All Chapters of Luna on the hunt: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
70 Chapters
41. Questions
Arystyn felt the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she faced the Fredrickson pack, who had cornered her in the middle of a crowded street. She knew that they were determined to take her down and she had to act fast. She shifted into wolf form and was holding her own but knew that she could never handle them all on her own. Arystyn was worried about the safety of her baby. With no other options left, she concentrated on her inner power and began to astral project herself out of the situation. As her physical body slumped to the ground, her spirit soared above the chaos and commotion below. She could see the pack members snarling and snapping at her abandoned form, but she remained safe and secure in her astral state. After a few moments, she regained control of her physical form and took off into the night, using her werewolf speed to leave the pack behind. It was a close call, as she rounded the next corner she came face to face with a man and his wife with a boy around 13, and
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42. Captivity
Arystyn opened her eyes. Confused and disoriented She looked around the room. She didn't recognize her surroundings. but immediately realized she had been kidnapped. As she came to, her first thought is of her unborn baby. Why was this happening? Who was behind this? She wondered if her kidnappers have taken her for the purpose of stealing the child from her womb. But then she remembers her special tein powers Arystyn tried to assess her surroundings, but the room was dark and she could barely see anything. She tried to move, but realizes that she's tied up and unable to break free. Panic begins to set in as she realizes the gravity of the situation. However, Arystyn knows that she can't let fear get the best of her. She needs to stay focused and find a way out of this situation - not just for herself, but for her unborn child as well. Using her tein powers, she tries to Astro project herself out if the situation but finds that she's too weak. She looks around and realizes that th
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43. Lost
Alex thought about his future He imagined taking their child to the park and hearing the laughter and happiness in Arystyn and their child's voices. Would it be a son or a beautiful little Luna? As his hand touched the doorknob he felt an uneasiness stir within him. He entered their bedroom quickly and called her name. Arystyn babe are you asleep? She wasn't in the bed so he checked the bathroom. The water was everywhere the tap had been left running and the tub was full of water and overflowing onto the floor but Arystyn was nowhere to be found. After calling Drake it was ordered for the pack house and the grounds to be searched. They had to find Arystyn! Alex knew something was off and worried about the safety of Arystyn and their baby. Rubbo the sergeant of arms for the pack ran into Drake’s office where Drake, Alex, and Austin were calling anyone and everyone who may have seen Arytyn. “ She is not on this property at all said Rubbo. We are afraid to say that it looks as if she h
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44. Oh Baby Baby
Arystyn lay on the cold, hard floor, her belly contracting with pain. She knew she was in labor, but she couldn't remember how she got here. The last thing she remembered was lying in the cage after being kidnapped she knew they wanted to steal her baby.She looked around, trying to get her bearings. She was in a dimly lit room, with concrete walls and no windows. There was a small table in the corner, with a few medical supplies scattered across it. Arystyn felt a sense of dread wash over her as she realized that Dr. Adams, the Gemini pack's trusted doctor, was nowhere to be seen.As her contractions grew stronger, Arystyn started to panic. She knew she needed medical help, but she was alone and terrified. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain across her stomach, and she screamed in agony. And then, just as suddenly, the pain subsided.Arystyn gasped for breath, trying to catch her bearings. But then she realized that something wasn't right. She had been expecting one baby, but now she felt
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45. The Family
It was just before dawn when Alex went to the kitchen to make some coffee. He was still wearing his jeans and shirt from the day before. He couldn't sleep and wanted to get an early start looking for Arystyn. Just then he heard something and peeked around the edge of the door just in time to see Austin sneaking out the back door. Alex grabbed his keys and followed quietly so as not to alert Austin that he had seen him. Austin was in his car backing out of the driveway. Alex jumped into his own car and started it and followed Austin from a safe distance. Austin drove out of town and turned left and headed south toward the interstate. Once on the interstate Austin drove for another 2 hours before turning right onto a gravel road. Alex followed for what seemed like another 20 miles before Austin finally took a left onto a long driveway where an old mansion was sitting. Alex watched from a distance as Austin walked up to the door and without knocking entered the old mansion. After loo
