All Chapters of To Love And To Lust : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
65 Chapters
Elizabeth tossed and turned on her bed. For nights she has been unable to sleep without thinking of her last encounter with Mathew. She never expected that she would be able to take such bold moves although it came out better and perfect than she expected.While having dinner, they were able to speak little about themselves although she mostly did the talking while he listened attentively. He also asked questions every once in a while. She was glad that the night had not gone bad as she expected.He didn't touch his phone all through and listened to her, asked about her plans and encouraged her. It felt different with him like it didn't with others. She felt so comfortable around him and liked it. At the end of the day, he brought her back home.As a means of appreciation, she leaned to kiss him on his cheek taking him by surprise but instead turned around, an act which was not deliberate and her lips landed on his.It was for a short second but that second was like hours in her end.
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"Victoria." Rebecca called getting Victoria attention who was about to leave the conference room after the meeting.It's been over a week since Victoria told Elizabeth all that she has been going through and doing just as Elizabeth suggested, she ignored and remained herself.She spoke to Vivian anything they could speak and has come to accept she can't force a relationship with everyone."Yes." Victoria answered, turning on her heels so she could be facing Rebecca.Victoria has decided to keep her opinion to herself every time they are having a meeting for their new project. She badly wanted to let them know of it because she knew it was a good idea but she didn't want the meeting to end soon as her presence didn't sit well with them. She would listen to them and after being able to create a new part, they would come into conclusion for that day. She has never been one to watch and not do anything but she was starting to learn it for the sake of peace. Rebecca cleared her throat as
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Victoria didn't know why she had expected Mr Smiths to take her to just any restaurant. He had brought her to a french restaurant to get food. She had never tried French cuisine before in her life.She sat down on the seat, her emotions all over the place and she knew it was all because of Mr Smith's presence. Why was he being so nice to her, she thought to herself but then she thought of it again; he had never been bad to her other than him warning her of things he could do if he found her not fit for the company.A young man approached their table with a smile on his face. "What can I serve you sir, Ma," He spoke to them respectively as he placed the menu on the table for them."Thank you." Victoria said to the waiter who smiled at her in return."What do you want Ms Perkins?" Mr Smith spoke formally even though they were not in the office. Victoria wondered what she expected when he had asked to take her to eat. She didn't know why she was hurt by his words. They were not on a date
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Victoria was surprised to have not been told by anyone that Mr Smith was looking for her or that she had lost her job. Last night she had found it difficult to code the other parts of the software but now that she got to the office and wasn't told of any news, she quickly got to work.She was worried that she might not be able to finish on time as they were to show it to Mr Smith this evening.The day went painfully fast for Victoria as each time she checked the time, an hour seemed to have passed. She has deprived herself from lunch as she wanted to code the software before six in the evening."Victoria." She heard a familiar voice call her name. She sighed as she creaked her fingers. Thankfully she had just finished coding the software and was ready to transfer them to the flash drive."Yes." She answered, now looking at Rebecca."You have five minutes more before we show it to Mr Smith. All other parts have been completed." She informed her.Victoria was taken aback by the tone Reb
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The entire room went silent again. It was not that Victoria didn't believe Rebecca, she didn't want to believe her.She believed Rebecca was trying to convince her into thinking she wasn't the one whereas she was. Even if Rebecca wasn't the one, it was someone close to her that had done this to her, she thought to herself."Ms Steele." Mr Smith called Rebecca."Yes sir." She replied."You are the one in charge of this project right?" He asked."Yes sir." She nodded her head in confirmation."Everything was supposed to be in order first before I came into the picture so why is it this way?" He asked, still trying to keep his temper at bay.Everyone in the room wondered why Rebecca was the one being challenged and not Victoria, the one who had messed up. "He's not going to hold his girlfriend responsible." Flora, a member of the new programming whispered to her friend beside her."I know right. Well who can blame him. He trusts her after all." Kira, the girl beside her reply."Yes sir.
