All Chapters of Billionaire In Shining Armour : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
59 Chapters
Chapter 11
Davien’s P.O.VIt was never my intention to get involved in someone else’s problems but when I saw Miranda being carried off by her husband plus seeing her with literal blood dripping down her face, I couldn’t help but feel disturbed. When she had fled from my presence that night, I couldn’t quell the urge to follow her and that’s when I saw exactly what she had seen.Michael Kidman is nothing but a filthy, loathsome bastard. A bastard who just so happens to be employed at my company, or future company to be more precise.I spent my fair share lurking about the shadows, making sure to not draw too much attention to myself whenever it came to my father’s company. I’d been raised to be the next in line, and personally I thought being the head of Hux & Co was my birth right. My father spent most of his years making it what it is now but, in the process, he’d exerted himself too much and now he has an underlying heart condition. Soon enough he’d have to retire, and let’s just say that I w
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Chapter 12
Miranda’s P.O.VIt was not even midday yet and I had already been thoroughly humiliated. When that woman called Penelope barged into Davien’s house and started accusing me of hooking up with him, I felt extremely mortified. My cheeks flamed so much and I wished the ground would just swallow me whole. After she’d gotten all my measurements, she gave Davien a scathing look before she exited. Davien released a heavy sigh and rubbed his forehead with his hand as he turned towards my direction. “I am so sorry about that. My dad always sends Penny over whenever he thinks I’m up to some tomfoolery,” he muttered lowly, and I nodded in understanding.“It’s okay. She seems like a…nice person,” I remarked coyly, and smiled weakly. On the inside, I was feeling like somebody had just posted a picture of me butt naked on the internet for the whole world to see.He looked at me through thick lashes, tilting his head to the side. “Nice? That woman is a massive jerk. All she ever does is tattle on me
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Chapter 13
Miranda’s P.O.VSo, I spent the majority of yesterday alone doing whatever I pleased. The morning passed and then just like that, it was evening. I was expecting Davien to have been back by the time it was dinner; I had gone all out just to make a special meal for him to show my gratitude but he didn’t show as I had anticipated. I was starting to get worried about him, but I didn’t bother to call since I didn’t want to come off as the nagging type. Michael had yelled at me many a time for calling him when he stayed out late, probably banging Camille or doing actual work, and let’s just say this one time he got severely pissed about it that he came straight home and slapped me so hard I thought I saw stars.After eating, I cleaned up and placed Davien’s food in the oven with a note left on the fridge. I went to bed with a heavy heart, once again, still pondering over where my life was going. How far was I going to get with this? I feel like I’m just lying to myself thinking that my lif
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Chapter 14
Davien’s P.O.VDonovan Griffins and I had been friends for as long as I could remember. I cannot exactly recall how we got about to befriending each other, but let’s just say that man had been the persistent one since day one. While I’m more of a recluse and prefer my own company most of the time, Donovan is more outgoing and quite the womanizer. With his playful ways, I still wonder how he’d even managed to pull through law school and even rise to prominence as one of the most highly decorated divorce lawyers in the country. Who knew that one day his chosen area of expertise would actually come in handy?I instructed my driver to take us to the law firm at which he worked at; Wilmar & Lathan LLP. It’s by far one of the largest law firms by revenue in the world, boasting a team of about 2 500 lawyers working under different specialities. Donovan, that lucky son of a gun, had wound up being hired and his career has skyrocketed ever since. He’d even handled divorce settlements for quite
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Chapter 15
Third Person’s P.O.VIt was yet another day for Michael, another day of him not knowing where his wife was. His stomach was in knots and he was highly irritable because of it, and the fact that the account he was working on for some up-and-coming jewellery line was not as easy as he thought it would be. Normally, he’d be able to get away with charging a lot more than company policy and he would deposit it into his bank account. And boy did he always make it rain.But it wasn’t the case with these people from Gewel Co. They were so hard headed and stingy, it was impossible to work with them. They were giving him hell, wanting the best type of treatment in terms of ad campaigns, slogans and product management…and yet they wanted to pay the bare minimum. It was insane!Michael entered the building, having gotten back from the office of the owners of Gewel Co, and he could fell a strong migraine forming behind his eyes. It was already four in the afternoon, meaning he’d spent a lot of tim
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Chapter 16: What Comes Next
