All Chapters of Lust of a Dragon: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
51 Chapters
Chapter 41: What Happens to Thieves?
Thane DrogosFirst stop: Rapier Port.Where would a pirate who just came into a shitton of money go? Men like Charles Burmingham were predictable. Deplorable. He would go to the largest pirate colony, brag about defeating me and my crew, and then fuck his way through an entire brothel.While we were en route, Sam spent the entire time hunched over the side of the ship, hurling her guts out while Rio rubbed her back. Gunner had taken up the role of first mate while Desmond recovered. Bells waited on Des hand and foot, doing everything in her power to help him heal. We still didn't know if he'd walk, but we'd cross that bridge when we got there. Doc was optimistic though, but that didn't hold much leverage in the mouth of a drunk.One-Eye's husband was a miracle worker when it came to farming. Even in scorched dirt, he manages to get seedlings to form. Hope. Seedlings gave us hope for a future at safehold. My mother stood beside me, excited almost. As if she couldn't
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Chapter 42: Wedding Bells
Evie StantonWedding bells.The day every girl wanted, or so I was told. A big, extravagant wedding. Flaunting status in the faces of the common people. Everything my mother thought a girl should want.I hated all of it.The too big dress, petticoat lined with white lace and a steel cage to hold up the weight of it. None of it felt like me, except for the open neckline where it revealed my scars. I wore them proudly. Proof of adventure. A part of who I am.And my mother would hate me displaying them. Good. Fuck her.Fuck everything about this day.But I would go through with it.I'd step down the aisle, Richard guiding me and giving me away. Not my father, he didn't deserve that title. I'd kiss Robert's thin lips and taste his tobacco-stained breath. I'd sign that fucking paperwork, selling my soul to this life.And then I'd rock the entire fucking kingdom.During the toasts, with my new mantle as Queen, I'd detail every single thing they did for power. Watch in
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Chapter 43: Indignance
Thane DrogosSeeing Evelyn again, after an excruciating month, felt like coming up for air. I had been dragged beneath the waves, smothered in darkness and icy water, fighting my way back up to the surface. Then I saw her.In a white dress that didn't suit her at all, a shawl over her shoulders, hiding all of her skin. Her face was hidden from me behind her veil. She marched down the aisle to a man that wasn't me. A man that didn't deserve her. Richard wore a crown atop his head, but it wasn't lost on me how hard he gripped Evie's arm like she would run at the first chance she got.My fingers played the keys, but my eyes wouldn't leave her. Her shoulders were set back, chin held high as if she walked toward the gallows. Pure resignation. She accepted her fate. But she wasn't broken. In an act of defiance, she shed her shawl, revealing her scars, the mauve claw marks from the siren attack. The dress dipped down in front, showing off the freckles sprinkled across her collarbone. The
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Chapter 44: A House Divided
Evie StantonI was ready. For death or liberation.My choice. Thane's cutlass was heavier than mine, but I held it with finesse. I knew the common people were watching over the guards' shoulders at the doors. Whatever happened, my father's reign was over. "Then kill me, motherfucker," I snarled, taking a stance in front of Thane. The crew that I loved so much. They were my people. Katarina took a step forward, beside me. My mother had fled to the altar, standing beside Robert as the officiant took his chance to get the hell out of there.My father didn't look like himself anymore. A mad contortion of himself. Angry and deranged. But perhaps this was what he always looked like. Just hid it well. His hair, usually unkempt, fell into his bloodshot eyes as he grasped at his chest."Kill them!" he screamed. "Kill them all!"All the sailors behind me shifted their stature. Ready to fight. To be honest, I wasn't sure I could fight in this god-awful dress. The petticoat w
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Chapter 45: Whole Again
Thane DrogosAfter catching up with the ship, I emerged from the water, shifting, the dragon returning to its place right under my skin. Evie stared up at me, no longer afraid, but fascinated. Life had come back into Evelyn's face. Her adoration for me was clear all over her face.Finally, I felt whole again. That Evelyn-shaped cavern in my chest vanished. I dressed in my cabin, eager to get back to Evie. I think she'd enjoy some of the changes I made in my cabin for her to make it our cabin.I met Evie on the upper deck, looping my arm around her waist while she engaged in friendly conversation with Rio, a cup of bourbon in her hand. Celebratory drinks.We joined other crewmen in joyous conversation. The crew seemed as satisfied as I felt. Justice had been served. Both Robert and Charles paid the price for their sins.It wasn't over.Not by a long shot, but I'd take the victory before planning the next move. This time against Richard and Beatrice Stanton. Rio left
