All Chapters of Who told you to get divorced: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
123 Chapters
The next morning, just as Caspian thought. Sara woke up with a severe headache. At that moment, one of the maids had entered the room. Carrying with her a large bowl of dead soup. One of the maids had returned a week earlier at the request of her boss. Mrs. Carmen was one of the oldest maids in the Hilton family. One could say that she had watched Caspian grow up. Seeing Sara in that state in her mind, she laughed and said that the two of them looked very much alike. Because Caspian also came home late, drunk. After having spent many nights away from home, which caused great confrontations with his father. Main reason why he decided to become completely independent and live in another house. But, due to the great concern, on the part of Mr. Caspian's mother, Dorothy Hilton. Some of the servants were sent to her son's mansion. However, there were only two of us left, the others were unable to deal with Mr. Caspian's bad mood. While Carmen was watching how Mr. Caspian was giving the s
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As Caspian entered the room, he was met with confused eyes from Sara. The woman was holding her phone and that worried him. He approached, to ask her what was going on, when he noticed, some images in the distance. That left him speechless and petrified. Seeing this reaction, Sara realized, that those images were not false, they were real. She hoped that these images were re—edited. With the intention of separating her from her husband. But when that was not the case, she had to confront the man. —Caspian, what is the meaning of this? Are these images real? Is it true that we met Justin last night? Is it true that you threatened Justin if he came near me? Caspian, I didn't know what to say to him. He hadn't originally intended for Sara to find out about that part of him. The morbidity, that had satisfied him in the past. Now that he knows about it, he can't deny it. Caspian, looked her in the eyes and said. —I am not going to deny you my past, much less my sexual tastes. The images
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When they arrived at the bar, Jaime was waiting for Caspian at the entrance, when both men saw each other, they greeted each other with a handshake. And then they entered the bar, followed by 2 bodyguards. Both men went up the stairs to the second floor, where the rooms, which were rented for the different services offered by the place, were located. However, they had a room dedicated to extreme torture, which was not offered to any of the clients. It was a separate room for punishing those who did not comply with the rules of the bar. It was a symbol, for the escort ladies, that they were not to say a single word. Very rarely did anyone speak. When they entered the room, they met not only Erika, but also Sabrina. She had been tortured an hour before to give her testimony, and the torture was quite effective, because the woman spoke too much. She was now in a state of extreme nervousness, the woman was shaking like a leaf. As she lay in a corner of the room. As for Erika, they had h
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The next morning. In order not to disturb Sara's breakfast, Caspian decided to eat in the office. Meanwhile, he informed Carmen that his colleague would be returning the next day due to a personal situation. And he hoped that this change would not obstruct his work.Mrs. Carmen smiled at him. And she answered him. —Mr. Hilton, do not worry, this usually happens, I have no problem with doing the job alone one more day. After saying that, the maid left the office.Caspian, spent the whole day, and the whole afternoon in the office. Attending several conferences, remotely, one of his secretaries, dared to ask him, about When would he return to the office? When the man asked that question, the others were silent. Caspian, looked at him across, the Chamber. And said to him. —Soon. And I hope my office, is all in order. With that question, already answered, some present, felt calmer, the absence of their boss had provoked, much discontent, on the part of the subordinates.After the meeting
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And just as Sara Caspian had predicted, he did not appear at the house until late at night, when the maids had already left the mansion. Caspian, had met with Rufus. And they had had a rather pleasant chat. Apparently, he was interested in meeting Sara. And regarding the situation with Justin Riuk, he had told him, not to worry, that he would take care of it.After talking to Rufus Caspian returned to the mansion, it had been almost four days since Sara had received the mail from Justin. By this time Caspian felt too tired to think. He had had quite a long day, so after drinking a glass of milk, he headed back to his room.The next morning, Caspian left early heading for his office, having been gone for quite some time, the new employees hardly recognized them. Not to mention that work had piled up, and several of the shareholders and directors were doing their thing. So he had to get the house in order as soon as possible if he didn't want problems with the assets later on. Besides,
