All Chapters of Goodnight Katelyn: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
62 Chapters
KATELYN'S POV♡♡♡"Is your new cellphone all set? Do you still need to register your SIM card?" he asked while preparing our packed lunch. It has been a month since we started dating, and my plaster cast has been removed from my foot. I can walk properly now, but I still need to be careful and avoid long walks."It's fine. They managed to recover my phone, and my SIM card is intact," I replied, helping him with our meal preparations for work."That's good to hear. Just let me know if you need anything," I nodded and looked at him while he was busy with his tasks. I still can't believe that Eligor is my boyfriend now.I didn't expect to move on from Gadreel this quickly. Whenever I see him at work, I still can't look at him directly. I often avoid him, and he does the same to me.It seems like he doesn't care about the news regarding Eli and me, but I occasionally catch him giving us a disapproving look. On the other hand, Eligor acts as if it's no big deal. He's always happy, and it f
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KATELYN'S POV♡♡♡"I'm leaving now, just about what we discussed, okay? Aimee and I will go to your apartment this weekend. Bye, guys! Enjoy!" She waved at both Eli and me, and I noticed that Eli waved back in a normal manner.Once she left, I immediately asked Eligor, "Are you serious? I just saw that girl for the first time. Who is she?" I questioned Eli, who paused eating and turned his hand toward his face, making a loud snap.We fell silent for a moment, just staring at each other. It seemed like he was waiting for something to happen or for me to say something."What was that for?" I asked in confusion, observing his widened eyes in astonishment before he returned to his food."Oh, nothing. I just tried to get your attention. I was a bit too restless," he replied, and who wouldn't be restless given the circumstances?"Well, it just feels off. Something is definitely wrong. I don't know any beautiful Loraine in the high school department," I responded, and he gripped his neck whi
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ELIGOR'S POV♡♡♡An elderly woman sat at the side of the alleyway, and I had been keeping an eye on her and following her every move for several days. Every morning, she would be in front of the gate of a public school, selling her goods there. In the afternoon, she would move to the side of the grocery store in front of the parking lot.I approached her cautiously, and she didn't notice my presence, so I sat down in front of her."Hello," I greeted, raising my hand in greeting, and she immediately became alert and moved away from me."Hahaha, how are you?" I asked her, and she looked at me with disdain."What are you doing here, huh? Leave my sight or my merchandise might suffer losses," she said, pretending to be innocent, so I just smiled at her."I will leave, but you shouldn't show up in this place, old lady," I replied, while she stared at me seriously."Why? Because of the girl you victimized? Why haven't you left this place yet? Are you planning to kill her?" My smile vanished
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KATELYN'S POV♡♡♡"Hmm, Eli," I was about to take a breath when he suddenly seized my lips once again. It was so deep and intense that it made it hard for me to breathe.I felt like my mind was going blank and I couldn't think straight. All I knew was that I had to match his mouth's movements and savor his hot and delicious kisses.His large hands held my flushed cheeks firmly. He pressed himself into the kiss, refusing to let me go. My knees grew weak, and I found myself leaning against the door of his apartment, eventually sitting on the floor.But it seemed like he didn't care at all, he just continued kissing me and exploring the depths of my mouth.I tried tapping his back, desperately trying to catch my breath, but I was getting dizzy and I finally gave in, gripping his neck and back for support."Haaa—""Oh no!!! Sorry! Sorry! Ah, wait, I'll get some water, I'm really sorry!" He panicked as he realized what he had done to me. He was about to stand up and fetch some water, but I
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KATELYN'S POV♡♡♡Ugh— Eli couldn't help but let out soft and deep moans from his lips.He was thoroughly enjoying the way I played with his sword using my two breasts.I could also feel the steady pounding of my heart, the twitching of my legs and thighs. I couldn't resist any longer; I wanted to ride him."Enough," he said, surprising me as he opened the shower and positioned me with my back against the mirror. The soap slid off our bodies, revealing Eli behind me, bent over and ready for me.I turned my head and saw his long, angry and flushed length. He grabbed my behind and squeezed, causing me to bite my lip. He trailed his hand along my waist and gripped it.Without warning, I suddenly felt his sword rapidly thrusting into my passage. It buried itself deep inside, almost reaching my core."Place both of your hands on the mirror and bend your hips towards me," he instructed, but I felt shy. I didn't know why, but I knew he could see it all from behind."Like this?" I stuttered,