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46. The Lycans
Arystyn pushed herself up off the bed to go to the bathroom. Luckily since she had the babies they had extended her chains to reach the bathroom. As she pushed herself off of the bed her arm brushed against her swollen hardened breasts. She knew her babies were hungry and she needed to feed them and get some relief from the ache. Just as she was about to step into the shower all of a sudden there was Ari in her arms and had already found her breast and had latched on. Arystyn was surprised and realized instantly that Ari had Astro projected to her mother to have her needs met. Just as she was realizing how smart her baby girl was and she had released the nipple and nuzzled in her arms Zander appeared on her other breast and began to feed. “There is no way they can keep us apart with you guys’ powers.” Arystyn knew that she had to at least try to break free with her children before her captors realized the extent of the twins’ powers!After realizing what the twins had done Dr. Adams e
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47.Welcome to the family
After traveling incognito with the Lycans Arystyn finally started to recognize her surroundings. “ I don’t live far from here” Arystyn announced to Jonah the leader of the group. Jonah was the Beta of his pack and was traveling with a band of young Lunas who were going to be mated with members of Jonah’s pack. The Lunas were a big help with Ari and Zander and all took turns holding and cooing over the tiny infants who were seemingly enjoying all the attention. The oldest of the group was Gina who told Arystyn that she had just celebrated her 25th birthday and was set up to be mated to the Alpha’s son Journey and she was hoping she would have a child of her own soon. As they topped the next hill Arystyn felt a big lump in her throat. She was home and would soon be back with her family!As she started up the driveway she suddenly became angry. Angry that life seemed to have gone on as normal in her absence. No guards were standing at attention as she expected and she wondered if her fam
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48. Sticking together
Alex felt his heart racing as he listened to the stunning news from Arystyn. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, trying to contain his rage."What do you mean, Dr. Adams kidnapped you and our babies?" he asked, unable to believe what he was hearing.Arystyn took a deep breath and told him how they had drugged her and taken her to a secret lab, and how Dr. Adams had revealed his true intentions."He said he needed our babies to experiment on them, to create a new breed of super-werewolves," Arystyn said, tears streaming down her face. "I couldn't let him do that, so I fought back and escaped with the babies."Alex could hardly imagine the horror and pain that Arystyn must have gone through. He hugged her tightly and whispered words of comfort."We're safe now, thanks to you," he said. "But we can't let Dr. Adams get away with this. He needs to pay for his crimes, and we need to find out who else is involved in this plot."Arystyn nodded, her eyes determined. "I trust you, Alex
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49. The Dangerous Truth
Arystyn fumbled through the clutter on her bedside table, searching for her keys. As she pushed aside old receipts and empty water bottles, her hand brushed against a crumpled note with Alex's handwriting scrawled across it."Pay Dr. Adams for being successful in the 'special project.' $10,000 due by Thursday."Her heart sank. Arystyn would never have suspected that her husband was hiding something from her, but this was beyond what she could have imagined. The note was dated just two days before their kidnapping.Tears welled up in Arystyn's eyes. How could someone she loved so much be capable of something so cruel? She clutched the note tightly in her hand, feeling a mix of anger, betrayal, and fear.But as much as Arystyn wanted to confront Alex right then and there, she knew she had to be careful. If he was involved in the kidnapping, he might try to hurt her or the twins if he thought she was onto him. She needed to play it safe, gather more evidence, and make a plan.With a heav
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50. Oh Brother
Arystyn sat across from her twin brother Austin, trying to catch her breath as she handed him a crumpled-up note. "I found this in Alex's bedside table," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It suggests that he might have had something to do with our kidnapping and the disappearance of our babies." She watched as Austin's face turned dark, his eyes narrowing into slits as he read the note."I knew it," he muttered under his breath. "I always had a feeling that something wasn't right with him." He looked up at Arystyn, his expression one of pure anger. "How could he do this to us? To his own family?"Arystyn felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she thought about the man she had married just a few months ago. Alex had seemed like the perfect husband at first - kind, loving, and always there for her. But when she became pregnant and things started to change. He became distant, and moody, and started spending more and more time away from home."What are we going to do?" she ask
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