All Chapters of SECRET OBSESSION: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
256 Chapters
We entered the main room downstairs and looked around for Lance. I soon spotted him sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. After a second, it was apparent to both Beth and I , he was hitting on her. We approached him from behind so he had no idea we had come down from upstairs. Beth walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and when he saw us, we got his usual annoyed look. Beth told him we were ready to leave after he finished his last drink. In typical Lance fashion, he responded."Who said this was my last drink.", he snapped at her."I think you have had enough, lets go ok. I want to be home before it gets too late.""Well I don't much give a fuck what you think, I'm not ready to go.", he responded.I knew this might happen. Lance never knew when to quit. To be honest, I was really quite surprised he had never wrapped himself around a tree or had a serious accident while drunk. I don't think he ever had a DWI either, if he did I never heard about it. Bet
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I would pass Beth's everyday hoping to see her outside and give me an excuse to stop and chat. But lately she seemed to be keeping longer hours than I did. My mother in law called constantly asking me if everything looked normal around there. I told her I had not heard or seen Beth in well over a month. She told me they talked on the phone every other night or so. Then she told me something that made my heart sink."I think Beth has met someone new, Jeff.", my mother in law said."What makes you think that ?", I responded in my bravest voice."Last night she asked if it was too soon for her to be interested in another man ?", was her reply.She went on to tell me Beth had told her nothing specific, but from the conversation, she had figured that she had recently met someone. My heart sank and I felt sick to my stomach. I quickly made up an excuse and ended the conversation. I sat there stunned. I had no idea what to do. I thought about going over to Beth's and confronting her, telling
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I was trying my best to be supportive but all I could think of was someone else would be holding Beth at night. After Susan's death, I had battled with just about every emotion one can have. I blamed God, blamed him for not giving me a fair shake in life. We had been successful, had a beautiful home, money, we were happy. It just was not fair. For a long time I was bitter at everything and everyone. But as time passed, I realized that no one knows what life will throw at them. Just when you think you have been dealt a cruel blow, you look around and see someone much worst off than yourself."Does Lance know about your new love interest ?", I asked Beth."No.", she replied, "But it should not matter to him. He has been seeing someone for years behind my back. So to be honest, I really am not worried about what he thinks.""I have seen it happen a lot though Beth. Guys leave their wife for someone else, they think they don't care, until their wife finds someone who shows interest, then
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Confession 2
My hand slid down her thigh and I slowly slid her gown up her leg. My hand reached between her warm smooth thighs and I found her pussy. She was absolutely drenched in fluids. I pushed one finger deep inside her, then back out again. Looking into her soft eyes, I withdrew the finger, placed it between my lips and sucked on it. I could see a sparkle glimmer in her eye.I lowered myself down her body, until my face was between her thighs. I extended my tongue and softly licked her pussy from bottom to top. She arched her back at my first touch, knowing what was yet to come. I continued to kiss her long smooth lips, every now and then pushing my tongue into her. Her hand went to the back of my head, softly stroking my neck, encouraging me on. I reached up and with my fingers opened her lips to expose her clit. I pressed my lips to her clit and gently began to suck on it. I could taste the juices that were now beginning to flow from her pussy, thick, warm and sweet. My lips released her c
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Like A couple
That night I woke up several times, I guess due to the fact Beth was sleeping so close to me. I had not shared a bed with anyone since Susan's death. Around four thirty in the morning I was awakened again. I raised up on one elbow and looked at Beth sleeping. She was absolutely angelic, a very content look on her face. I watched her for what must have been about an hour, until finally I got up and went into the kitchen. I decided to cook her breakfast and surprise her. Halfway through the preparation, she came in rubbing her eyes."Something smells good." , she said with a smile."I was fixing you breakfast in bed.", I replied."Oh how sweet, but since I am up, I will join you here."We ate breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen and got dressed. Even though it was Saturday, Beth had to go to her office for a few hours. I had errands to run as well. We agreed to meet up later in the day.The day passed quickly and around four in the afternoon Beth called me. She told me she had gotten home,
