All Chapters of The Healer: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
87 Chapters
Chapter 10
Tori POV I hung up with Victor and paced around my living room with my stomach full of butterflies. I was scared, nervous, and excited. Whether because I’m going to see him again, or because I’m going to his pack to meet his Alpha. Oh my God, I’m going to meet the Alpha! Holy shit, this is huge! I need to go get ready. I need to look my best and remember my manners. “Wow, okay, calm down Tori. First, go shower and pick out something nice and respectful to wear. He’s just an Alpha. Like any other human being. Only, he’s not a human, he’s a wolf. The most powerful one in the pack. Chill girl! You’re gonna give yourself a stroke.” I stopped my pacing and closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly through my mouth, I relaxed my mind enough to go get ready. I jumped in the shower and scrubbed myself with my lavender and birch water body soap. Rinsing my hair with the lavender and almond oil conditioner, I stepped out and dri
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Chapter 11
Victor POV I stepped out of my truck and slowly walked up to the front door. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the doorbell and waited. I could hear her footsteps coming towards me. As the door opened, I could smell her sweet scent of lavender and birch. It swirled around my head giving me an almost euphoric feeling. Tori was dressed in a light yellow dress with black buttons, she looked beautiful. Wearing a shy smile, she greeted me. “Hello Beta Victor” I winced internally, hating that she uses my title even though I’ve asked her to call me by my name. Maybe she’s not comfortable around me yet, but that’s okay. I’m a patient man, I’ll wait for her. “Hello Tori, you look very nice” She gave a shy smile and dropped her eyes. I could see the blush spread across her face and neck. I let out a small cough to hide my chuckle. “Shall we? Alpha is awaiting your arrival.” I step aside so she could close and lock her door. I opened t
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Chapter 12
Tori POV I could feel myself getting more anxious and restless the closer we got to the territory. Victor tried to keep me engaged in conversation to ease my mind and it helped somewhat, but the nerves were still running wild. He asked me to tell him about myself. I talked about my love for gardening, cooking, music and theater and that I hold a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He seemed quite interested in that fact and said he would have to spar with me some time. I briefly talked about my mother and how she had passed from breast cancer two years ago and that my stepfather and Tammy were the only family I had left. He seemed unsettled by that admission but didn’t say any more about it. “What’s he like?” I asked after several minutes of silence. “He’s fair and honest” I frowned at that and shook my head. “Victor, what kind of person is he? Does he have a mate? Any children?” I noticed he got nervous and shifted in his seat. H
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Chapter 14
Tori POV I awake slowly to find myself lying in the most comfortable bed I’ve ever been in…. again. The intense sweet smell of sandalwood and mahogany envelopes me as I inhale the wonderful scent. I must be in Victor’s room. As much as I would love to stay here all day, I don’t think it appropriate for me to linger too long. I open my eyes and glance around the room. I see the picture frame I was holding earlier was placed back on the shelf. Hopefully I didn’t break it when I dropped it. I feel a weight on my arm, and I look down to find Victor holding my hand and his head lying on the mattress. I smile to myself as I look upon this handsome man with such concern for me. I remember him now. He was my friend long ago when I used to live here with my mother. He was my ‘Whisper’. He took care of me, looked out for me, and tried to keep me out of trouble. I was quite the rambunctious child. Always getting into everything, especially trouble with the pack members. But being
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Chapter 15
Tori POV I sat there nervously, fidgeting with my fingers. My boots suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room. I kept tugging on the hem of my shirt and smoothing my hair. I quickly glanced up at Rick and gave a small smile. “What… would you like to t-talk about?” I clasped my hands together and try to sit up with confidence. I could feel my face flush, my palms sweating and my mouth was dry. Although he’s my father and has shown no negative or angry attitude towards me, his presence does command attention in any room he occupies. I was very nervous about the conversation about to happen. I’ve opened the door to a new relationship with my father, does not mean he can order me around or prohibit me from doing something. I know he is going to try to talk me out of going to the Hidden Valley Pack to help the Alpha there. I’ve already made up my mind, and being as stubborn as I am, I won’t change it. I get the feeling my stubbornness came from