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Chapter 46: Perfect
Evie StantonI stared wide-eyed at Thane as he ripped my corset in half with his bare hands. Easily tearing the lace holding the steel ribbed bodice together. My breath caught, thighs pressing together as a rush of pure lust washed over me again. The burning desire coiling between my legs roared to life again, even as my arms trembled like I was cold.I blinked once. Twice. Completely dumbfounded and painfully turned on.He pulled the destroyed corset off of me, tossing it behind him nonchalantly. Underneath it was an embroidered blouse that dipped under my collarbone, white satin buttons up the front of it. Long-sleeved and itchy around my wrists. I arched my back, wordlessly encouraging him to rip the next garment off of me. "Take this blouse off me," I whispered fervently.Stark blue eyes devoured me as he leaned down, propping himself up on his elbows on top of me. His shirt was completely wet, making me wonder what happened when he wrenched a completely different
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Chapter 47: Wanted
Thane DrogosEvie swiped her blunted cutlass at me, meeting me strike for strike when we sparred right outside our cabana. The sand between our toes. Glimmering waves crashed against the coast behind her.Her blouse dipped past her collarbone, revealing the valley of her breasts where a tri-claw scar marred her skin. I hardly thought of it as a flaw, only a reminder of her courage. Despite how small and delicate she might seem, she was fearless. A warrior honing her skills.The sun lowered in the sky, just over the horizon, casting her in a warm orange light.Without sunlight, we couldn't train much longer, but that didn't slow Evie down. She was becoming quite adept with a sword, confident enough to deflect my attacks and react with a carefully timed counterattack.We had arrived back in safehold about a week ago. Everyone welcomed Evie back with open arms. Even Desmond, who wasn't bedbound anymore even if he did have to use a wheelchair. He could wiggle his toes, but ove
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Chapter 48: The Mark
Evie StantonI didn't understand why Thane was looking at me like that. Why he shared a look with Katarina before she left, leaving us in this awkward silence. I thought he wanted to marry me. Wanted a whole future together, and now he was telling me he didn't?I felt so vulnerable. Putting my heart on the line for him like that. Thane closed his eyes tightly. A few deep breaths.Suddenly, the space between us felt like a giant chasm. I wanted to reach for him. Leap across the canyon. Pull Thane back out of his thoughts.Back to me.His eyes opened, and he gazed at me, a deep-seated pain washing up on the surface of his vibrant eyes. A glossiness formed in his eyes. The silence felt heavy. My gaze softened. My arms fell to my sides.He didn't say anything, taking a seat at the table like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Thane let the heaviness settle over him, leaning back against the chair, legs stretched out in front of him.His gaze never left me,
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Chapter 49: One Last Night
Evie StantonThane eyed me intensely as I signed the marriage certificate. Desmond sat next to me, signing as our witness while Katarina prepared the paperwork and officiated to make it legally binding.I knew my parents would refute it, so we had to do everything possible to make it iron-tight. I passed Thane my quill for him to sign next to my signature. "Are you sure you don't want a traditional wedding?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.He already knew my answer. "Honestly, fuck weddings," I grumbled.Thane made a throaty noise, eyes flickering with amusement. "White dresses never suited you anyways," he agreed cheekily. Desmond wheeled out from under the desk. "I still wish I could've been there. Sounded like a good time.""You always did love a little chaos," Thane retorted.At his statement, Des grinned. Katarina, on the other hand, didn't share the same lightheartedness. She had opted to go with us back to Avalon. It couldn't be easy, but she wa
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Chapter 50: The Hoard
Thane Drogos"Have you ever wanted to ride a dragon?" I asked, wading in the deep water. I noticed how she eyed me, eyes darkening, desire present on her face."I believe I already have." Evie raised an eyebrow, chewing on her lower lip. I laughed. God, I loved her. "Then how about this—have you ever wanted to be fucked by a dragon on a mountain of gold?"Her mouth dropped open, eyes widening as she put two and two together. "You're taking me to your hoard?"I grinned. "Yes, I am. We have to empty it tomorrow morning, so this will be the last time you can see it."She tilted her head, curiosity forever present in her wide eyes. "But isn't it really deep down there? I'll drown.""No, you won't," I stated confidently. "There's this fascinating thing I can do with my mouth." "There's a lot of things you can do with your mouth," she giggled.I rolled my eyes, teasing, "Evelyn Marie Stanton, get your head out of the gutter and get into the water."Ever the brat, she tossed her
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