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KATELYN'S POV♡♡♡Is this true? Is it true that something happened between Eligor and me? Wait— I wasn't dreaming, right? This isn't just a dream like my previous dreams, is it?OMG! He's right next to me! Lying down and topless! This is really happening, and everything we did together actually happened.I hide under the blanket, trying to contain the excitement in my body. I can't believe we actually did those things, not just once but six times!Now that I've woken up, I can feel the aches in my body. It feels like I've been beaten up and crushed by an elephant, I can't explain the pain, but it was definitely worth it!In my twenty-six years of existence, I've never experienced anything like this before. I thought I would just rely on the wet dreams that have been happening to me in the past few months, but thankfully, I now have a boyfriend who can share these experiences with me.I feel so fresh and my skin is glowing. I'm so incredibly happy! It's like all the stress has suddenly
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ELIGOR'S POV♡♡♡"What do you want to happen? Why are you meddling with my plans, huh?" I asked Loraine in annoyance. She was sitting in front of the counter, holding a wine glass."Just having fun, aren't you the only one enjoying it?" She questioned. This girl, I have no idea what she's plotting or what's going on in her mind.All I know is that she wants to disrupt the peace in this place."Retract what you said to Kate. I don't want to alter her memory anymore, and it's harmful when it's done repeatedly." I don't want Kate to lose her sanity or be in danger because of Loraine's manipulations. Mixing fictional scenarios with Kate's real life can be dangerous, and it might drive her mind into chaos, potentially driving her insane."Why haven't you explained it to her yet? I thought you talked to her when we got home that day," she replied, shaking her head while leaning on the counter and reaching for her drink."I denied it. I said there was nothing between us and that you were jus
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KATELYN'S POV♡♡♡"Do you have any more questions?" No one raised their hand, so the vice president started erasing what was written on the whiteboard."Okay, let's have a nice holiday vacation next week. No one should be late, alright?""Yes, sir!""And by the way, Mr. Park and Ms. Hernandez, can you create our itinerary? Since both of you are from the same province, Brentwood," he added, and Gadreel and I exchanged glances. He was sitting in front, far away from the three of us, Eli and Aimee."Sure," he replied, and I nodded.Even though I didn't want to work or talk to this guy again, I had no choice because it was necessary for our three-day, two-night vacation trip with the school.My co-teachers had no idea what had happened between Gadreel and me, so I couldn't refuse, fearing they might say something or notice my behavior."Why do you two need to work together?" Eli asked with a frown, glaring at Gadreel irritably.We were already packing our things since the meeting was over
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KATELYN'S POV♡♡♡"Isn't it wonderful to relax like this?" Aimee exclaimed as our bodies soaked in the hot spring. The water was warm, while a cool breeze swept through the air.We were at an open hot spring in Brentwood, known for its various types of hot springs and beautiful scenery."Tomorrow, shall we go to the foot of the volcano? It's not active, right?" Aimee asked, and I nodded."Yes, it hasn't been active for thirty years, and now the base of the mountain has turned into a ski park," I explained, and they seemed excited for tomorrow's activity."Do you guys know how to ski?" Loraine asked, but I didn't respond. Instead, I pretended to go back to soaking in the water and leaned against a large rock behind me.Honestly, I couldn't believe what Gadreel had told me about Loraine and the incubus in my dream.Moreover, what was he thinking, suspecting Eligor of all people? They entered school at the same time, and Eli had no knowledge of Loraine's actions.So when he whispered tha
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"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I can't help myself whenever I see you," he said as we sat on a bench near the bridge, watching the snowfall. Eli's face clearly displayed his embarrassment for what he had done. He kept his head down and avoided making eye contact with me while I, on the other hand, gazed up at the sky, allowing the snow to fall upon my head gently.The surroundings were cold, yet my cheeks felt unusually warm."Eli, could you please prepare me for any plans you have next time? It's risky in a place like this. What if Aimee had seen us earlier?" I replied, annoyed but couldn't deny that I enjoyed what had happened.They say it was a new experience, but it still made me nervous, especially when it seemed like Loraine, and I shared a meaningful glance earlier."Sorry, I promise it won't happen again, hehe," he clearly joked now, and let's bet that this scenario will repeat itself.This is not the first time something happened between us outside. Just recently, we did that in t
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