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Long ago friend
When we were seated at the table, Jennifer was given the seat next to me. Not a coincidence I thought to myself. As we ate , someone asked my mother in law where Beth was. She replied that her and Lance would be joining us a bit later. I was not at all happy to hear that and figured to eat quickly and take my exit as soon as I could. Last thing I wanted to do was see them together. I still had no idea what was going on with them. I was somewhat relieved when my mother in law added that Lance was trying to reconcile but Beth was being very reluctant about it.About thirty minutes later Lance and Beth arrived together. As they said their hello's, I noticed Beth eyeing up Jennifer sitting next to me. They took their plates and sat down to eat. The conversation picked up where it left off and our meal moved along. Finally my mother in law dropped the bomb."Jeff, I was telling Jennifer that you rarely get out and do anything. She basically said she was in the same boat. That her work kept
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I laid on the sofa that night so frustrated at myself for letting things get this chaotic. how could i allow myself to fall in love with beth ?i couldn't get the sight of her and lance out of my head. i wanted to go over there and drag him out of the house and beat the crap out of him. but , from where i was sitting it certainly appeared beth was co-operating fully. suddenly i knew i was going to be sick. i jumped up and ran to the bathroom, barely getting there in time.I was restless all that night and awoke early the next morning. as i opened my eyes, my mind immediately went to work. did lance spend the night ? i think what really bothered me the most, was that beth had not even tried to contact me and try to explain. i got dressed and left for work.Christmas was saturday, we were off on friday , which was christmas eve. jennifer's office party was thursday night at one of the five star restaurants in the french quarter. i left work early that thursday to make sure i was ready o
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Being off on Christmas Eve, it gave me a chance to get the entire house cleaned and all the laundry done. I went to the market, bought groceries and returned home. I was putting away the groceries when the phone rang. It was Beth. I just didn't have the heart to answer it. I let voice mail pick it up and finished putting away the groceries. When I was done, I sat in my chair and listened to the message."Hey Jeff, its me, I.. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. I know its not what you ... I mean…..I was hoping…..Oh hell, take care, talk to you later.", was the message.Funny, I thought. We went from being so close, to an unsigned letter and a strained voice mail in a few months. Life changes so fast sometimes, you can't keep up. That night I did a lot of thinking about Beth. As hard as it was to accept, it would be extremely difficult to be with Beth. I had no clue how the family would react, then I know Lance would be as difficult as he could be. Perhaps, this is for the bes
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The week passed quickly, Jen and I talked several times during the week finalizing arrangements for the party. Even though I had not talked to Beth in several weeks, I did notice Lance had moved back home. I tried to put it out of my mind, it was beyond my control.We arrived at the party about nine o'clock that night and Jen introduced to me to all of her friends. Several I had met previously at the office party for Christmas. Finally Jen introduced me to Carrie, her best friend, the hostess of the party."Ahhhhh, so your Jeff.", she said, extending her hand."Is that a good or bad Ahhhhhh.", I replied, shaking her hand."Oh, it's a good Ahhhh, trust me.", she answered with a smile and a wink.We talked for a while, then she excused herself to mingle with her other guests. The night moved along well and the food, music and company were all good. I guess it was about thirty minutes to midnight when Carrie pulled me aside privately."Jeff, you make sure you kiss my best friend properly
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We moved down the hall into the master bath, dripping water in puddles as we went. She pulled my jersey off over her head in one movement, dropping it to the floor. I pulled her close to me , kissing her again. I reached around and unhooked her bra. She stepped back and let it fall to the floor exposing her firm ample breasts. With both hands she reached down and slid her panties down her legs to the floor and stepped out of them. She moved over to the bed, laid down on her back motioning for me to join her. I pushed my shorts down to the floor and pull my shirt over my head. I climbed over her supporting my weight on my arms. I kissed her once again, my tongue easing into her mouth to meet hers. She reached between us, and wrapped her hand around my rigid cock. I knew that it was not going to take much in the way of stimulation to get me off. I wanted to make sure she was completely satisfied before I had my orgasm."Oh God, this feels so good.", she whispered in my ear, "Let me make
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