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Chapter 16
Alpha Merrick POV I could not contain myself as I paced a hole in the carpet as I wondered from one end of my office to the other. Occasionally I would peer out the bay windows.She was here.My daughter was here.After all these years, I finally found her. After chasing so many leads, so many sightings. More often than not they were dead ends or mistaken identities. By the luck of the Goddess, my Gamma’s mate just so happens to be best friends with her. What are the odds! If the Goddess were here, I’d kiss her feet for eternity! I have no idea what she looks like now. Of course, she’ll have her mother’s traits and maybe some of mine. I’m sure she’s just as beautiful as her mother was. During the search and investigation of Tori, Victor found out a bit about her childhood. I learned that after they left, they spent a few years roaming from place to place barely being able to support the both of them. She went to nursing school and found a job a
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Chapter 13
Victor POV I stepped into the room and saw the bed empty. I immediately scanned the room to find Tori over by my bookshelves holding a frame. She was looking at a picture of me and her when we were little. Suddenly, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “I know you… “ I nodded slowly to her as she turned pale and had a glazed look in her eyes. She whispered something as she passed out again. I stepped up quickly and caught her just before her legs gave out. I placed her back on my bed and stepped back for Tammy to sit beside her and brush her hair away from her face. “She’s had quite an overwhelming day today. So much of her past coming back at her all at once, I’m surprised she’s holding up as good as she is. She’s definitely a fighter. Not much can bring her down, but I am hoping you guys will explain everything to her. If you have no intention of having her in your life, then don’t lead her on. Let her go back to her life. She’s be
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Chapter 17
Tori POV “I believe we need to talk about you going to another territory.” I fell back in my chair as I glanced at Victor, who tried his hardest not to chuckle out loud. “Well… “ I gave my father a sheepish grin and dropped my head back to stare at the ceiling. “Well…?” My father repeated as he sat at his desk staring at me with that expectant look father’s have when they are waiting for your answer, but they already know what it is. “Explain please, Tori.” He said in a softer tone. Realizing that it wouldn’t be a good idea to jump right into the strict fatherly mode just yet. Our first hurdle as a family, I wonder what he’ll do. “I will be visiting a pack to help the future Alpha recover from his injuries so he can lead his pack.” I know I am making it sound so much simpler than it really is. In reality, I have no idea what to expect, but I can’t in all honesty, turn down Dr. MacDonald after he has done
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Chapter 18
Victor POV I stood there in Alpha Rick’s office observing the exchange between him and Tori. She was nervous as first, but relaxed more as time went on. Rick was careful in how he spoke to Tori, choosing his words carefully, he did not want to upset her, or come across as controlling since they just reunited. When Alpha asked Tori to take his hand and concentrate on him, I watched her face contort into so many emotions, it was heart wrenching. Seeing her brows go up in surprise then she frowned, then she lowered her head with tears falling from her eyes. I felt so helpless then, but I understood that the Alpha wanted her to see what happened. I guess this was easier than having to say it out loud to his daughter about he treated her mother. I wasn’t there, but I heard the stories from my own father, and they weren’t very good. It certainly explained why he was so ruthless over the years. I count him lucky that he did find Tori and that she was willing
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Chapter 19
Tori POV I sat there opposite Rick, holding his hand as he bowed down trying to hide the tears in his eyes. For many years I have struggled with the thought of who and where my real father was. Wondering if he missed me or was he even looking for me. I asked my mother a few times about him, and got nothing but anger and attitude from her, but no answers. If I wanted to find him and know him, I was on my own. After many years of my internal battle against curiosity and fear, curiosity won and I started actively looking for him. I knew where I was born and lived for the first four years of my life. So that is where my search began. Of course, it’s not easy looking for an Alpha werewolf without spilling the secret to the humans. Not as easy as it sounds. I all but gave up when I graduated high school and chose nursing as my career. First year at school, I was sharing a dorm room with an overactive, extremely spunky girl with long brown hair and sharp hazel eyes. She was v
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