Miranda’s P.O.V I grew up in a home filled with love, with two parents who loved each other to bits. As such, I thought that I could grow up and have the same for myself. But all that life had given me is struggle after struggle and I think I am pretty much done with that. The word divorce brings a bitter taste to my mouth, but I’ve reached my breaking point and I’m assured that it’s the best move.At first, I had my reservation about this Donovan character that Davien introduced me to. I mean, the man is clearly a Casanova from the way he kept flirting with me every now and then, but somehow managed to pass it off in a professional manner. I could also tell that he was very experienced in his job, and that under his care, this divorce will happen sooner than later, and I’ll walk away with what’s rightfully mine…even though my situation is a little different than most.He told me that the divorce filing would take a couple of days, and only then would the papers be delivered to Michae
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Chapter 17: On The Line
Third Person’s P.O.VMichael stared at the outstretched hand of the man would soon be his boss and then again into his odd irises which were thundering with self-satisfaction. How in the hell did this arrogant SOB end up being a lot more important than he had even imagined? And it suddenly occurred to him that he had already jeopardized his job by talking down on him the other die. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he placed his palm in Davien’s and shook it.“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Huxley,” he breathed, throat clogging up with angst.Davien squeezed Michael’s hand a little harder than necessary, eliciting a low moan of pain from the latter. “Oh, so now you’ve found your manners. Didn’t you refer to me as ‘asshole’ last week?” he pointed out with a tinge of derision.Mr. Huxley senior’s phone began to ring, and he excused himself to the balcony, where he could take it in privacy. Davien stepped away from Michael, and took a seat behind his father’s desk, and propped his feet up on it. “Mr
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Chapter 18: Encounters
Miranda’s P.O.VMichael marched up to me and looked at me with so much fury that it made my stomach twist. “What the hell are you doing here? And where the hell have you been?” he fumed; his volume reduced so that only I could hear him.“I-I…y-you, the-,” stuttered pitifully, my senses seemingly having gone on vacation. No words could describe how petrified I was right now because I wasn’t mentally prepared to face him right now. His eyes darkened ominously, and he grasped my arm so hard, that I could feel my blood vessels constrict. “Never mind that, now that I’ve found you, you and I are going to have a nice long chat…alone,” he grumbled unequivocally and started to drag me away. “Where do you think you’re going, Kidman?” boomed another voice from further down the hall, but I really didn’t need to strain my brain to know who it belonged to it. The question is, what the heck was he doing here, right now, in this building? Wait, could he be…?Michael’s face flashed with irritation,
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Chapter 19: Miranda's Plight
Third Person’s P.O.VBeing someone’s personal assistant was proving to be harder than what Miranda had initially thought. She had thought it would be about fetching coffee for her boss, which she had done twice already, answering mails, delivering paperwork and other trivial errands, but it was proving to be one hell of a nightmare.Penelope had gotten her acquainted with the whole building in under thirty minutes; all thirty floors of them. There were so many people, many titles, and many positions she had to know but thinking about it just gave her a headache. It was all very overwhelming, and by the time it was lunchtime she was just about ready to quit. It was only her first day and she felt like she’d been working there for a millennium.Taking a seat on the chair placed next to Penelope’s desk, she laid her head down in exhaustion. “I had no idea that there would be this much to do,” she groaned tiredly.Penelope chuckled and opened her laptop. “Sweety, this is nothing. I kind o
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Chapter 20: Is She Your Wife?
Third Person’s P.O.VBy the time Miranda caught up to Davien, he was already in his office about to grab a folder from his desk. The distance from the elevator to the office was short, but Miranda was heaving like she had just ran a marathon. It was mostly because his cryptic words to her in the elevator had left her out of breath and flustered. She wanted to ask him what he meant by ‘you’re more than just my PA’ but once she entered the room, he went back into full boss mode. “I’m sure Penelope briefed you on what the upcoming meeting is about. A jewellery company has enlisted us to do their brand marketing, advertisements etc. It’s new to the states, and they’re hoping we will be able to bring them into the picture. Normally, I don’t handle such small accounts but due to the incompetence of your husband, I’ve taken it up and we’ve made much progress. Now, what I need you to do in the meantime is get the meeting room ready with the help of Ms. Willis and come get me when the clients
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