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An unexpected betrayal from a close one can be damaging mentally. It gives you so many doubts about yourself as you begin to find flaws in yourself that demand such betrayal.It hurts no matter what. You try to act cool but you can't. It hurts that you get scared to approach them even when you want to. The fear of hearing something about yourself that you have not thought of before invades your mind.Victoria preferred knowing her enemies and staying off than not knowing them. She had pointed accusing fingers at all her enemies with not thought of Vivian being a part as she considered her a friend of hers.As Victoria followed Dylan and Rebecca to go meet Vivian, the pain she felt in the pit of her stomach worsened. Her stomach churned as they walked closer to where Vivian was. She was fighting hard to not cry because any little thing at this moment would. Vivian watched nervously as Rebecca, Dylan and Victoria approached her. She wiped her palm on her skirt as she took in a deep brea
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Victoria ran after Vivian when she saw her leaving. She had fone after her to ask for answers. She wanted to know if Vivian wanted to punish or the entire company.She wanted to know what it is she has done to deserve such an act from her. "Wait!" She shouted.Vivian quickly wiped the tears on her eyes as she halted. She already knew who had stopped her. She hated Victoria the most as she had lost her job because of her.Acting bold once again, she turned around. "What is it you want?" She asked."Why?" Victoria said the same words she has been saying from the moment she spoke to Vivian.Vivian scowled. "Why?" She hissed."Yes, Why Vivian. I thought we were friends. What did I do? Where did I go wrong?" She asked."Friend's?" She scoffed."You are so delusional to ever think we were friends!" She spat out."You don't have the right to be questioning me Victoria! You went wrong from the moment you stepped into the company!" She spat out with disdain breaking Victoria's shattered heart
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It's been over a month since the incident with Vivian and Victoria was catching up really well. The project was a huge success and therefore, the new programming team was not dispersed instead they named the team 'The Brain box'.Rebecca became civil with Victoria. She was starting to warm up to her even if they do not speak to each other that much. They greeted each other and asked about their day whenever they came across one another.Elizabeth would not let Victoria be as she constantly told her about her charming Mr charming whose face she refused to show her and name she refused to tell her.She wanted to see the man who had stolen her friend's heart and made her crazy in love. "Good morning Clara." Victoria greeted Clara once she was standing in front of her desk."Good morning Victoria." Clara replied with a smile on her face. "I see you are in a good mood today." Clara said, stating the obvious.Victoria smiled. "Nothing much, just grateful that I am alive." She tells her.
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Victoria watched as both men hugged one another. She didn't need anyone to tell her that they knew each other."When did you come back?" Mr Smith asked."Last week. Was planning to surprise you but I guess the surprise ruined it." Landon said."It's still a surprise. Didn't know. What are you doing here?" Mr Smith asked."I came to see someone and luckily I bumped into you or should I say sadly as I wanted to surprise you about my arrival." Landon pinched the bridge of his nose."Oh I see." Mr Smith said.Landon turned his attention back to Victoria who listened to both men as they conversed. "You know her?" Landon pointed at Victoria.Mr Smith nodded his head. "Yes. She is one of my top programmers." Mr Smith replied, making Victoria blush. He had just introduced her as a top programmer to someone. She never thought he thought that much of him although she could have easily guessed as he invited her to work for him.She suddenly remembered Clara's words to her the other time about Mr
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Elizabeth startled when the light suddenly switched on and a voice spoke. She had just come back from meeting Mathew and she wished the day never came to an end.Each moment she spent with him was precious. She has finally fallen for him completely and wouldn't want to back out."My gosh Victoria!" She placed her palm on her chest, calming her raging heart. "You scared me." She sighed.Victoria brows raised in a questioning manner. "Really? Well..." She trailed off as she walked closer to her friend."We need to talk." She pointed at Elizabeth and then at herself.The skin between Elizabeth brows creased and her nose scrunched. "What are we talking about?" She asked, perplexed.Victoria facepalm herself. "Well, I do not know. You tell me." She shrugged."Tell you what Toria? I do not know about you but there is nothing I have to tell you that I haven't." She defended.Victoria folded her arms across her chest. "Really? Cone on Bee, you and I know there is something."She sighed when s
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