Of course, some of Queenie’s confession was setting me on edge, but it was more than that. Joker was off his game. There was something he was hiding. I was determined to figure out what it was.We couldn’t allow anyone on our team could be distracted right now, not when playing the game of war. Everyone needed to be at their best, and I could not have one of our best players distracted. Anger pulled at me as I marched to Joker’s wing of the building. I let that anger drive me; it was useful for getting what I wanted. What I wanted was my team focused to I could get my heart and soul back, aka Tess and Winnie.Jack and Queenie were off with a team, doing recon on the apartment complex. They shouldn’t be long, but Tess wouldn’t forgive me if we hurt her friend or the daughter. This side of the compound was quiet, which was perfect. No listening ears for the conversation that was about to happen.I pound on the door using the side of m
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The Joke's on You
Joker I hear the door click shut and am left alone with heavy thoughts. Could I tell Queen about that mission? I wasn’t sure if either of us wanted to talk about it. I did not even know how to bring that heavy shit up. It hung between both of us like a giant black cloud. Just thinking about it got my heart racing and my palms sweating. I wasn’t a man who controlled my emotions, and Queen made me feel things I wanted to avoid. One thing I knew for sure was that Queen deserved better than me. Son of a known prostitute, father was unknown, spending around $25 to cum in her snatch rather than rub one out. No idea why she kept me. I most likely hoped that I would be profitable. She sold me the first chance she got but later discovered that she had overdosed two years later. Good riddance and all that. One less fuck up in this world; one thing was for sure, I wouldn't father a child ever. It seemed like Ace would handle the repopulation for the lot of us. I couldn't help but think about
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Emotional Damage
QueenieOf course, King couldn’t come on this mission; they had to send Jack with me. King was too apparently too busy babysitting our two lovely house guests since Ace put everyone on edge recently. Who honestly could blame them for being on edge? I would be ready to flee to a far-off corner if he weren't my flesh and blood. However, I wasn’t about to cower before men ever again.Well, maybe now, as I try to avoid my twin’s angered and hurt gaze. I try to ignore it as I watch this shitty little apartment complex. Not really that shitty, if I was being honest. I was just in a piss poor mood. Randall Perkins was a pain in my ass. If this was where Mother stashed him, I hoped it was a quick grab.Why is Randall Perkins so valuable? He was one of her right-hand men back in the day and probably still currently. I watched him as I grew up. His once kind eyes quickly changed to look at me with lust as I got older and developed. I think that was when the hate for me started—turned the heads
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Ugly Truths
AceI sent word to Letha to look into ReCollaboration before checking on the progress of Jack and Queenie’s operation. I feel my anger rising when I look into the reports from the backup we sent along with them. Damage control had to be done, and a new door had to be installed to maintain the low profile we needed. What part of low profile and in and out did my siblings not understand? I call Joker again for the third time, and he doesn’t answer and cannot help but feel my anger rising.Start the march to the parking garage since Queenie texted to say they would be here in five minutes. We are so close to our goal, and fuck ups like this will set us back. After my blow-up with Joker, I thought I would feel better. However, I am now even more on edge. The news from Saint and Randall Perkins is being brought in. I feel like I am so close to seeing my girls again. Yet still so far away.I see the doors open and the headlights from the black car entering the building. They park the car, a
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Revenge is Served
Trigger Warning! This chapter isn't for the faint-hearted proceed with caution. As I watch Joker work behind the mirror, I wonder if he is losing his touch or if Randall was that hard of an egg to crack. He has ripped off fingernails, pulled teeth, put in the freezer, beat and waterboarded. The man has been at it for hours, and Joker almost looks more tired than Randall, who keeps giving Joker a bloody smile. I know the tactic well, wanting Joker to get pissed off enough to kill him. The door opens behind me, and I glance to see Queenie walking into the room. “Still nothing?” She sat beside me, crossing her arms and glaring at Joker and Randall. I wonder if she knows who she is more pissed at? “No, nothing has changed in the last 30 minutes since you checked in last time.” My voice was harsh, but I couldn’t help it and wouldn’t be apologizing for it. She fucked up Jack’s head, in return fucked up the mission to retrieve Randall. Now she has Joker also off his game since he is worrie
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Mission Time
Five years earlier.QueenieHere I am, starting this mission like any other. This was my last mission as a rookie. I have to prove my worth to this family and the Deck. That didn't mean I could understand why my stomach was in knots and I wanted to puke. Whatever is about to happen, Mother would have arranged for it to test every limitation I have. Since I am a woman, there is this added layer of pressure compared to my brothers.With that in mind, I walk towards the door to exit the building. I inhale before exhaling all the stress I am feeling. I see Joker standing there with his go-bag when I reach the doors. He lights up a cigarette while giving me a grin that adds a layer of knots to my stomach. The man does something to my nervous system that I cannot even begin to describe. His icy blue eyes were so light they almost looked white. Everything about him and his look screamed danger, and I desperately wanted that danger.“Queen.” His gruff voice hits my ears, and I am completely p
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Cat meets Mouse.
Five years earlier...**Trigger warnings ahead of mentions of sexual abuse, sexual assault, physical and mental abuse**JokerI wake up still fighting invisible forces. My head throbs worse than any hangover could, but all I know is that I have to get to Queenie. Her voice screaming out in fright still rang in my ears, and I could do nothing to stop it. My eyes dart around the room, looking for a way out. I could not break the restraints that held my arms prisoner, to my dismay. I can hear them creaking, and I know that at some point, they will give way. This gives me motivation. As much as my body aches, I pull myself up before I let myself drop back down. Fuck, it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, but I knew it would break.The large tv turns on in front of me, surprising me and throwing me off balance. Regina was staring at me with a look of victory already written on her face. A sense of calm runs throughout my body. This is just a training mission. I must endure whatever she thinks wil
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So Long Goodbye
Queenie**Trigger warnings ahead - Sexual Assault, loss of fertility. Unsure of how long I have been here, my whole body hurt. They swelled my right eye shut, and my left was burning from a cut in my eyebrow. I'm pretty sure my arms are out of socket, but I might as well not dwell on that. I doubt there was a spot on me that was unmarked. At some point, I stopped fighting everything. I would close my eyes and picture the one person I wanted. Every masked man was Joker. At some point, it would start bringing me pleasure rather than pain.This ended up working to my advantage. They didn’t enjoy me finding pleasure in their torture. That thought made me smile, and my dry, cracked lips bleed. I hope they will let me go, or at least kill me. I would be thankful for death and embrace it like my friend. I no longer have the will to fight any longer.I hope my brothers and Joker kill Mother and these men for this. It was hard to fathom that a mother could do this to their child. There was no
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Operation Blackmail
Three years later.QueenieMissions with Joker were always difficult for me. It had been three years since he rescued me and helped me. We agreed to never talk about that time ever again. I decided to do this in silence, neither needing to say it out loud.He was the only one to know my shame, was the only one to see me in such a state. My blood-soaked vigilante looked like the angel of death coming to rescue me. I touch myself to that thought often.This mission was to get information from a member of the Senate. I have slowly laid my groundwork for the past week, and he is completely smitten with me. He was middle-aged, fit, and, of course, married. His wife also signed a prenup, so he cannot get a dime unless he cheats on her. We rarely end up getting a mission that coronates with another.Otherwise, this would be a Dimond’s card play. Both cards got played. Usually, I would send one of my agents in, but the information needed. The Jack of Diamonds got played, so someone equal to h
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