All Chapters of The Unsaints : Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
Page 21
" Here's your cellphone " Theo said when he returns. I look up to his face and get up to my feet to receive the mobile he had extended. Theo caught my wrist with that movement and pull me to himself. His lips just few inches to mine. He searched my face but I do not give him any expression except the angry one I have laced. I am kinda mad at him but I know it won't be for long. Not when his lips has now being pressed to the nape of my neck. Not when his hands has started rubbing my back. In no time I lost myself in lust. I wounded my arms around his neck and he kissed me softly. Theo knows how to tease me with his tongue just as how JL know how to tease me with his lips. I moan into his mouth and let out a soft sigh when he pulled away, my eyes already Hungry and sparkling. Theo stare at me this time and smile gently. " I'm sorry for paying a little attention to you. I promise mother I will do better from now on " He said and instantly my breath caught up in my throat. By mother I
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page 22
" Is this how you tried to play petty so you could discourage me from toping JL? " That was Theo's next question that stole away my breath. " Dahlia is this how you tell lies just... " " I am telling you the truth Theo! " I yelled out crazily. He just said something about me playing petty for JL's sake. No! " Why should I tell lies about someone being my father? Mr Lawn of Lawn Tower is set to marry mother. He enrolled me into this college. Provided everything that I needed. He is a good man and as for JL, I would never play petty concerning his win or loss. He is a fighter. He is determined to take the throne away from you Theo. If I were you I won't be too relaxed. Once jasper Lawn is set to do something, nothing else would keep him away. Now if you will excuse me. I should go back to my room before my boyfriend whom I have sacrifice so much tears for to start calling me a liar " I stood up at once , goes to the room and put on my clothes, leaving the nightdress on the bed. I grab
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Page 23
The hall is a very large one. The types that I have only seen in TV. That day I know there is more to FFC than I have thought. There at the top, before everyone is Mrs coopers with the microphone. A bright smile on her face as she addressed every seated students. I turn to see JL and Theo seated across each other at the podium. They are not staring at each other but before then was two books.Keach stirred me gently to take my seat at the middle and I lowered myself on the space. My eyes never left JL's face. How he dressed up expensively and how his hair was curled up now. On his wrist is the popular wristwatch of the wealthies brand. $50,000,000 or more would the watch possibly cost. I look away from him finally and turn to Theo. He is different on the stage. Different from minutes ago when he has given me the necklace that has his initial tag name. It's around my neck now. I wore it. I have to obey Theo somehow. I know the relationship between JL and I won't work out. I was s
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Page 24
" Come here princess " My step dad says as we left the large hall. After making everything official, Dad had pull me out and headed towards the luxurious car that was parked. I have thought he only wants me to escort him to his car but when we get there, he opened the car door for me to enter. " Uh... Dad I thought you are going alone " " No. Your mother wishes to see you and I would love to introduce JL to her today as well " I turn to see JL actually coming along too but he was Busy with some school authorities. " Good morning Mr Dylan " I whispers softly as I entered the car and sat down at the backseat. He was at the driver's seat, waiting for everyone to settled In. " Hi princess " He replied with a smile as he glanced at me briefly through the visor. He is such a beautiful man. I returned the smile before staring out. There I saw dad leaning over the car. He hasn't enter. His utmost attention was on his only son. I saw a smile curling up at the corner of his lips proudly
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Page 25
I slowly walk into the room where JL is. He had retired to his room after what had happened minutes ago. I almost feel his agony and hatred. His father had pushed him too far and he never shows sympathy. When I step into the room I saw JL dressing up for another training. I almost cried for him. He hasn't been resting or sleeping well. Slowly I walk to him and hug him from behind. " I'm sorry JL. I'm sorry I couldn't be of help " I mutter and to my awe JL walk ahead, breaking off the physical contact.He marched forward to get his duffel bag then turn to me. His eyes were guarded and distant. " I am off to training. Can you drive? " He asked me and I dropped my jaw for some seconds before gulping down. " Yeah " " Well, let's go then. You can drop me off at the training section while you drive yourself to the resident hall " I didn't move an inch and I got my reasons. Why the hell would JL keeps me at arm's length? His eyes are extremely distant. Probably because of Dad? I wa
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Page 26
Theo stop his car before a large restaurant and help me alight. When I look up I saw the initial tag name that makes me smile. The building belongs to none other than his father. Elegantly I walk forward and Theo stayed by my side with his hand at the small of my back. The staffs all bow in respect before the heir of all Ductal's wealth and I felt hairs on my pores standing at it's end. In no time they dashes towards their post and act professional. It's great to school in a college that host the wealthies. Here I am, a poor lady of the past beside one of the richest heir in the City. " Please this way " A fine man in suit says. He ushered us to a gorgeous corner where he smiles softly at Theo and me. " I will call unto the waitress to take your order sir " The man left and I watched till he disappear from sight. I might be wrong but I think I caught him shivering and sweating. Wealth! It could do and undo in just a jiffy without any stress. " That's the manager here. Don't min
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Page 27
" Do you think it's the best idea? " I heard Keach asked behind me. " Taking him unaware could means many things " " I have to know Keach before I could make another movement. Theo's faithfulness will determine my next action " Keach and I walks out of our room and goes out into the night. So my roommate and I had concluded to pay Theo an august visit. My plan is to catch him red-handed in the act of cheating me. This would be a relief to me actually and an excuse to be out of the ill bond. The cold night wind blow out aggressively and I breathe out shakily. " I think we should be expecting rain tonight dahlia " " Whatever. We should focus on our mission to TDR " After walking for some minutes we Arrived before Theo's resident. I turn to see keach staying back. " What's up? The plan is we will in go together " " One has to stay and keep watch. Give me a yell if things go ugly " I had to scoff but then headed in. If I caught Theo with the professor then I will act mad and da
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