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Caspian, upon arriving in the room met his uninvited guest, who turned out to be Justin Riuk, upon seeing him, Caspian frowned, all the good energies he had accumulated from being with Sara were being drained by an undesirable presence. And he said in a threatening tone. —Get out of my house, you have nothing to do here, or, as my wife says, do you like me? If so, I must recline, I am not a homosexual.Justin, hearing that statement, clenched the knuckles of his hands, he wanted to hit him, but he had to restrain himself, he needed his help, to regain his position.According to specific orders, from Rufus Adix, the only way he could get his job back was if Caspian Hilton himself asked him to. I don't know what kind of relationship those two will have, but I want life, as I had it originally. I don't want to, go back to the rat sewer, that I came from, is what Justin was thinking at the time. While he was smiling, he said.—Mr. Hilton, I think you have misunderstood me, I am here for t
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When Erika arrived at Chad's house, the place was desolate, there was not a single soul. When she entered the mansion, she found the man sitting on one of the furniture, drinking. The man, noticing Erika's presence, pointed to a table and ordered her. -Put on your clothes and the articles lying there, go to the room and place yourself in a fetal position, I'm going to fuck you, if you want me to give you permission, you must please me within the next 48 hours, otherwise, forget about the permission. Listening to Chad's demands, Erika got angry, but managed to control her expressions, and nodded like a good submissive. She had no choice, she had to endure. She had already been humiliated by Caspian and the hellish punishment he gave her. She was disgusted with men. But, she still had to complete the work to gain her freedom. And angering Chad was not a good idea, not at that moment.Complying with Chad's demands, she grabbed the items, and headed for the bedroom. After 10 minutes Chad
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On the way back to the mansion, Caspian asked Sara. -Why did you invite them to the mansion? Did you like Esmeralda so much? Sara looked at her husband. And answered him. -Why not invite them. They were kind enough to accept us into their home. It would be ungrateful of us not to invite him to our home, don't you think? Not to mention that Mr. Rufus is very interested in talking to you further. Why don't you stop being a little foolish and try to be friends with him. Maybe it will open enough doors for you, for later on, in itself, the ideal life, that you dream of, is similar to the one he has. Maybe you can get advice from him.Caspian, hearing Sara's statement, thought for a while. Before saying. -Maybe she is right, but we will have to keep the relationship, with the family, Adix discreetly, Because our companies, are supposed to be rivals in the market. If they realize that we have friendly connections, we could both be sued for maintaining a monopoly. And that could be detriment
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The next morning, after they both got up. Caspian received a call from forensic security. They had completed the review of the security cameras, and as Caspian's mother had said, there were certainly intruders in the house. Possibly they wanted to carry out the kidnapping, but their plan was thwarted, because my father was in the mansion that day. And there were five bodyguards with him. This put Caspian on notice. He asked the security team to increase their surveillance inside the mansion.He had no interest in the same thing that happened to Rufus, the agony of not knowing if his wife was alive or dead. I wonder, if he knows that his wife, was raped, according to Sara, he shouldn't know, because Esmeralda never told him anything, but Caspian knew Rufus well. And one thing, that was clear about him, was that he would find out, every last clue to the millimeter, that was the main reason, why he was able to find his wife, in 5 days. In spite of the fact that the police could not find
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Late in the evening, the couple left the mansion towards the Hilton mansion, in an exclusive area, and on the way, Sara received a call from her parents, who had already arrived at the meeting place. Mrs. Dorothy Hilton welcomed him with open arms, she was delighted to meet the parents of her son's wife. Mr. Peter Hilton invited Sara's parents to enter the continuous room and wait in the room for the arrival of the boys, while they had a pleasant conversation about business.From the other line they could hear the laughter and conversations of the couple's parents. Hearing that, Caspian threw a joke to his wife saying. -It seems that our parents have become too close if we divorce in the future. They will be the first hurdles we will have to cross to sign the papers. Sara laughed at Caspian's comment and replied. -None of our parents know that we have already divorced and remarried. If they find out, what do you think they would do? -Nothing, he would probably just congratulate us for
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